2007 Annual Report for FNC06-620
Developing Direct Marketing and Educational Campaigns to Promote Locally Grown Products to Consumers
The Farmer Rancher Grant (Grant) is being used to help this group expand marketing capabilities by funding start-up activities to launch new programs and systems. We intend for these programs to increase public awareness, acceptance and embracing of locally-grown foods and other farm products. The Grant has enabled us to initiate a Buy Fresh Buy Local® (BFBL) chapter. Membership in BFBL enables us to use branding tools that have been developed and are being customized for our use. This will include development of a website and use of logos and other artwork adapted for the Hancock Harvest Council (HHC).
We have three key goals for use of the Grant to enhance marketing of local products. An update on these key goals follows:
Hancock Harvest Council (HHC) established in 2005 and at time of application had approx 30 members. Membership continues to expand as knowledge of the group and activities continue. A monthly one-page ad in the local paper includes space encouraging new members. Membership recruitment will also be incorporated into a website which is under development using Buy Fresh Buy Local® branded tools.
2. DEVELOP MARKETING TOOLS that will communicate the availability of local products that include:
The HHC has purchased chapter membership in Buy Fresh Buy Local® (BFBL) through FoodRoutes (website http://www.foodroutes.org/). This has become a cornerstone to many aspects of our plan. The cost for this was $2500.00 plus an additional $600 to attend their National Gathering, which gave us great insight on what other chapters are doing to make their chapter a success.
• Branding package:
o BFBL established branding tools are being adapted for HHC
o Chapter established; member guidelines drafted
• Website
o Under development using BFBL tools and customized branding.
• Farmer/rancher directory
o A directory was first developed in 2006. Development of a website will enable more real-time updates to the directory and availability to the public, with information on members' status as local producers, and enabling listing and recognition of supporting members, both individuals and corporate sponsors.
• Marketing brochure –
o The HHC brochure will be updated using BFBL branding and marketing tools.
• Newsletter –
o The website that is under development will enable electronic distribution of news and updates for both members and the public.
3. EDUCATE CONSUMERS AND INCREASE AWARENESS of local product offerings and related social health and economic benefits
• One-page monthly ad secured in the local newspaper (Greenfield Daily Reporter) with top section with educational information about local foods and events, and bottom section of purchased individual ad space purchased by HHC members. Ad expenses thus far are $1576.25.
• Booth (toolkit will be available with purchase of BFBL)
• Website under development, will be in place by the end of March 2008
• Farm Tour kickoff for BFBL chapter is being planned for April 26, 2008
A lot of our results are listed above. We have learned that the process has taken more time than the group originally thought it would. We have seen results with our advertising and other events that there is an increasing demand for local foods and consumers wanting to help support local farmers and know where their food is coming from.
Continue to develop our local Buy Fresh Buy Local® Chapter as well as to help expand this to other communities within Indiana. We have a BFBL kick-off planned for April and will be having another event in September.
We attended the Indiana Horticultural Congress, January 30, 2008, and shared our information regarding Hancock Harvest Council and Buy Fresh Buy Local®. We sparked some interest of others in starting BFBL chapters as well as gained members for our group. We will be speaking to other farmers/producers thru the Purdue Extension offices in the surrounding counties. We will also be speaking with local organizations, including the Chamber of Commerce to reach more businesses with our promotion efforts.