Project Overview
Annual Reports
Information Products
- Fruits: melons
- Vegetables: cucurbits, tomatoes
- Crop Production: grafting, greenhouses, high tunnels or hoop houses
Within the last three years, 44 grafting related presentations were delivered by the program coordinator. Over 34 grafting workshops were organized by the program coordinator and educators that received initial training. This project has reached to over 3016 farmers, master gardeners, extension educators and other agriculture professional. Among them, 445 are educators. Horticultural professionals in Missouri and some neighboring states now have a thorough understanding of the history and physiology of vegetable grafting; grafting techniques including rootstock and scion selection, various grafting methods, acclimation of grafts, and management of grafted transplants; grafting Robots; and the economics of vegetable grafting. Tomato grafting has been widely accepted by high tunnel vegetable growers. More than 75% farmers who participated grafting workshops have tried grafting tomato or other fruiting vegetables on their farm.
Project objectives:
The objective of the project was to offer a tow-day workshop on Solanum (tomato, pepper and eggplant) and Cucurbit (watermelon and cucumber) grafting. Over 50% Participating educators should offer similar training in their service area.