Final report for ONE22-426
Project Information
Human urine contains nutrients essential to plant growth, and its effective use as a fertilizer has been demonstrated across many crops. To support the growing number of farmers interested in adopting urine fertilization practices, this project assessed farm-scale application methods for 1) the use of urine in drip tape fertigation systems, 2) the novel uses of urine concentrate as a fertilizer and the application of urine under plastic mulch, and 3) the use of urine for chestnut and hickory tree nursery stock production. The project also assessed consumer and buyer attitudes, and produced a guide for farm-scale application of urine fertilizer.
To test methods for ensuring an even dispersal of urine in drip fertigation systems, we measured the electrical conductivity of samples taken along both 10’ and 100’ drip tape tubing. Urine was injected into the tape using a “plug-flow” method, in which water was pumped into the irrigation system for a period of time, then urine, and then water again. In trials using a 100’ tape, a constant amount of urine was injected into the system at three different rates: 1X, 2X, and 3X the advance time (the time taken for a drop of liquid to move from the first to the farthest emitter in the irrigation system). Evenness was quantified by calculating the distribution uniformity for each trial. We found a high distribution uniformity (≥0.95) from 2X advance time in 10’ tape trials, and from all advance times above 1X in 100’ tape trials. From these findings, we conclude that plug-flow injection is an effective method for delivering urine fertilizer evenly to crops, providing that the duration of urine injection is at least 1X the irrigation system’s characteristic advance time.
To trial the novel use of urine concentrate as a fertilizer, we used a gravity-fed tank and boom applicator to apply concentrated urine (about a 3X concentrate) to sweet corn grown at Pete’s Stand. The concentrated urine fertilizer enabled Janiszyn to fertilize about three times more acreage between tank refills when compared to standard urine, reducing application labor while still meeting sweet corn nutrient needs. In another trial of a novel application strategy at Pete’s Stand, urine was applied from an IBC tote at the same time as plastic mulch was applied using a tractor. This technique was found to be an easily manageable application method, though its effects on crop health were not quantified.
In the first application of urine to chestnut (Castanea dentata) trees, urine was applied to ground-planted seedlings at Yellowbud Farm using a gravity-fed tank and boom applicator. This method was logistically convenient for farmer-partners, though plant responses to this method were not quantified. Urine fertilization was also tested on yellowbud hickory (Carya cordiformis) seedlings for the first time at Yellowbud Farm. Hickory seedlings were grown in air-pruned beds, in which three treatment groups received either a low rate (.07L/ft sq), a high rate (.13L/ft sq), or no urine (control). Measurements of root diameter, stem diameter, stem height, and plant mass were taken after one season of growth. Root diameter and stem diameter were significantly greater in the high-rate group than the control group (p < .05), indicating that urine fertilization is an effective means of fertilizing this perennial tree crop, and that seedlings may benefit from higher fertilization rates than those tested in this study.
To glean qualitative data from farm applications, we conducted interview/site visits at each partner farm towards the end of the 2023 growing season to document farmer observations, complimenting the quantitative data gathered. Farmers at both partner farms were generally pleased with crop responses, though both partner farmers speculated that higher doses of urine fertilization might have provided additional benefits. Some differences were observed between concentrated and unconcentrated urine applications which may warrant further research.
To understand the socio-cultural climate surrounding urine fertilization practices, interviews were conducted with four wholesale buyers, and three dialogue groups were held with CSA members and farmers' market customers. Both dialogue group participants and wholesale buyers were generally supportive of the use of urine fertilizer for a range of reasons. Among dialogue group members, a key motivator was learning of the nutrient value of urine. Participants valued transparency and felt that information about urine fertilization should be communicated to customers when asked. However, opinions were mixed about whether farmers needed to disclose this information, with some feeling that it could be beneficial (indicating farmers' environmental stewardship) while others felt it could generate stigma. Both dialogue group members and wholesale buyers advocated that educational materials be available to customers and felt that these materials would generate wider support for urine fertilization. Generally, participants were most comfortable with the use of urine on non-edible crops and on fruits and berries, as opposed to leafy greens. Buyers indicated that some type of certification, such as approval of urine fertilization by Vermont Organic Farmers, would be very helpful to adoption.
As a final component of this project, results from Rich Earth’s prior research as well as the global body of literature were compiled into a farmer guide to document best-practices for farm-scale urine fertilization. The guide is shared on Rich Earth’s website, social media accounts (818 followers on Instagram, 1,865 followers on Facebook), and will be featured in our fall newsletter (1,350 subscribers). It was disseminated to Northeast farmers through a range of farmer networks, and will also be disseminated via relevant global platforms, including the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, the Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox, and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance.
Findings from this project will be useful to many groups, in particular farmers who have drip fertigation systems or perennial nursery crops. Findings from sweet corn trials provide preliminary evidence that urine concentrate can be used to increase application efficiency, indicating potential benefits to all farmers using urine as a fertilizer. In addition to farmers, results from this project and the information included in the guide will be useful to buyers and consumers in understanding safety concerns, attitudes, and practical components of urine fertilization. Results from this project were shared in a webinar, which featured three farmer partners from Yellowbud Farm and Pete’s Stand. It was attended by 79 participants and has received 112 views on YouTube.
This project seeks to demonstrate the effect of urine-derived fertilizer on a variety of crops, while further honing application methods and fertilizer formulations chosen to meet plant needs while minimizing harmful nutrient migration into the wider environment. The objectives were:
- Objective 1: Scale up and refine fertilization and application methods for several new crops, including urine-derived fertilizer type and application methods. Conduct side-by-side demonstrations, comparing urine-derived fertilizer to typically-used fertilizer for each crop. Document farmer experiences and plant response, including soil and crop analyses as requested by farmers.
- Objective 2: Understand perspectives of potential wholesale buyers and consumers of produce grown using urine-derived fertilizer, to inform educational and marketing strategies for farmers.
- Objective 3: Develop a guide for farm application, including key findings from Objectives 1 and 2 as well as past field trials and social research.
Documenting the impact of urine fertilizer and effective application methods for a variety of crops will enable more farmers to become familiar with and adopt this practice. Farmers will benefit from an increased ability to effectively utilize a low-cost and sustainable source of nitrogen fertilizer. Farmers will also better understand concerns of wholesale buyers and direct market customers, which will inform educational and marketing strategies.
By diverting human urine from the wastewater stream and transforming it into fertilizer, we are beginning to solve two major problems: pollution of sensitive waterways with nutrients from wastewater, and dependence of agriculture on unsustainable and expensive sources of fertilizer. The proposed project builds on previous work, improving methods for delivering urine fertilizer appropriately to meet plant nutritional needs and developing a farmer guide to support the adoption of this sustainable amendment.
Surface waters throughout the Northeast are heavily impacted by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution due to both agricultural runoff, as well as wastewater effluent–primarily due to the urine it contains (70% of the nitrogen and 50% of the phosphorus in wastewater is from urine). Many wastewater plants and most septic systems are unable to control this nutrient pollution and are poorly suited to nutrient reclamation.
Meanwhile, nitrogen fertilizer is derived from the Haber-Bosh process, which accounts for 1.2% of global energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions (Dawson & Hilton, 2011), while high-N amendments used by organic farmers are expensive and supplies are uncertain. Phosphate is a finite resource, subject to politically induced price swings, and the Global Phosphorous Research Initiative is predicting a shortage of high-quality rock phosphate within 40 years. Additionally, some fertilizer prices have increased more than 300% since 2021 (Myers & Nigh, 2021).
