Breeding a C. moschata Grex with Resistance against Squash Bugs in the Ozarks

Project Overview

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2021: $3,220.00
Projected End Date: 01/31/2023
Grant Recipient: Mountain Jewel
Region: North Central
State: Missouri
Project Coordinator:
Mountain Jewel

Information Products


  • Vegetables: Winter Squash


  • Crop Production: crop improvement and selection, plant breeding and genetics, seed saving, varieties and cultivars
  • Pest Management: genetic resistance


    Farmers face immense pressure from squash bugs (Anasa tristis). Because of this, a lot of time, energy and inputs are required to manage for them. While variety trials and breeding has been done for other squash pests and diseases (squash vine borer, powdery mildew, etc), extensive research has not been done concerning this pest. If not managed, many varieties only produce a couple fruit before the plant dies and succumbs to pest pressure. This is not only a problem in the Ozarks, squash bug pressure is increasing all over the North Central region. 

    Through variety trials and open pollinated cross breeding, I am breeding a Cucurbita moschata (C. moschata) grex that contains characteristics that are resilient to squash bugs. I started the project in 2020 by crossing many C. moschata varieties that already exhibit innate resistance to the pest. In not managing for squash bugs, I am selecting for plants that contain natural resistance. I am collaborating with other farmers in the Ozark bioregion to share seed in an effort to increase adaptability and grow in mutually beneficial partnerships with local farmers. In 2021, 5 farmers grew out seed from my 2020 crosses and many farmers in the Ozarks noted that the plants did well in relation to squash bug pressure. In the past, people have either given up on growing this crop or gone to great lengths to manage for it. Long term, this moschata grex can contribute many squash bug resistant varieties so that farmers can reduce inputs and energy when growing this crop. 

    In 2021, I found that of the 2020 crossed seed (varieties described in detail below), many F1 plants preformed well against squash bugs. Ozark Cheese, Seminole Pumpkin, Molena and Rancho Marques crosses held up the best against squash bugs while yielding good tasting and long storing squash. From the over 150 quality squash fruits from plants that showed good resistance to the squash bugs, I am saving seed from the best tasting fruits and will continue this breeding project in 2022, growing out the best selections from the grex, offering seed online and to my local community. Open pollinated cross breeding resulting in a hybrid swarm is a viable way to use selective regional pest pressures to breed hardy local varieties. Through reducing time and resources spent to manage for squash bugs, farmers have an easier time growing this crop using sustainable, organic practices which has proved challenging here in squash bug endemic regions. 

    Project objectives:

    1. Evaluate moschata plants from squash bug resilient squash varieties through growing trials.
    2. Identify promising F1 plants to continue to breed in the squash bug resistant grex.
    3. Share findings through blog posts on our website and social media as well as with the growing network of Ozark farmers.
    4. Have a community squash tasting day to select for tastiest varieties, get community feedback and share seeds with community.
    5. In subsequent years, I will continue breeding a C. moschata squash variety that exhibits natural squash bug resistance.
    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.