Comprehensive Integrated Agroforestry Project

1996 Annual Report for FNC96-148

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 1996: $4,838.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/1997
Region: North Central
State: Iowa
Project Coordinator:

Comprehensive Integrated Agroforestry Project


"On a local level, growers need to know which species and varieties of tree crops perform the best, are best adapted to the region, are most profitable and are easiest to manage in this area. The planting will also provide a local and low cost supply of seed, seedlings and scionwood for growers to use to establish their own palntings."

Objectives: To demonstrate a profitable, low-input and sutainable agricultural system based on tree crops. Specifically, to examine the feasibility of managing various tree species for both timber and nut/fruit production. Principal varieties being studied are chestnut, black walnut, Persian walnut, heartnut, shagbark hickory, hicun, persimmon and pawpaw. Funds will be used to purchase grafted and seedling trees and supplies for maintianing and protecting the trees.