The potential of urine-derived fertilizer is immense. With 54.5 million people living in the Northeast SARE region, each producing 4 kg of nitrogen in their urine annually (Vinnerås & Jönsson, 2002), there is a maximum potential to source 218 million kg of nitrogen fertilizer each year, (plus P, K and trace nutrients,) which would nearly meet the region’s approximately 280 million kg demand for N fertilizer (US EPA, 2019). While nitrogen is the most significant nutrient that human urine could supply, Rich Earth has also successfully separated phosphorus from urine, producing struvite and a low-P liquid fertilizer. Rich Earth’s prior agronomic research and technological development has addressed a number of barriers to farmer adoption of the use of urine as a fertilizer (Noe-Hays, 2018; Noe-Hays, 2022).
The effectiveness of urine as a fertilizer has been demonstrated in pot and field trials with crops including amaranth (AdeOluwa & Cofie, 2012), cowpea (Lomeling & Huria, 2020), corn, bean, and cabbage (Shingiro et al., 2020). Rich Earth has conducted the only known field studies of human urine fertilizer in the Northeast region, including yield trials for hay which demonstrated that diluted and undiluted urine are both effective fertilizers, increasing yield in second cut hay on par with synthetic fertilizers (Noe-Hays & Nace, 2014). Rich Earth’s methods aim to integrate urine fertilization with existing practices and equipment, allowing for efficient application matched to crop needs and field conditions.
Although still uncommon, urine diversion is gaining traction. Laufen, a high-end porcelain company, is manufacturing a new urine-diverting toilet, and the National Fish and Wildlife Federation is funding urine diverting toilet installations to protect Long Island Sound. Rich Earth Institute’s LLC spin-off is now selling urine pasteurizers that will enable farms throughout Vermont to produce state-permitted urine fertilizer (whether through use of Rich Earth’s mobile pasteurizer or purchase of a pasteurizer unit to keep on-site). Charcoal filtration can remove pharmaceutical contaminants in urine (Solanki & Boyer, 2017), thereby addressing concerns of some farmers and stakeholders identified in prior research. Urine collection in Vermont is projected to increase substantially in the coming years due to the expansion of Rich Earth’s community collection program to Rockingham, VT, and the establishment of a new urine-collecting portable toilet company (wasted*) in Burlington, VT. These new developments, combined with the application guide created in this project, have the potential to make urine fertilizer more practical, effective, and useful to farmers in the Northeast.
Additionally, farmers have indicated a desire to better understand the perspectives of buyers and consumers prior to adopting urine fertilizer. Since urine is in a gray area for organic certification, farmers who practice "organic" methods but are not certified are prime early adopters for urine fertilizer. In our prior research with farmers in this category, they expressed a desire to understand the potential concerns about the use of this fertilizer on the part of buyers who purchase wholesale products from the farm. Additionally, farmers were interested in better understanding the perspectives of consumers who purchase agricultural products directly from farmers (i.e. CSA and/or farmstand customers). Through conducting social research with these groups - and characterizing key perspectives in the farmer guide - this work will help develop farmer education and marketing strategies.
While significant research has demonstrated effectiveness of urine as a fertilizer for different contexts and methods, there are few resources directed toward supporting farmer adoption of this practice. As access to urine fertilizer increases, a farmer guide communicating both the agronomic and social findings of this project as well as key conclusions from Rich Earth’s work over the past ten years will enable farmers to make decisions about best practices for diverse crops and application methods. The digital version of the guide can be updated as research continues.
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Drip Fertigation Trial (Methods)
This portion of the research project involved applying urine fertilizer through a drip irrigation system (aka fertigation), and testing a particular method that minimizes clogging of the drip irrigation emitters. Specifically, we tested a fertigation approach of supplying the irrigation system with pure water, then urine fertilizer, and then water again. This is in contrast to the more typical fertigation approach of supplying water to the irrigation system for the entire irrigation period, and gradually injecting fertilizer into the water stream.
This was a follow-up experiment that built upon a previous 2020 SARE Partnership project (Noe-Hays, 2022) in which we demonstrated that urine fertilizer could be effectively applied via fertigation using drip irrigation equipment. The previous project focused on the potential for drip irrigation emitters to become clogged by deposits formed through interactions between the minerals in urine irrigation water. These minerals form when urine and hard water are mixed together, for instance when magnesium in hard water reacts with ammonium and phosphate in urine to form struvite crystals. Our prior work tested two fertigation methods:
- the “well-mixed” method of pumping water into the irrigation system while gradually injecting urine, resulting in thorough mixing of the urine and irrigation water
- the “plug-flow” method of pumping water into the irrigation system for a period of time, then switching a valve and pumping pure urine into the system, and then switching back to water, resulting in little mixing of urine and water because the urine is delivered as a slug
This previous research showed that clogging was not a problem with either method when using moderately hard water (124 ppm), but the well-mixed method caused clogging of the inline screen filter and of emitters when using very hard water (255 ppm). The plug flow method proved to prevent clogging even when using very hard water, but the disadvantage was that the urine fertilizer was not evenly distributed along the length of the irrigation lines.
To address the uneven distribution issues observed in this previous SARE project, the trials for this 2022 SARE Partnership project (conducted in the summers of 2023 and 2024) aimed to 1) quantify the unevenness of urine distribution in drip irrigation lines, 2) identify factors contributing to uneven distributions, and 3) test methods to improve evenness. Our 2023 and 2024 irrigation trials exclusively used drip tape, as it is the most common and economical drip irrigation method, and it was shown to be compatible with urine fertigation in previous trials.
Pete's Stand: Fertilizing Annual Row Crops (Methods)
Sweet Corn Trial: In prior 2021 trials, we developed methods for fertilizing sweet corn (Zea mays) with urine in collaboration with farmer John Janiszyn (Pete’s Stand). In these trials, urine was dispensed to corn rows from a +/- 35 gallon tank mounted on a 3-point hitch, where it flowed from the tank through a hose to an opening just behind a center-mounted single-row cultivator. In the 2023 trials conducted in this study, Janiszyn hoped to refine the urine fertilizer application methods used previously in order to reduce application labor while fertilizing a larger area of sweet corn.
To increase labor efficiency during field application of urine fertilizer, we had planned to assemble a larger, 275-gallon applicator tank with multiple application nozzles to use with a multi-row cultivator. However, extreme summer rains during the 2023 growing season substantially impacted farm operations and precluded the construction and testing of new application equipment. Instead, we used the same applicator system used in 2021 trials, but filled it with concentrated urine fertilizer rather than standard urine. The concentrated urine fertilizer contained about 17.3 g of nitrogen per liter, which was about a 3X concentrate.
Pumpkin Trial: In June, 2024 we applied urine to a different section of Janiszyn’s field in Westminster, VT. This year, John planted pumpkins in this field using plastic mulch. Urine was applied from a IBC tank (the steel-caged, 250-gallon, palletized containers often used in shipping) mounted on the front forks of the tractor with the bottom drain connected to a 90° fitting that directed the flow of urine straight onto the ground in front of the tractor. Urine was then buried as the soil was mounded up and covered with a layer of plastic mulch by the plastic laying machine. Pumpkin seedlings were transplanted into the fertilized soil.
Two rows of pumpkins were fertilized with liquid urine fertilizer which had been pasteurized and diluted with water prior to application. One row received urine diluted to approximately 57% urine, and the second row received a higher concentration of urine diluted to approximately 78% urine.
Yellowbud Farm: Fertilizing Nursery Trees (Methods)
Chestnut trials: In the first trials of urine fertilization of perennial nursery crops, we conducted an experiment in collaboration with Yellowbud farm to assess methods of urine fertilization on chestnut nursery stock planted in the ground. Saplings were fertilized using an applicator tank and boom (Figures 6 and 7) in June when they were 6-12 inches in height. They were fertilized using pasteurized urine from the Rich Earth Institute applied at a 2:1 dilution rate of water:urine, working out to 33% urine. Approximately 30 gallons of urine was dispensed on 17 nursery beds, each measuring approximately 450 feet long and four feet wide.
