Sustainable Poultry, Pastures, Soils, and Vegetable Education in Minnesota

2011 Annual Report for ENC10-114

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2010: $73,952.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2013
Region: North Central
State: Minnesota
Project Coordinator:
Timothy Arlt
University of Minnesota Extension

Sustainable Poultry, Pastures, Soils, and Vegetable Education in Minnesota


2011 Project Update

Four committees working with each of four curricula met several times in person and by conference call to organize and begin the work of developing their curricula. Each of the committees has taken a slightly different tact to the design of their curriculum based on the needs of producers. In February 2012, each team presented their work to date to a group of farmers at the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota Annual meeting in St. Cloud MN. Feedback was generally positive about the design of the curricula to date. Since this meeting in February, teams have been continuing the work on the curricula using the feedback from this meeting to help guide and improve the design and content.

The teams are on track to have two curricula completed for review by summer 2012 and the other two curricula completed by fall 2012. We are planning several days for training educators on the curricula with demonstrations of how each of these curricula can be used with farmers. Dates will be set early summer for these training sessions.


Courtney Tchida
Student Program Coordinator
Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture
411 Borlaug Hall
1991 Buford Circle
St. Paul , MN 55108-1013
Office Phone: 6126252738
Brad Carlson
Extension Educator - Soil & Water
U of m Extension
1910 Premier Ave STE 110
Mankato, MN 56001
Office Phone: 5073896745
Kathy Zeman
9800 - 155th Street East
Nerstrand, MN 55053
Office Phone: 5076649443
Doug Marshall
MN Sustainable Farming Association
9795 - 18th Street
Princeton, MN 55371
Office Phone: 7636315613
Robin Trott
Extension Agent - Horticulture
U of M Extension
720 Fillmore Ste B090
Alexandria, MN 56308-1763
Office Phone: 3207623890
Cindy Hale
MN Sustainable Farming Association
Clover Valley Farms
6534 Homestead Road
Duluth, MN 55804
Office Phone: 2187204364
Aaron Reser
Mill City Farmer's Market
2904 34th Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Office Phone: 6127166159
John Mesko
MN Sustainable Farming Association
PO Box 192
Princeton , MN 55371
Office Phone: 7632600209
Nathan Winter
Extension Educator
University of Minnesota Extension
840 Century Ave SW
Hutchinson, MN 55350-3754
Office Phone: 3204844334
Carol Marshall
9795 - 18th Street
Princeton, MN 55371
Office Phone: 7636315613
Janelle Daberkow
Extension Educator, Horticulture
U of M Extension
Midtown Office Bldg
3400 First St N Ste 103
St. Cloud, MN 5630-1924
Office Phone: 3202556169
James Paulson
Extensio Educator, Dairy
U of M Extension
863 30th Ave SE
Rochester, MN 55904-4915
Office Phone: 5075366310
H. Wayne Martin
Extension Educator - Alt. Livestock
U of M Extension
385 AniSci/VM
1988 Fitch Ave
St. Paul , MN 55108
Office Phone: 6126256224
Betsy Wieland
Extension Educator
417 N 5th St Ste 200
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Office Phone: 6125961175