2007 Annual Report for FNC06-635
From Field to Store-Front - Designing On-Line Commerce for Wunder Flax
The grant funds were used to acquire the computer expertise from Miner County Community Revitalization (MCCR). Their multiple talented people – more than 1 – were able to add ideas along the way. Only problem – they all have multiple projects to take care of and we know the squeaky wheel gets the attention. My wheel wasn’t squeaking so it took longer than expected.
The main spoke was Mike Knutson who was a computer teacher. Blogs were not used when he was teaching so it was a time for us all to learn. We (Virginia and I) went to Yankton to listen to a presentation put on by WNAX (radio) which covered advertising on the radio.
1) Setup a storefront for Wunder Flax using Shopify. Paypal account was set up to facilitate sales on this website
2) Set up the Wunders of Flax blog using WordPress. Linked the blog to the storefront, enabling people to make purchases of flax.
3) Started writing posts about flax. John is learning how to post and maintain the blog as time goes on. Posts have focused on the benefits of eating flax, recipes that use flax, local food groups, and how to use flax.
4) Printed special stickers for our product that directs people to learn more about flax by going to the blog.
5) Altered the label so that it directs people to the blog.
We did have an interview with Judy Stratman of WNAX informing her of the benefits of flax – which will be put on the air in the future on “Judy’s Journal”. Some of our grant funds will be used to facilitate this endeavor.
The results of the project has given us a new concept in trying to educate folks as to the health benefits of including flax in their daily diet.
There are many different avenues that our blogs can enter computers around the world. Just today I typed “Wunder Flax” into the Google search engine and there were four (4) different sites that had Wunder Flax mentioned.
We have learned that by including other associated blogs in our blog we have another way to spread the word, also spreading interest in their endeavor.
The first week of January we received our first internet order from Florida. We hope it’s the first of a great adventure.
We must be more familiar with the workings of posting an effective blog. We need to master the task of collecting, transferring, even refunding money through PayPal.
Work Plan for upcoming year includes:
• Find additional resources on the benefits of flax and post to the blog.
• Improve the appearance of both the storefront and the blog.
• Develop other promotional activities that will drive people to the storefront and the blog.
• Improve search engine rankings
The past year has been a time when we are absorbing the computer information we have received – I doubt we will ever be able to help others with a computer but through the blog we will continue to expand our flax information on a weekly basis.
As of January 5 we have conducted five flax seminars or talks over the past year. These included a question and answer opportunity and were title “Flax – God’s Health Food for every active generation.” The average attendance was 16.
The coming year (2008) we hope to involve the Rural Learning Center of MCCR in educating dieticians from around the state as to the health benefits of flax.