Hickory Trials: A smaller, controlled urine fertilization trial was also conducted in air pruned beds on hickory seedlings at Yellowbud Farm. Urine was applied before germination on June 21 and again to seedlings on August 4 in three treatment groups: a low rate (.07L/ft sq), a high rate (.13L/ft sq), and a non-fertilized control. Four beds were each divided into six subplots, and each of the three treatment groups were randomly assigned to 2 subplots/bed for a total of 8 replicates/treatment. For both applications, beds were lightly watered to moisten the soil prior to fertilization, and urine was diluted and applied using a watering can. Beds were lightly watered again immediately following urine application.
Germination was lower than expected in the air-pruned beds, likely because the hickory seeds were too dry at harvest. On November 17, all seedlings were collected and growth indicators of 1) root diameter, 2) stem diameter at base, and 3) stem height were measured. The combined wet mass for all seedlings was recorded for each plot, and seedlings were oven-dried and dry mass recorded for only plot 3. R statistical software was used to perform an ANOVA to determine differences in growth parameters between treatments. Diameter measurements were log transformed for normality.
Farmer Qualitative Observations (Methods)
Partner farmers were asked to observe and document crop responses to the urine fertilizer and comparison treatments, including observations of plant development, fruit set, pest and disease pressure, and any other indicators they felt were relevant. To assist with documentation of their observations, we conducted an interview/site visit at each farm towards the end of the season. We also documented the applications with photos and asked farmers to document plant responses.
Buyer & Consumer Perspectives (Methods)
To understand potential concerns of buyers, we focused on those who buy wholesale products, primarily from farmers who practice organic methods but are not certified organic, as these are key constituents for the use of urine fertilizer. To better understand consumer concerns, we conducted three dialogue groups with consumers who purchase agricultural products directly from farmers (i.e. CSA and/or farmstands). Because this is a relatively small sample, we did not conduct statistical analysis, but rather drew out key themes and specific questions and concerns to inform ongoing research, and assist farmers with future educational and marketing materials. Many of the ideas gleaned from this research also informed the farmer guide created in this project.
Four wholesale buyers based in Vermont who buy produce, or other agricultural products, from local farmers were interviewed, addressing concerns such as pharmaceutical residuals. What would they need to know about treatment/processing (for example), to feel comfortable? These included one buyer for a food co-op, one business owner who buys produce for creating fermented foods for sale, and two buyers for farm-to-institution agencies. Three of the four preferred to remain anonymous for the purpose of this report and the guide; for consistency we have chosen to keep all four buyers' names confidential (see here for the Buyer Interview Guide, recruitment flier, and consent form).
Three dialogue groups were conducted with CSA/Farmstand customers. Participants were recruited by tabling and talking to customers at farmers markets over the summer of 2023, and asked CSA farmers to advertise this opportunity to their customers. We gathered approximately 40 names of potential participants. We had intended to select from these randomly, but at the time the dialogue groups were scheduled, only 16 of the 40 were available, so all 16 were included in the three groups. These facilitated conversations addressed general attitudes about the use of urine as a fertilizer on agricultural crops, information needs, and whether and how urine-fertilized crops should be labeled. All participants' identities remained confidential to facilitate free exchange of ideas. (See here for the Dialogue Group Interview Guide, recruitment flyer, and consent form).
Optional demographic information was collected from all dialogue group participants to determine whether we had included a somewhat diverse sample.
- Ages ranged from 28 - 72
- Gender included 9 female, 6 male, 1 non-binary
- Race/ethnicities listed were primarily white/Caucasian with 1 identifying as Ashkenazi Jew and 1 Middle Eastern
- Religions/Spiritualities listed were primarily "none," "agnostic" or "atheist" with 1 identifying as Jewish and 1 as Animist
- Incomes included 3 people in the 10,000 - 20,000 range; 1 in the 80,000 - 100,000 range; and the rest fairly evenly represented between those two income levels
- Education levels included 2 with "some college;" 3 with Masters degrees; and the rest all having Bachelor's degrees.
All interviewees and dialogue group participants read and signed informed consent forms, and received a stipend of $40. One buyer declined payment. Two buyer interviews were conducted in person; two by Zoom. All dialogue groups were conducted in person. Dialogue groups and interviews were all transcribed and analyzed for key themes, concerns, and recommendations
Co-developing Guide (Methods)
To respond to farmer requests for an application guide, we drew on our previous ten years of research, literature review, and consultation with local farmers to create a urine fertilization guide, Farmer Guide to Fertilizing with Urine, featuring information about urine nutrient content, application methods for different crops, sanitation methods (including Rich Earth’s pasteurizer unit), buyer and consumer perspectives, and several case profiles of the experience of Rich Earth farm partners, from this project as well as previous partnerships. The steps involved:
- Review and compilation of prior research results
- Documentation of field trials from prior SARE-funded projects, and the current project, for case profiles of farm partners
- Writing and editing the guide
- Soliciting feedback from six reviewers including two agricultural educators, three farmers, and one consultant working on ecological sanitation. [Unfortunately only four of the six ended up having time for this review.] Two reviewers received stipends for their efforts; two others declined payment.
- Incorporating feedback, further revision
- Formatting the guide
- Public dissemination of the guide, with targeted outreach to Northeast farmers
Drip Fertigation Trial (Results)

Summer 2023: Irrigation trials for the current SARE project began in the summer of 2023. We used the same experimental setup as used previously: a center-fed ½” mainline with ten 10’ foot tapes (Figure 1). Some test runs were done using drip tape with a 0.67 GPM/100’ flow rate, and others with 1 GMP/100’ tape.
We quantified how evenly the urine was distributed during each test run by calculating the distribution uniformity (DU), which is a variability measurement used to quantify evenness of fertilizer delivery in fertigation systems (Coates et al., 2011). During each test run, we set sample collection buckets under the drip tape at even intervals and collected all the fertigation water emitted at the sampling locations over the course of the fertigation run. The electrical conductivity (EC) of each sample was measured using a Hach CDC410 EC probe and Hach HQ440D meter, and the measured EC was used as a proxy for the fertilizer concentration in the sample. For each test run, the conductivity measurements taken at the lowest quartile of sampling locations were averaged, and this average was divided by the average conductivity measurement at all sampling locations, as shown in the following equation:
DU = (Average EC of lowest quartile) / (Average EC of all samples)
A DU of 1 indicates perfect uniformity, and values above 0.85 are considered to be acceptable for drip fertigation (Cahn, 2018). The DU values calculated for all 2023 trials are compiled in Table 1 below.
Two test runs using the 0.67 GPM/100’ drip tape resulted in good DU when drip tapes were in a horizontal position (baseline operation treatment), and when tapes were at a 4% slope (elevation treatment). When the pressure in the irrigation system was allowed to drop for 15 seconds between the initial water injection and the urine injection (fluctuating pressure treatment), the DU suffered and was below 0.85. Because such a pressure drop can be avoided through careful operation, we conducted no further pressure drop tests, but noted the importance of avoiding a pressure drop when transitioning from water to urine.
Testing using the 1 GPM/100’ drip tape had different results. Baseline operation gave poor DU in four test runs, indicating that there was a fundamental problem with distribution, even with tapes in the horizontal position and no pressure fluctuations.
After reviewing available literature, we determined that a too-short advance time (described below) may have been responsible for the poor fertilizer distribution, and we decided to focus on investigating this factor.
Advance time is the time taken for a drop of liquid to move from the first to the farthest emitter in an irrigation system (da Silva et al, 2022), and in a drip irrigation system it is a characteristic based on drip tape length and water velocity. It can be calculated by injecting dye into the irrigation system, and then measuring the elapsed time between the moments when the dye is observed to begin flowing from the first emitter and from the last emitter.
