Project Overview
Information Products
- Agronomic: barley, hay, wheat, quinoa
- Animal Production: feed/forage
- Crop Production: crop rotation, nutrient cycling
- Education and Training: demonstration, on-farm/ranch research
- Farm Business Management: agricultural finance, budgets/cost and returns
- Pest Management: field monitoring/scouting
- Production Systems: organic agriculture
- Soil Management: nutrient mineralization, soil analysis, soil microbiology, soil quality/health
- Sustainable Communities: sustainability measures
Project objectives:
This study takes a systems perspective to evaluate the effects of diversifying organic crop rotations with quinoa. Agroecological parameters that directly and indirectly affect the sustainability of organic cropping systems are being measured. By conducting integrated on-farm research and educational outreach, this project will fill critical knowledge gaps regarding dryland organic crop rotations, including the introduction of quinoa.
Objective 1: Evaluate the agronomic performance of the cropping sequences of each treatment
Sub-objective 1a: Quantify crop productivity and quality
Sub-objective 1b: Determine abundance and diversity of insect pests and their natural enemies
Sub-objective 1c: Evaluate weed populations and management strategies
Objective 2: Assess soil chemical, physical, and biological properties under each treatment
Sub-objective 2a: Track soil fertility and related properties throughout the crop sequence treatments
Sub-objective 2b: Quantify colonization and carryover of AMF in crops/soil throughout the sequences
Objective 3: Measure the economic performance of the different organic quinoa and grain cropping sequence treatments
Objective 4: Disseminate project information to producers, consumers, extension agents, and students through field days, extension bulletins, webinars, and meetings