Using Videos as a Teaching Tool: Improving Profits and Rangelands Through Application of Behavioral Principles

2006 Annual Report for EW06-019

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2006: $80,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2010
Region: Western
State: Colorado
Principal Investigator:
Beth Burritt
Utah State University

Using Videos as a Teaching Tool: Improving Profits and Rangelands Through Application of Behavioral Principles


We have contacted all the participants on the project and tentatively made plans to visit and interview each participant during the coming year.

We will begin with the segment on using on low moisture block to improve animal distribution. We have obtained permission from Ridley Block Inc. to use their existing video footage for the segment. We have arranged to meet with Dr. Derek Bailey in Las Cruses, New Mexico in late January or early February. We have obtained the economic analyses from Dr. Allen Torrell on the benefits of using low moisture to utilize poor quality forage and improve animal distribution.

Additionally, Nicole McCoy is currently working on the economic analyses for bison feeding at the Flying D Ranch to put the information into layman’s terms.

Objectives/Performance Targets

  • To raise awareness that understanding and applying behavioral principles can improve ranch profits and ecological sustainability.

    To create 3-5 video segments to demonstrate how behavioral principles can be used to improve ranch profits and ecological sustainability.

    To create support materials (workbook, fact sheets and spreadsheets) to increase understanding and implementation of certain behavioral principles.

    To distribute the video to about 200 extension and NRCS personnel throughout the West who have had training in behavioral principles.


  • Contacted participants on the project and tentatively made plans to visit and interview each participant during the coming year.

    Obtained permission from Ridley Block Inc. to use their existing video footage for the low-moisture block segment.

    Arranged to meet with Dr. Derek Bailey in Las Cruses, New Mexico in late January or early February.

    Obtained the economic analysis from Dr. Allen Torrell on the benefits of using low moisture to utilize poor quality forage and improve animal distribution.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

It is too early in the project to have met any of our impacts/outcome goals.


Kathy Voth

[email protected]
Research Associate
Utah State University
6850 County Rd 24
Loveland, CO 80538
Office Phone: 9706636569
Nicole McCoy

Assistant Professor
Utah State University
Department of Environment and Society
5215 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322