To promote good fertilizer distribution, the fertilizer should not be injected too quickly, and the duration of the injection period should be at least twice as long as the characteristic advance time of the irrigation system (da Silva et al, 2022).
We calculated the advance time of our test setup by injecting dyed water and measuring the time it took for dye to become visible at the last emitter. We then determined that the duration of the urine injection period was only about ⅔ of the advance time, rather than the recommended 2X. We therefore modified our protocol so that the urine injection period would be 2X the advance time. We did this by diluting the urine prior to injection, in order to increase the volume of fertilizer so that it would be injected over a longer period of time, without changing the total amount of nutrients injected. With the injection duration increased to 2X the advance time, distribution uniformity was excellent (0.95) (Table 1).
Table 1: Distribution Uniformities for varying experimental parameters in 2023 trials.
The summer 2023 trials found no measurable effect on DU from inclining the drip tapes by 4%, but the tapes were very short, and a larger effect may exist with longer lines. Depressurization of the system while switching from water to urine had a major negative effect on DU, as did the use of a short injection period when using 1 GPM/100’ drip tape. Injection duration in relation to advance time was identified as the most important factor to investigate in 2024.
Summer 2024: In summer 2024 trials, we modified our previous experimental setup to consist of a single 100’ drip tape, rather than ten 10’-foot tapes in parallel, to better approximate a real-world drip irrigation system.
To continue research into the effect of urine injection duration on distribution uniformity, we conducted test runs with fertilizer injection durations equal to approximately 1X, 2X, and 3X of the advance time (which we determined by dye injection to be 1.87 minutes).
By coincidence, because this system had an advance time of 1.87 minutes and a flow rate of 1 GPM, the time taken to inject the experimentally specified 2 gallons of urine (2 minutes) was very close to the advance time of this system (1.87 minutes). As a result, injecting 2 gallons of undiluted urine resulted in an injection duration equal to 1.07X the advance time. We therefore specified that each experimental dilution would contain 2 gallons of pure urine, with 0, 2, or 4 gallons of water added for the three injection duration treatments, which were nominally 1X, 2X, and 3X the advance time, respectively. (In actuality, the injection durations were approximately 7% longer than their nominal duration, because the undiluted treatment had an injection duration of 1.07, and injection duration could be lengthened by dilution but not shortened.)
Test runs for each injection duration were conducted in triplicate. Injection of the urine (or diluted urine) was preceded by two gallons of pre-injection water to fill and pressurize the system, and followed by 16 gallons of post-injection water to flush the remaining urine from the drip tape. Samples were collected every 10’ along the 100’ drip tape, and temperature, electrical conductivity, and volume of each sample were recorded.
Distribution uniformity was excellent across all three injection duration treatments. The raw data is shown in Figure 2 below. Even the shortest injection duration tested (1X advance time) had an excellent DU value, in contrast to the 0.67X advance time injection duration measured in 2023. This could indicate that there is a major DU performance transition between 0.67 and 1X advance time, but it is important to be aware that the physical configuration of the irrigation systems were very different in 2023 and 2024. Therefore we cannot draw this conclusion, and can only state that injection times between 1X and 3X advance time provided excellent distribution uniformity using a single 100’ length of drip tape with a flow rate of 1 GMP/100’.

Table 2: Average distribution uniformity (DU) values for injection
durations of 1X, 2X, and 3X advance time in 2024 trials.
We also conducted limited runs to test whether temperature differences between cold urine and warm irrigation water could affect the DU, due to colder and denser urine moving along the bottom of the irrigation lines or preferentially pooling in dips in the drip tapes. However, preliminary testing conducted at 1X advance time with large temperature differences between urine and water showed similar results compared to other trials where such a temperature difference was not enforced. Results can be found in Supporting-Information-Drip-Fertigation-Trials.
Our conclusion is that plug-flow injection of urine fertilizer is an effective method for delivering urine fertilizer to crops using a drip irrigation system. Care should be given to maintain constant pressure within the irrigation system when switching between urine and water, and the duration of urine injection should be at least 1X the irrigation system’s characteristic advance time. Although we did not observe this in our experiment, literature suggests that injection durations of at least 2X the advance time may sometimes be needed to achieve good distribution uniformity. Achieving injection durations of 2X or more requires dilution of the urine fertilizer with water, but doing so could involve trade-offs for growers using very hard water due to greater risk of clogging.
The next step in the study of this topic should be testing plug-flow injection of urine into a real-world drip irrigation system on a farm and documenting the distribution uniformity and any issues with clogging.
Pete's Stand: Fertilizing Annual Row Crops (Results)
Sweet Corn Trial: The use of concentrated urine fertilizer enabled Janiszyn to fertilize about three times more acreage between tank refills, compared with using standard urine, reducing application labor. This was the first field crop farm trial of urine concentrate fertilizer, a novel product produced using freeze concentration technology developed by Brightwater Tools LCC (a spin-off of the Rich Earth Institute).
The increased ammonia concentration required immediate incorporation into the soil in order to prevent ammonia volatilization. Urine concentrate was applied through a hose running from the applicator tank to a spot in the air right above where the corn was being hilled, and the spider wheel hillers were effective in burying the urine in the soil with no apparent wet spots at the surface. Odors were limited, indicating minimized ammonia losses (Figures 3 and 4).
Three fertilizer treatments (urine, urine concentrate, and urea) and a non-fertilized control were applied to rows of corn at Janisyn’s farm. Composite leaf tissue samples of the ear leaf were taken at fruiting time and analyzed by Spectrum Analytics (Table 3). Nitrogen levels were comparable across all fertilized treatments, which were substantially higher than the unfertilized control. Other nutrient levels in all treatments (including the unfertilized control) were within or above the normal range for all nutrients except for boron, which was below the normal range for all treatment groups. Manganese and zinc levels were higher in the two urine treatments than the urea and unfertilized treatments, suggesting that urine fertilization may increase the uptake of these nutrients, yet these results are not conclusive as only one sample per treatment was analyzed. Notably, sodium content did not differ substantially between fertilization treatments, despite the known high salt content of urine.
Table 3: Leaf tissue nutrient content of four treatment groups, performed by Spectrum Analytics.

* indicates levels below the normal range.
Levels within the normal range are unmarked.
Pumpkin Trial: Pumpkin trials served to pilot an innovative application method that Janiszyn was quite excited about (Figure 5). We found this novel application method to be manageable and streamlined, as it did not require any extra passes through the field with the tractor. We feel there is more work to be done on refining the method for best results with different crops, but this method shows great promise because of its ease of execution and ability to quickly bury the urine in the soil, preventing ammonia loss.
Regarding crop health, Janiszyn reported that the pumpkin seedlings showed some leaf browning and curling initially, but appeared healthy and robust later in the season. This could have been the result of receiving too much nitrogen, and poses a question for further investigation.

Qualitative observations: With regard to the application methods with sweet corn, John Janiszyn observed that the mounded soil effectively covered the urine at all the tractor speeds trialed, and could go a little faster with the concentrated urine. He noted that the odor was "not too smelly, so that was nice." The reduced odor as compared to Janiszyn's previous trials with urine (Noe-Hays, 2022) was likely due to the addition of a lid to cover the opening at the top of the urine tank.
