2000 Annual Report for FNC00-302
Conversion from Conventional to Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Chronic physical, emotional, behavioral, and mental stress symptoms are detrimental to farmers and their families. Yet, stress is a common by-product of small and family dairy farmers trying to compete with vertical integration for a livelihood.
Objective: To establish a sustainable and intensive, rotational grazing dairy system.
To convert to pasture, the producer interseeded cropland with perennial grasses. He installed a permanent perimeter with three-stand high tensile fencing and two-strand poly tape, mobile cross-fencing. The producer fenced out his creek to reduce erosion and runoff.
Results: Dairy cattle have problems with conjunctivitis due to overgrowth on pastures and laminitis due to uneven grazing rations during hot weather. The project was extended to collect further data on watering system.