DCCG Sustainable Agriculture Summer Camp

Final report for YENC20-149

Project Type: Youth Educator
Funds awarded in 2020: $2,160.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2022
Grant Recipient: DeKalb County Community Gardens
Region: North Central
State: Illinois
Project Manager:
Dan Kenney
DeKalb County Community Gardens
Project Co-Managers:
Heather Edwards
DeKalb County Community Gardens
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Project Information


The Sustainable Agriculture Summer Camp will engage youth on the DCCG Walnut Grove Vocational Farm. The Walnut Grove Farm uses sustainable growing methods to raise a variety of produce. The produce is used for a CSA program, as well as for local food pantries and our mobile food truck, the Grow Mobile. The farm teaches youth with and without developmental disabilities to grow, harvest, and pack various types of produce. The Summer Camp will also visit and learn other sustainable practices by visiting other farms. The youth will also learn with a local chef how to prepare food harvested. 

Project Objectives:
  1. Increase sustainable growing skills of youth with and without developmental disabilities through hands-on experiences with lead grower at Walnut Grove Farm. 
  2.  Introduce youth to sustainable ag careers and methods through visits to other farms. 
  3. Introduce students to the skill of selecting, purchasing, prepping, and cooking sustainably grown produce with local chefs in the DCCG Genoa Area Community Food Hub with local chefs. 
  4.  Share project results through presentation(s) and social media. 

Educational & Outreach Activities

2 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
2 Tours

Participation Summary:

1 Farmers/ranchers
23 Youth
3 Educators
3 Other adults
Education/outreach description:

Due to COVID - 19 we had to re-schedule our camps though they are on track for this year and 2022.

Camp #1 - July 28 and 29, 2021
Camp #2 - July 27 and 28, 2022

We will be sending out a press release at the beginning of July about the camp. The chef and assistant along with Kleins and the Milkhouse are all excited about the camp. We lowered the number of children allowed at each camp from 18 to 16. We will be able to space the kids out better at the Genoa Hub where they will be cooking.

Registration for the camp will begin Friday, July 9 2021. 

A press release will be sent to local media Friday, July 9 2021.

Both camps were a success. Camp #1 had 16 kids participate and Camp #2 had 7 kids participate.

The final Sustainable Safari Camp Report attached to this document has detailed information about the camp along with the surveys, their results and recipes that were cooked.


Learning Outcomes

23 Youth reporting change in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness
Key changes:
  • All children that participated increased their knowledge. Knowledge they gained ranged from learning about beneficial insects to what healthy soil is, tasting freshly picked vegetables right out of the garden or how to cook a meal on their own.

Results and discussion:

Please refer to the attached document report.

Project Outcomes

1 New working collaboration
Increased organizational support to explore and teach sustainable ag:
Explanation for change in organizational support to explore and teach sustainable ag:

DCCG believes in sustainable agriculture and educating others. This camp was beneficial to all (adults and children) that participated. Learning and reading new things about sustainable agriculture is ongoing for our organization.

Information Products

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