The side-dressing was done on a late-seeded crop, in August, at 6 -8 leaf stage. At the time of the interview, in October, the corn was still not fully mature. At that time, Janiszyn did not find significant overall performance differences between the conventional and urine side-dressed corn, though it appeared that the conventional urea treated ears were more fully developed. The urine treated corn was doing better than the control, and the unconcentrated urine was doing better (taller, greener) than the corn treated with the concentrated urine. Janiszyn speculated that extreme rain during the growing season, and topography issues (places where water could pool) may have affected nutrient uptake. Also, Janiszyn noted that he may have gone a little too fast with the concentrate, and so provided a lower rate of application than with the unconcentrated urine. However, he felt that all the corn would produce saleable ears at maturity. He'd consider applying a higher dose of urine in the future: "I’d be curious to see what that would look like if I even went 50% more or even, or even doubled it just to see how the plants would react to that in the short term and the long term."
Janiszyn commented that there are advantages to a liquid fertilizer over a granular one in terms of ease of application, so his experience with this project, and talking to another farmer who had switched from a granular to a liquid fertilizer for corn, led directly to Janiszyn's decision to partner again with Rich Earth on a follow-up project.
With regard to pest and disease pressure, no significant differences were observed, although there was somewhat less pest pressure (corn earworm) in the urine-treated rows than in the controls. Janiszyn speculated this was more likely due to a confounding factor (sun exposure) than the urine treatment.
Based on Janiszyn’s positive experience, and the lack of any obvious problems, it would be useful to next conduct a rigorous controlled experiment with randomized replicates in order to better quantify the effects of urine fertilizer and concentrated urine fertilizer.
Yellowbud Farm: Fertilizing Nursery Trees (Results)
Chestnut trials: Farmer Jesse Marksohn reported that a commercial mycorrhizal inoculum was applied to the seedlings just prior to the urine fertilization. He noted exceptional results in seedling health and in mycorrhizal colonization of tree seedling plant roots, despite his prior understanding that mycorrhizal colonization rates would be higher in lower fertility conditions. He plans to do additional research to more precisely tailor species and timing of inoculation in the future.
The urine was applied just before rain to avoid nitrogen loss from volatilization (Figures 6 and 7). (It was noted that this was a very very wet year, which was fortuitous in this case; in a drier season, they might have wanted to irrigate first, so that soil would be moist during fertilization.) Fellow farmer Eric Cornell noted, with regard to odor, that "when you walk[ed] right next to the bed, you know, you can notice that pee was just applied, but it's not like extreme, it's not extremely offensive and it was gone…by the next day." Though some of the urine hit the seedling foliage during application, no burning of leaves was observed. Marksohn and Cornell want to use urine fertilizer in subsequent years, and noted that they believe the nursery stock could benefit from higher rates of urine application. They would like to explore the upper limits of how much urine could be applied without becoming detrimental.
Hickory Trials: Our analysis found urine fertilization to increase both root diameter and stem diameter in bitternut hickory seedlings (see Figure 8 for a photo of data collection). The average stem diameter and root diameters were greatest in the high treatment group (stem: 3.00 ± 0.05mm; root: 6.33 ± .25mm), followed by the low treatment group (stem: 2.78 ± .05mm; root: 5.86 ± .08mm), and narrowest in the control group (stem: 2.65 ± 0.05mm; root: 5.74 ± 0.07mm) (Figure 9). Differences in stem and root diameter between fertilization treatments were significant (p < .05), and the high treatment group had significantly greater stem and root diameters than the control treatment group (Tukey’s HSD p < .05). This increase in stem and root growth may indicate greater overall seedling health, as larger seedling stem diameters have been linked to increased seedling survival in both nursery-grown yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) (Dierauf and Garner, 1996) and ground-planted shortleaf pine (pinus echinata) (Kabrick et al. 2015).

Seedling height and mass also increased with higher levels of urine fertilization: the average seedling dry masses were 3.34g, 3.05g, and 2.6g, and average wet masses were 11.92 ± .89g, 10.60 ± .74g, and 9.98 ± .73g for the high, low, and control treatment groups, respectively (Figure 10). The average stem height was greatest in the high treatment group (9.90 ± .46cm), followed by the low treatment group (9.14 ± .27cm), and shortest for controls (8.72 ± .29cm) (Figure 9). A larger sample size may enable us to determine whether these positive trends are significant. The more prominent effect of urine fertilization on stem diameter than on stem height observed in this experiment may reflect differences in tree growth patterns, given that nitrogen, the most abundant nutrient in urine, was found to be more closely associated with stem ground diameter than to stem height in container-grown hickory seedlings (Carya cathayensis) (Wang et al. 2012). Marksohn and Cornell also noted that Hickories are slow growing trees, and direct more energy towards root growth than shoot growth in their first year.


This quantitative assessment is in agreement with the practical results observed by farmer-partners. Marksohn and Cornell were encouraged by the quality of seedlings grown under the high urine fertilization treatment, noting that about half of the seedlings from this group were worthy of sale while only a handful of trees from the control and low treatment groups were of saleable quality. As in the chestnut trials, they felt that the dose of urine could be increased above what was applied in the high treatment group to further increase the proportion of saleable seedlings and to better characterize the relationship between seedling growth and fertilizer rate.
Buyer & Consumer Perspectives (Results)
Initial Reactions: Familiarity with the concept of urine diversion and re-use varied, from very little prior knowledge to one person who was very familiar and already diverted urine for fertilization personally. Perceptions varied, but a common theme was that if urine based fertilizers were readily available, were regulated in some way (i.e. such as by being permitted for use as a fertilize by a government agency), and were applied appropriately, they would be comfortable with this use, and it might in fact be preferable to synthetic fertilizers. One commented, "it makes so much sense to use what we do, what we need to do, many times each day," and wants to support local farmers who keep nutrients out of the waste stream.
Concerns: One of the buyers felt that, as their organization supplied produce to "vulnerable populations" including medical institutions and K-12 students, it was likely that these customers would be uncomfortable with urine fertilization until it became more of a norm, although this buyer did feel that with sufficient education about the steps that are taken to maintain food safety when processing or applying urine fertilizer, this discomfort could be overcome. This buyer also indicated some concerns about potential pharmaceutical microcontaminants in urine and would like to see results of any research on mitigation.
Reasons for support: The idea of a locally available source of nutrients, utilizing a material that is currently being wasted, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and energy cost of synthetic fertilizer production, were the most salient potential benefits of urine-derived fertilizer for the buyers interviewed. One buyer concluded, "I don’t see any reason not to keep going forward with it… like why not, you gotta start somewhere, because what we have been doing [with regard to how we are managing human waste] isn’t working!”
Transparency and Education: With regard to whether farmers should disclose their use of urine fertilizer, while transparency was valued, buyers did not feel farmers should be required to disclose use of urine fertilizer, as long as it was being used under some type of state or federal permitting or regulation. The food coop buyer noted, however, that having information about the positive things farmers are doing to steward the land and protect waterways is an incentive for customers' purchases, so having information, (either in the store or on farmers' websites) that farmers were using urine fertilizer and it was working well, would generate support for those farmers. All but one of the buyers interviewed had some concerns about the perceptions of their customers, but felt that with education, these perceptions could be addressed. The two "farm-to-institution" buyers both felt that having educational materials they could provide to their customers would be helpful [such as a brochure with "FAQ" about urine safety, etc. One commented, "[To be] armed with the knowledge so I could pass it on to the customer… that would be awesome – minds would change." They felt that providing such information was part of their responsibility in their roles at their agencies. One buyer also wanted to ensure that the farmers they bought produce from had received adequate education concerning appropriate application guidance. However, given that this buyer prioritizes buying from farms that use ecological growing methods, the concept of using urine fertilizer was appealing.
Certification and Regulation: A buyer for a food coop that prioritizes purchasing local and organic produce felt that organic certification of urine fertilizer would be very helpful. Without that, he would want information about when and how the material was applied on any edible crops (such as time from application to harvest.) He would have fewer concerns for non-edible crops like flowers or animal feed. Another buyer also felt that approval from Vermont Organic Farmers would help to achieve more widespread acceptance. One felt that as long as the material complied with state regulations for other fertilizer use, they were comfortable.
