Smart Drenching and FAMACHA Integrated Training for Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Small Ruminants

2006 Annual Report for ES06-084

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2006: $72,955.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2008
Region: Southern
State: Georgia
Principal Investigator:
Seyedmehdi Mobini
Fort Valley State University

Smart Drenching and FAMACHA Integrated Training for Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Small Ruminants


A planning team has beed developed to compile and design the training materials and curriculum for training and test the curriculum in Georgia. All the cooperating participants will be trained, and curriculum will be tested by offering additional trainings in Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana and Georgia.

Objectives/Performance Targets

1. A team of multidisciplinary Professionals, extension specialists, and farmers from across the southern region (including 1890 and 1862 institutions), Denmark, and South Africa will develop training materials, resource manual and curriculum on sustainable small ruminant GIN control based on information and strategies developed through a current SARE R&E Grant in Southern US, PR and USVI.

2. Using training materials, resource manual and curriculum developed, the team of multidisciplinary Professionals, extension specialists, and farmers from across the southern region (including 1890 and 1862 institutions) will provide hands-on training to increase knowledge base of the participants on the subject and level of adoption of sustainable small ruminant GIN control strategies, and broadly disseminating the state-of-the-art developed materials to producers and their advisors in the USDA’s Southern region. These trainings will increase the knowledge base of the participants on this subject and motivate them to offer assistance and training to other small ruminant producers.


All the project participants met at the annual meeting of the southern consortium for small ruminant parasite control at Louisiana State university on may 24-25, 2006 and selected a sub-committee consist of 6 scientists, 2 producers and an extension agent to develope the training curriculum.

The sub-committee met on February 22-23, 2007 at Fort Valley State University and developed the componant of the curriculum.

FAMACHA cards,referrence materials and other supplies were ordered for the curriculum.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

Project director attended and made presentations and interacted with various groups on Smart Drenching and FAMACHA for Sustainable Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Small Ruminants at the following meetings:

Annual Covention of the American Veterinary Medical Association, July 14-20, 2006.

US Animal Health Association Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, October 16-18, 2006.

American Dairy Goat Association Annual Convention in Milwaukee, WI, October 18-20, 2006.

Joint Conference of Georgia Department of Agriculture and USDA Veterinary Services in Conyers, GA, November 2-3, 2006.

Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group 16th Annual Conference in Louisville,KY, January 25-27, 2007.

Tuskegee University Annual Goat Day at Tuskegee University, AL, April 21, 2007.