Kura Clover Cover Crop Demonstration

1998 Annual Report for FNC98-242

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 1998: $1,290.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2001
Region: North Central
State: Iowa
Project Coordinator:

Kura Clover Cover Crop Demonstration


Kura clover as a permanent cover crop may provide forage and soil nitrogen and also conserve soil and water.

Objective: To test kura clover as a permanent ground cover in the production of corn silage.

The producer direct-seeded three plots of kura clover, a rhizomatous legume, without a nurse crop for a three-year study. The producer established the clover in year one, and hayed and grazed it in year two. The plots will be burned down with a modest application of Roundup in year three. Eighteen-inch strips will be treated with another application of Roundup and no-till drilled into corn. The producer hopes the clover will re-establish in the 18-inch strips without impacting silage yield. If the demonstration is successful, the rotation will consist of one year of silage corn followed by two years of haying and grazing.

Results: The project was extended for one year to complete the rotation and assimilate data.