Labeling: With regard to labeling at the point of sale, opinions were mixed. While not all buyers felt that labeling was necessary, there was the sense that labeling, or having educational material available to customers, could be a way of introducing the concept, potentially leading to wider acceptance. One buyer thought, "It would be new and kind of groundbreaking…. it would be a process obviously, but I think with a little marketing, it would definitely be readily accepted… I’m torn! I want the consumer to know what they’re getting, but in the beginning it would be a hard sell." Similarly, another thought that "It would be great to be much more vocal about the benefits of this work," but worried about misinformation or misperceptions until the practice becomes more widespread and/or has received organic certification. With regard to terminology, most of the buyers felt an acronym (such as UDF for "urine-derived fertilizer") would be best. "Urine-derived" was also noted as conveying the idea that some sort of processing or treatment (such as sanitization) had occurred which would be seen as positive by customers.
Produce Customers
Initial reactions to the idea of fertilizing crops with urine was generally positive. "Excited," "really interesting," and "curious" were common words used. As one participant put it, "learning of urine separation, and its being decoupled from industrial processes and industrial fertilizer, that seemed amazing that we weren’t already doing it on a much larger scale!" Another said, "It’s closing a circle, completing the cycle, that’s the way of planet earth, so let’s do it.” Another commented, “I love the idea of being more eco-friendly and economical and if we can use a resource like that effectively, I think that makes complete sense.”
Reasons for Support: When asked which of the potential benefits of urine diversion and its re-use as fertilizer was most salient to their thinking, participants frequently noted the nutrient make-up of urine, something most participants were unfamiliar with previously. However, the other potential benefits (water conservation, less use of synthetic fertilizers, reduced greenhouse gas emissions) were all cited as "most important" by various of the participants. For example, one said, "What I know about the world of synthetic fertilizer is just that it's like… one of the most energy intensive processes you could find… it's a big part of our carbon footprint." If urine derived fertilizer could be less expensive than synthetic fertilizers, that was also considered important. Overall, participant motivations could be summarized by the comment, "Sounds great compared to all the other things we could be doing with it."
Concerns: The most significant concern mentioned was "safety," with regard to either human health or soil health over time. Participants wanted to be sure that "sanitization" reduced any potential human health risk, and wondered whether treatment processes included pharmaceutical residues. (Among pharmaceuticals, potential presence of hormone residues seemed to generate most concern.) However, participants noted that they have little knowledge about the likely presence of these constituents in the composts, manures, and other fertilizers farmers use. Most emphasized their trust in farmers they knew, whom they believed were doing the right thing with regard to environmental stewardship. They also felt confident in the researchers currently working on urine diversion and re-use. There was some concern that if urine recycling became more widespread, some of this local accountability could be undermined. Questions were also raised about the energy costs of treatment. Some would like to see a life cycle analyses of the energy and transportation costs of these systems, and wondered "Are we doing the right thing in order to do the right thing?"
Which crops? Participants were generally most comfortable with the use of urine on non-edible crops (flowers, ornamental plants, animal forage), and on fruits and berries, as opposed to leafy greens, although this varied, with some unconcerned about urine use on any crops, as long as appropriate application methods were followed.
Labeling: Perspectives varied considerably. Some participants would very much like labeling at the point of sale and/or on farmers' websites. Others felt that this was unnecessary, and could be confusing or off-putting. For others, the idea of farmers being able to tout the environmental benefits of UDF [urine-derived fertilizer] was seen as potentially very positive, and could help to "de-stigmatize" the concept of urine fertilizer. One said, "Being able to say ' a UDF farm, we have prevented x amount of the bad stuff going into the watershed,’ I love that.'" When asked what criteria participants found most important in making their purchasing decisions, "local'" and knowing their farmer/s and their practices were key to many, so having fertilization information available was desirable. With regard to terminology, many liked the term "urine-derived fertilizer" or "UDF" as sounding more "professional" than "peecycling," and noted that “'urine derived fertilizer'....talks about the pathway through which it becomes something that can be applied…that seems easier to accept," although some thought "peecycling" was "catchy" and appealing. Many participants liked "urine recycling" because, as they noted, people often feel positive about "recycling" in general and thus can easily grasp the extension of the concept to the beneficial use of urine.
Key Takeaways: Results from buyer and consumer interviews will be helpful to us in our future communication and education efforts, to farmers with whom we share the guide, and those who read this report. Key among these insights were the following:
- Buyers want educational materials to share with both the farmers they buy from and the institutions they sell to.
- Buyers feel that some type of certification would help achieve more widespread acceptance among the farmers they buy from. Approval by VOF was seen as likely to be very helpful.
- Buyers and consumers both indicated food safety concerns, but generally felt these concerns could be alleviated with education about treatment methods.
- Both buyers and consumers were generally supportive of the use of urine fertilizer for a range of reasons. As one buyer put it, "I find it to be really important to use what we have and what we produce everyday so that it doesn't have to go through waste water treatment. Then it can be utilized instead of end up in waterways inevitably…. So it, it makes so much sense to take care of what we do, what we need to do everyday, many times a day, in a more useful sense."
- A key motivation for consumers was learning about the nutrient value of urine, something many were unfamiliar with prior to these conversations.
- Participants were generally most comfortable with the use of urine on non-edible crops (flowers, ornamental plants, animal forage), and on fruits and berries, as opposed to leafy greens.
- While ideas about where and how urine-fertilized crops should be labeled varied, both buyers and consumers felt that transparency was important. They would like access to information about what amendments and fertilizers are used by farmers, while acknowledging that information about currently used fertilizers is not always readily available.
Co-developing Guide (Results)
A copy of the Farmer Guide to Fertilizing with Urine can be found on Rich Earth's website, and a pdf version is attached to this report (see Information Products).
This project obtained its three objectives, each contributing to the overarching aim to advance the use of urine as a fertilizer at farm-scale. The first objective—to scale up and refine fertilization application methods—was met through trials of the plug-flow method of injecting urine into drip fertigation systems. From these trials, we defined the parameters under which plug-flow injection is an effective method for delivering urine fertilizer evenly to crops, and are ready to further test these findings to fertigation systems at scale.
This first objective was also addressed by fertilization trials at two partner-farms, in which urine was dispensed using a gravity-fed tank and boom applicator using novel techniques and crop species. At Pete’s Stand, we asked whether urine concentrate would meet plant nutrient needs as effectively as standard urine and synthetic fertilizer. While we did not quantify differences in plant responses between fertilizer treatments, leaf tissue analyses indicated that nutrient needs were adequately met in all fertilizer treatments, and farmer qualitative observations indicated saleable ears would be obtained with all treatments. Application trials at Pete’s Stand also demonstrated the potential for urine concentrate to greatly reduce application labor when applied at farm-scale, though qualitative observations suggested some differences in crop response to concentrated versus unconcentrated urine applications which may warrant further research. Trials also documented convenient methods for the co-application of urine and plastic mulch at farm-scale, and John Janiszyn found all the novel application techniques tested to fit conveniently into typical farming operations at Pete’s Stand,
At Yellowbud Farm, we asked whether hickory tree saplings—a crop without prior documentation of urine fertilization—would respond differently to urine treatments including a high dose, a low dose, and a non-fertilized control. An analysis of growth parameters found stem and root diameters of plants receiving the high dose treatment to be significantly greater than those in the control treatment group (p < .05). We also documented appropriate methods for fertilizing another novel crop, ground-planted chestnut seedlings, at farm-scale using the gravity-fed tank and boom applicator, though we were not able to document plant responses from this method. As a result of this study, Yellowbud farmers reported an increased number of saleable trees and a committed interest in adopting an annual urine fertilization regime.
