Final report for WPDP19-15
Project Information
Principal Investigator Van Emon and several program collaborators, Extension Agents, Callie Cooley (former), Molly Hammond (former), Colleen Buck, and Kari Lewis, conducted web-based educational sessions and a professional development conference, Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum. The aim is to promote sustainable beef cattle production practices and aid Extension Agents in developing new programming information. The specific objectives for the project:
- Record web-based education sessions for Extension Agents to utilize in local livestock producer meetings. These were recorded and uploaded to YouTube for ease of distribution livestock producers and Extension Agents.
- Educate Extension Agents in sustainable beef cattle production so they may conduct meetings in their respective counties.
- Due to COVID and the departure of three of the Extension agents, we conducted education through the Montana Nutrition Conference each year of the grant.
With the funds, we will conduct web-based educational sessions and hold the Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum to improve the knowledge of Extension Agents on sustainable beef cattle production in Montana and the region. The specific goals for the project are
- Record web-based education sessions for Extension Agents to utilize in local, livestock producer meetings.
- Timetable: Sessions are available for use by Extension Agents in April 2020. Five of the videos are available for public viewing on YouTube.
- Educate Extension Agents in sustainable beef cattle production so they may conduct meetings in their respective counties.
- Timetable: This was conducted through the Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum each year.
- Due to COVID and the departure of three of the Extension agents, we utilized the Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum to educate the Extension agents in attendance on Sustainable Beef Cattle Production.
- 2020 Theme: Feeding the Future
- 2021 Theme: Herd Nutrition and Health
- 2022 Theme: Technology in Livestock Production
Montana’s largest industry is agriculture, with livestock valued at approximately $1.6 billion in 2016 (USDA, 2017). Overall, cattle and calves in Montana made up 42% of the cash receipts in 2016 (USDA, 2017). With approximately 1.5 million head of beef cows in Montana (USDA, 2018), we have the potential to have a large impact on beef production in the United States. As the agriculture sector and land availability continues to shrink in the United States, new methods need to be developed and introduced to beef cattle producers to maintain sustainability. Over the last 8 years, average farm size has steadily increased and the number of farms has steadily decreased (NASS, 2018). Although the average farm size has increased, the total land in farms has steadily declined (NASS, 2018). Therefore, less land is available to produce needed food for the increasing world population. According to Tillman et al. (2012), global per capita meat production has increased more than 60% in the last 40 years. Even with a steady decline in farm size, production efficiency continues to increase. Therefore, there is an urgent need for continued sustainable beef cattle production to help negate the loss in cattle numbers to increase the supply of beef products to keep up with increasing demand.
In 2014, a survey was distributed to Extension Agents in Montana to determine the needs of producers and ranchers in their communities. Extension Agents wanted additional programs and meetings to provide information related to grazing management (64% of Agents), forage feeding (62% of Agents), and cow reproduction (52% of Agents). Research areas that were indicated to be important were: grazing management strategies (3.74 out of 5), grazing impacts on forage quality (3.76 out of 5), nutrition impacts on reproduction (4.09 out of 5), and nutrient supplementation strategies (3.94 out of 5). The areas of importance indicated by the survey have major impacts on sustainability and beef cattle production.
Beef production tours have been conducted previously, but without the educational sessions. The partnering of the educational sessions and beef production tours will provide an excellent opportunity for Extension Agents to gain classroom and hands-on knowledge and experiences in sustainable beef cattle production. Principal Investigator Van Emon will work with several Extension Agents (Elin Kittelmann (former), Callie Cooley (former), Molly Hammond (former), Colleen Buck, and Kari Lewis) as program collaborators to address the program goals. However, due to the COVID pandemic and the departure of three of our extension agents, we were unable to conduct the tours. We decided that we would provide educational sessions through the Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum. Funds will be focused on the 2022 conference to aid in speaker travel and conference fees.
Additionally, five videos were uploaded and are public on YouTube. These public videos have been viewed 55 times since being made public. Therefore, these videos are not only available to Extension Agents throughout Montana, but also the world. This is much needed information for sustainable beef production and will aid in educating all those interested.
Education & Outreach Initiatives
YouTube videos allowed us to provide needed information to new and current Extension Agents without the travel cost. Therefore, 5 videos have been made public through YouTube on much needed Extension information and procedures.
The 5 public videos have been viewed 55 times. These have been viewed by those accessing the Montana State University Beef Cattle Extension YouTube channel.
These videos helped new and current agents learn common issues faced by Montana beef producers and provide additional information to help answer questions. There are several other public videos on the Montana State University Beef Cattle Extension YouTube channel that are not directly related to the project, but are related to Sustainable Beef Cattle Production.
Provided much needed information to Extension agents on Sustainable Beef Cattle Production through the Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum.
Due to the COVID pandemic and the departure of three of the Extension Agents, the originally proposed tours were not able to be conducted. Therefore, we adjusted our objectives in 2022 to include the Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum. The theme in 2022 was Technology in Livestock Production and topics discussed were nitrate toxicity in forages, extensive winter grazing systems, virtual fencing, bull fertility measurements, grazing management during and after drought, tax implications of buying cattle back after the drought and utilizing social media for agriculture. By including the conference, were able to educate Extension Agents, livestock professionals, students, and livestock producers. The agenda for 2022 and some of the presentations are linked below.
Nutrition Conference 2022 Draft Agenda
2022 Montana Nutrition Conference, drought [Autosaved] Nitrate toxcity MontanaNutritionConference_08112022JR MNC_Extensive Systems Nov 2022
The conference was rated an average of 4.5 out of 5 for educational opportunity. The information presented will impact most livestock producers throughout Montana via the Extension Agents and livestock professionals in attendance. The conference had approximately 100 attendees, which will lead to a large impact in the state and region.
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Project Outcomes
Fifty-five viewers of the YouTube videos gained valuable knowledge for common activities for Extension Agents. Additionally, the approximately 400 attendees over the three years of the Montana Nutrition Conference also gained knowledge and will lead to indirect impacts with livestock producers. The number of indirect impacts are difficult to ascertain. However, in face-to-face discussions with those in attendance at the conference, approximately 50-75 indicated they would utilize the knowledge gained in future presentations and information provided to livestock producers. Through the conference and videos, there is a possibility of impacting most of the livestock producers in Montana and the region.
Information Products
- Ranch to Ribeye: Forage Nitrate Strip Test
- Ranch to Ribeye: Hay Sample Submission for Forage Analysis
- Ranch to Ribeye: Basics of Interpreting a Hay Sample Analysis
- Ranch to Ribeye: Forage Nitrate Quick Test
- Ranch to Ribeye: Collecting a Hay Sample Demonstration
- Ranch to Ribeye: Information on the Cow-Calf Industry