Project Overview
Information Products
- Agronomic: potatoes
- Additional Plants: other
- Crop Production: cover crops, crop rotation, cropping systems, varieties and cultivars
- Education and Training: on-farm/ranch research
- Pest Management: eradication, integrated pest management, trap crops
Globodera pallida, the pale cyst nematode (PCN) is a quarantined pest of potato in Idaho. With the potential to cause up to 80% yield loss and to remain in the soil for 20 to 30 years, it poses a major threat to the Idaho potato industry. Growers with infested fields are losing profit because they can no longer plant potato until PCN is deemed fully eradicated and they undergo the extensive USDA APHIS deregulation process. This proposal seeks to investigate the efficacy of trap crops and crop rotation as sustainable management strategies for use in eradication efforts. Trap crops must be nonhosts that stimulate PCN hatch but prevent development and reproduction. Previous research has identified litchi tomato and quinoa as crops with PCN trap crop potential. Goals of the project include evaluating the impact and feasibility of litchi tomato and quinoa on populations of PCN over time in both greenhouse and Idaho field conditions. Three-year crop rotations with trap crops and partially resistant potato variety 'Innovator' are also being assessed. Findings will be presented to agricultural stakeholders through various presentations. If litchi tomato and quinoa are successful in significantly reducing PCN populations in the field, they can be recommended to growers with PCN-infested acreage. Quinoa has the added benefit of providing a valuable yield when used in rotation. Ultimately, this project will establish more sustainable strategies for use in an integrated management approach to the eradication of the pale cyst nematode.
Project objectives:
- Determine the effect of the quinoa variety ‘Kailey’ and litchi tomato on pale cyst nematode (PCN) populations in both greenhouse and Idaho field conditions.
- Compare the effect of quinoa to that of litchi tomato as trap crops for the pale cyst nematode through evaluating post-treatment hatching effect, viability of eggs, and reproduction on potato.
- Evaluate efficacy of three-year field rotations with resistant potato ‘Innovator’ and litchi tomato on PCN populations under Idaho field conditions.
- Present findings to potato producers, extension specialists, and other stakeholders at field days or meetings and publish a newsletter on implications of the results in eradication of the pale cyst nematode.