These findings indicate potential benefits of urine fertilization in a perennial nursery context.
The second objective—to understand perspectives of potential wholesale buyers and consumers of produce—was achieved through a series of interviews and dialogue groups. Both buyers and dialogue group participants were generally supportive of the use of urine fertilizer and shared their perspectives regarding appropriate public communication strategies. Participants valued transparency and education, and felt that information about urine fertilization should be communicated to customers when asked (though opinions were mixed about whether farmers should be required to disclose this information). Generally, participants were most comfortable with the use of urine on non-edible crops and on fruits and berries, as opposed to leafy greens, and buyers indicated that some type of certification, such as approval of urine fertilization by Vermont Organic Farmers, would be very helpful to adoption. These findings will offer valuable insight into educational and marketing strategies for farmers practicing urine fertilization.
The third objective—to develop a guide for farm application—was accomplished by incorporating findings from objectives 1 and 2, as well as Rich Earth’s prior research and the global body of literature, into a freely-accessible guide outlining regulation, safety, and application considerations. It also includes a review of urine fertilization studies across a range of locations and crop species, and summarizes farmer, wholesale buyer, and produce consumer perspectives and concerns. We anticipate that this guide will support farmers in adopting urine fertilization practices and inform their public communications.
By documenting the impact of urine fertilizer and effective, efficient application methods for a variety of crops, we increased farmer familiarity and interest in this practice. We anticipate that this work will benefit farmers by supporting their ability to effectively utilize a low-cost and sustainable source of nitrogen fertilizer at farm-scale.
Education & Outreach Activities and Participation Summary
Participation Summary:
Webinar: We hosted a webinar on March 18th, 2024, to facilitate connections of potential early adopter farmer partners into local urine diversion efforts (see Information Products for a recording). 79 individuals registered to attend the webinar. The webinar was recorded and posted on YouTube, where it has also been viewed by an additional 112 people.
The webinar featured three farmer partners from Yellowbud Farm and Pete’s Stand, who directly shared their experiences exploring urine fertilization methods for their sweet corn and nut tree seedlings. The webinar included an introduction to the practicalities and safety concerns of urine fertilization usage; a summary of Rich Earth’s twelve years of prior on-farm and lab research; and findings from our social research with farmer partners, buyers, and consumers. The webinar concluded with a discussion between the audience, Rich Earth’s research team, and the farmer partners. Feedback received during the webinar informed the shaping of the Farmer Guide to Fertilizing with Urine.
Outreach for the webinar was specifically targeted to early adopter regions for urine recycling, where urine fertilizer is currently available or likely to be available in the near future. These regions included the Lake Champlain Basin watershed, where Wasted* is currently collecting urine via their resource recovery portable toilet service, and Cape Cod, where a pilot urine diversion program is underway. This was accomplished via posting on local calendars, collaborative outreach via our organizational partners, and personal invitations to farmer contacts in those regions.
The webinar was also advertised to farmers and agricultural educators throughout the Northeast region, including via Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hampshire Extension personnel, Northeast Organic Farming Associations, Vermont Healthy Soils Coalition, Food Cycle Coalition, Vital Communities, Vermont Releaf Collective, Vermont Pasture Network, Connecticut River Farmers Watershed Alliance, Food Solutions New England, Connecticut River Farmers Watershed Alliance, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition / Working Group.
Farm Guide: The farmer guide is shared on Rich Earth’s website, social media accounts (818 followers on Instagram, 1,865 followers on Facebook), and will be featured in our fall newsletter (1,350 subscribers).
The guide was disseminated to Northeast farmers through the aforementioned farmer networks. We will also distribute print copies to local farmers and create accompanying digital media to share key findings and increase online farmer engagement with the guide. It will also be disseminated via relevant global platforms, including the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, the Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox, and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance.
The guide was shared with all project participants, including wholesale buyers, direct farm consumers, local farmers, webinar attendees. We will also provide digital content for interested farm partners to share information about the guide via their newsletters, websites, and/or social media pages.
We will present our project’s findings and the guide at several upcoming conferences, including the NOFA VT Winter Conference and the 10th annual, global Rich Earth Summit.
A short survey accompanies the guide to gather further feedback and farmer interest in urine fertilization.
Learning Outcomes
Three farmers (two at Yellowbud, one at Pete's Stand) have learned more about how their crops respond to urine treatment, and all three reported interest in future applications and further experimentation in subsequent years. At Yellowbud, a number of volunteers assisted with applications and documentation during the season so they became familiar with the mechanics of urine application as a fertilizer and were able to observe crop responses. The six farmers and agricultural educators who reviewed the guide learned a great deal about urine fertilization, treatment methods, application methods, and farmer and consumer perspectives.
At the webinar, we shared results from the farm partner experiments and results from two of the dialogue groups and one buyer interview. With the dissemination of the guide, we will be able to help more farmers better understand the concerns of wholesale buyers and the interest and support of direct market customers, which will inform educational and marketing strategies.
Project Outcomes
As a result of this study, farmer-partners reported benefits to their farm operations and are enthusiastic about continuing urine fertilization application practices and research, citing positive crop responses from the novel urine fertilization methods (or comparable responses as to their usual fertilizer in the case of Pete's Stand).
At Pete’s Stand, farmer John Janiszyn applied urine concentrate to corn in the first farm-scale application of this fertilizer. The application of urine concentrate required fewer application trips than is required for non-concentrated urine, and Janiszyn found this to be an effective means of reducing application labor while fertilizing a larger field area. The success of this trial also has positive implications for Rich Earth’s work to scale-up the use of urine as a fertilizer, which will include the increased production of urine concentrate.
Janiszyn reported no drawbacks to farm operations from the second application method in which urine was applied under plastic mulch. This technique did not create any extra work for Janisyn, as he uses plastic mulch anyway, and proved to be an effective use of time and resources. The crop effects are still unknown, as the pumpkins are still growing at the time of this report. While initial observations from Janiszyn suggest overapplication of urine in some field sections, he was very pleased with the application method and thought it was a smooth process. We are hopeful that as we continue to trial this method, we will fine-tune the fertilizer rates to ensure the best possible plant response.
At Yellowbud Farm, urine fertilization was trialed on tree crops for the first time in this region. Farm partners Eric Cornell and Jesse Marksohn found increased seedling quality and saleability from urine fertilization trials, and are eager to encourage other farmers to consider urine applications in orchard settings, for agroforestry, alley cropping and silvopasture settings for tree establishment. As a result of this project, Yellowbud Farm has purchased urine from Rich Earth for subsequent fertilizations beyond the scope of this research project, and they have reported an increased sense of stability from the adoption of urine fertilization practices. Eric Cornell remarked, with regard to risks associated with urine fertilization: "I think it's much, much more risky to be relying on these energy intensive [synthetic] fertilizers that are coming from these destructive processes that aren't being produced locally and to anticipate energy disruptions or climate instability or true food security problems in the future that necessitates preempting and really spending a lot of time developing solutions before they're absolutely necessary, and I find that this work is, is doing that."
Reviewers of the guide included two agricultural educators and one director of an agricultural agency, expanding our network of people familiar with Rich Earth research and methods. Sixteen individuals in three dialogue groups, and four buyers of local produce, all had the opportunity to discuss urine fertilization. In these conversations, discussion facilitators and interviewers answered participants' questions about application methods and sanitization, so that the project itself provided an educational opportunity and widened understanding among potential adopters about urine diversion and re-use of urine as a fertilizer.
Drip fertigation trials demonstrated that good fertilizer distribution could be achieved when using plug-flow injection of urine into drip irrigation systems. These results built on conclusions from previous experiments that demonstrated that this approach provided protection against clogging of drip tape emitters even when using hard irrigation water. Results from this study will allow Rich Earth to provide more accurate guidance to interested farmers.
