Project Overview
Annual Reports
- Education and Training: focus group, on-farm/ranch research, participatory research
- Farm Business Management: new enterprise development, cooperatives, community-supported agriculture
- Production Systems: integrated crop and livestock systems
- Sustainable Communities: partnerships, public participation
Our goal was to improve communication and cooperation between Colorado State University and alternative producers. Four regional Alternative Agriculture Advisory Teams identified research and extension needs and obstacles to communication with CSU. Each regional advisory team defined their priorities and designed a student project. Interns completed their projects working with local CSU faculty members, on-campus faculty members, and producers. Six Organic Weed Management factsheets, a report on enterprise budgeting for grass-fed cattle operations, a special alternative agriculture issue of CSU’s From the Ground Up newsletter, and a brochure summarizing this project are available at the Colorado Organic Producers Association website.
Project objectives:
Our objectives were:
1) to establish fruitful lines of communication among organic and sustainable producers and Colorado State University researchers and extensionists -- with all parties involved in speaking, listening, and learning,
2) to identify research and extension needs and priorities for Colorado State University,
3) to identify opportunities for participatory, on-farm, and farmer-initiated research,
4) to name and break down obstacles to effective communication between Colorado State University personnel and alternative producers, and
5) to bring students into active participation with Colorado State University research and extension and the real world of alternative agriculture.