Approaches used in this study allowed for the successful evaluation of urine application techniques, the compilation of guidelines for farm-scale application, and an understanding of stakeholder attitudes. In light of our learnings, we have the following considerations and revisions to apply to our future work in this field.
Methods used in this study’s drip irrigation trials effectively revealed the evenness of urine distribution along 10’ and 100’ tapes, and demonstrated that drip fertigation with urine works well, even with hard water.
At Pete’s Stand, the application of urine concentrate to sweet corn was demonstrated to be an effective approach to meet plant nutrient needs while reducing application labor compared to use of standard urine. We had originally planned to test an even faster application method by fertilizing multiple rows at once in conjunction with a multi-row cultivator, but due to logistics of John's farm operation and limited accessibility to tractors, we opted to use the single-row cultivator. In addition to labor efficiency, this study also observed application precision. The gravity-fed applicator used in these trials did not allow for a consistent and precise dosing of urine, and we will seek to address this in future work. Our next project with John, recently funded by SARE, will develop a precise, multi-row roller pump application system that Janiszyn will pilot in his fields. Regarding the logistical ease of application, Janiszyn would like to work out a system where he could apply urine without scheduling with Rich Earth staff. Ideally, Rich Earth would drop off a tote of urine in his field for Janisyn to apply at his convenience.
Our evaluation of the sweet corn grown in trials at Pete’s Stand found leaf tissue nitrogen levels in urine-fertilized corn to be comparable to urea-fertilized corn, and higher than the unfertilized control. Leaf tissue testing also suggested possible improvements in zinc and manganese uptake by urine-fertilized plants, but we were unable to determine statistical significance. To increase the robustness of this plant health evaluation and allow for statistical analysis, we would have liked to have had multiple replicates for each treatment group, but that was beyond the scope and budget of this study. More replicates would also serve to minimize confounding factors present in this study, such as the "hedgerow effect" seen in plants grown at the edge of the field (where there is a treeline to the east) and the topographical variability that creates moisture gradients in the cornfield soil. Future research should also investigate other metrics of crop and soil health commonly used by farmers, such as pre-planting soil fertility, pre-sidedress nitrogen, leaf chlorophyll (SPAD), brix, and yield.
Our trials on pumpkin crops at Pete’s stand provided a proof of concept that urine can be easily applied under plastic mulch as a fertilizer, though further study is needed for a thorough evaluation of this fertilization technique. In subsequent trials, we hope to increase the precision of urine dosing by developing an applicator with metering capabilities. We also hope to evaluate the health of the pumpkin plants, as we are not able to include observations on plant quality within the timeframe of this project. More work is needed to inform best practices of pairing plastic mulch with urine fertilization.
Methods used at Yellowbud Farm to fertilize ground-planted chestnut seedlings were convenient for farmer-partners and effective in meeting nursery standards for seedling health. Our gravity-fed applicator was adequate, but more precise dosing equipment would improve the uniformity of future applications. We are planning to develop a more precise applicator in a newly approved SARE Partnership project.
The fertilization trials of ground-planted chestnut seedlings at Yellowbud Farm allowed us to evaluate the mechanics of the application process, but the lack of an experimental control prevented objective evaluation of the effectiveness of urine as a fertilizer. Our experimental design did not include non-fertilized, non-mycorrhizal-inoculated control group, as Yellowbud Farm decided to apply urine and mycorrhizal inoculant at a consistent rate to all trees, in order to create what they thought would be the best growing conditions for the entire crop. Without different treatment or control groups, we were not able to determine relative improvement in seedling quality from urine fertilization, only that Jesse Marksohn (Yellowbud Farm) reported exceptional results in seedling health and wants to fertilize with urine again next year. In retrospect, we should have advocated more strongly for having a control treatment, though we recognize this might have resulted in a section of lower-quality trees and therefore lost farm income.
The urine fertilization trials of yellowbud hickory seedlings in air-pruned beds successfully revealed differences in seedling development between different urine fertilizer treatments. One limitation of our experimental design, however, was that only a high and a low fertilization rate were tested. Marksohn thought that the tree seedlings could have benefited from an even higher rate than what was applied to the high-dose treatment group in this study, and we would like to trial a wider range of application rates in future work to determine the upper application rates that provide benefit with nursery seedling crops. Additionally, due to a change in plans from farmer-partners, we did not test the additional effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on hickory seedlings (which we had hoped to do), and this presents another avenue for future research.
Originally, we had planned to conduct a wood-chip composting trial at Yellowbud Farm to evaluate methods of co-composting hardwood chips with urine to produce mulch and compost for growing nursery stock. We had planned to test four compost recipes with varying ratios of wood chips and urine, with the goals of accelerating the composting process and increasing the compost’s nitrogen content and overall quality. However, Yellowbud Farm decided not to compost wood chips this season so we did not test the effect of adding urine to this compost. Instead, Yellowbud Farm tested direct application of urine to the soil where chestnut seedlings were being grown, as described previously.
Throughout our trials at Yellowbud Farm, we underestimated the hours required for our farmer-partners. For future projects, we would like to discuss the scope of work in more detail at the start of the project to ensure a more accurate estimate for budgeting purposes. In our work at both Pete’s Stand and Yellowbud Farm, we had intended to do two site visits to help document farmer qualitative observations. Due to time constraints on both sides (Rich Earth and the farm partners) we only did one interview at each site. While two may have been enabled more detailed assessment, one interview still provided rich conversation and key results.
Our dialogue groups and farmer interviews were useful in understanding the attitudes and needs of buyers, consumers, and farmers. In particular, the results suggest that both consumers and wholesale buyers of local produce are interested and supportive of urine fertilization for a range of reasons. They also indicated the importance of developing educational materials that can be provided to buyers and retail establishments to be available to customers. We are aware of some limitations to these results, in that it was difficult to recruit participants for dialogue groups who may have been less supportive, simply because farmers' market shoppers and CSA members who agreed to participate were often those who found the idea intriguing. We will explore methods to reach a wider sample in future research efforts. However, we did have a considerable range of participants with regard to age, gender, and other characteristics. With regard to buyers, we had decided from the beginning to focus on wholesale buyers of local produce, and all of those we approached as potential interviewees agreed to participate. If we had chosen to include wholesale buyers who buy from a wider distance (such as large supermarket buyers) we may have encountered more questions and concerns. We hope to include such buyers in future research.
We had intended to bring farmers together for a final meeting with Rich Earth staff at the end of the season to share observations with each other, and generate ideas and recommendations for follow-up research. However, we determined that in lieu of the field day we were planning, it would be more effective to hold a webinar to which we invited the partner farmer to share their observations and experiences with a wider audience of farmers and agricultural educations who may have been unfamiliar with the use of urine fertilizer. That webinar was held March 18th. See "Outreach" above. (Our letter requesting this change from field day to webinar, which was approved, is attached here.)
This work has provided valuable insight to the use of urine fertilizer on a farm-scale. Particularly, results from our field trials will benefit farmers cultivating sweet corn, perennial crops, or crops with plastic mulch, as our trials demonstrated the effective use of urine fertilizer for these specific farming contexts. Our drip fertigation trials will benefit farmers using drip fertigation practices and wish to incorporate urine fertilizer into their systems. All farmers interested in fertilizing their crops with urine and are curious to know how potential customers and buyers are thinking about this practice stand to benefit from the social research findings of this project. At the same time, wholesale buyers looking to buy produce from local farmers will benefit from our interviews with farmer-partners. More broadly, the farmer guide produced by this project will appropriately inform any farmer considering urine fertilization with best practices and considerations.