A multi-disciplinary approach to improve the environmental performance of niche pork production systems and marketability of Heritage swine breeds

2009 Annual Report for LS08-211

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2008: $175,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2012
Region: Southern
State: North Carolina
Principal Investigator:
Sang Hyon Oh
North Carolina A&T State University

A multi-disciplinary approach to improve the environmental performance of niche pork production systems and marketability of Heritage swine breeds


During the period July 2008 to March 2010 field experiments were conducted and repeated at the Center For Environmental Farming System, located at Goldsboro as well as at North Carolina A&T State university.
In the first experiment the effects of four stocking rate (15, 30, 45 and 60 pigs/a) of growing-finishing pigs were compared. In the second one three sows stocking rate (4, 6 and 10 sows/a) were evaluated. Preliminary results suggest that ground cover damage was increased with increasing stocking rates. Soil samples were collected and being analyzed now.
There wasn’t any significant difference of minutes among four vegetations types where sows spent their time. The minutes in the common bermudagrass, a multi-species pasture (Redtop, Kentucky bluegrass and Kentucky 31 fescue), the novel-type, infected Max Q Fescue and the wild-type, infected Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue was 27.75±7.37, 30.25±7.37, 25.33±7.70, 18.75±7.70, respectively. To estimate the sow’s activity, the aerial photography has been taken and is being analyzed.
In the growth performance of Yorkshire crossbred experiments, average daily gain are not significantly different among crossbreds until now. Large Black crossbred showed significantly higher weaning weight than Berkshire and Yorkshire crossbreds, and showed significantly the highest feed conversion ratio, but needs more replications. Large Black crossbred also showed significantly thicker backfat in loin and ham than Berkshire and Yorkshiree crossbreds. Meat samples of the 1st parity were collected in December 2009 – January 2010. The results are showed in Table 1. There wasn’t any significant difference in all traits among Yorkshire crossbreds other than drip loss. Yorkshire purebreds showed significantly higher drip loss than Berkshire and Large black crossbreds. Eating quality analyses are in process and two more replications will be accomplished.

Objectives/Performance Targets

1. Determine how stocking rates affect vegetation survival, soil disturbance and nutrient distribution under different management schemes on perennial pasture.
2. Determine the effect of grazing management on nutrient loading and nutrient distribution in pastures.
3. Determine which of four vegetation types will continue to protect the soil when gestating sows have access for grazing and lounging during the gestation period.
4. Analyze the growth characteristics for heritage crossbreds to be raised in the hoop barn.
5. Compare meat quality of heritage crossbreds produced with different sire lines.


1. Determine how stocking rates affect vegetation survival, soil disturbance and nutrient distribution under different management schemes on perennial pasture.

1) 2008 Summer – Fall Bermudagrass Growing-Finishing Stocking rate
A field experiment was conducted from July – October 2008 to evaluate the effects of four stocking rate SR treatments on Bermudagrass ground cover and soil nutrient. The trial was conducted for 91 d during summer 2008 in a mature (> 10 years) bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) pasture. Five hogs were randomly assigned to each of twelve paddocks sized to equal SR of 15, 30, 45 or 60 pigs per acre. Wallows, shade, feeders and nipple waterers were provided at fixed locations within each paddock. Animals had ad libitum access to concentrate feed. Ground cover was assessed every 14 d using a step-point technique with transect lines evenly spaced across the plots. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with three field replicates. Data were log (log[x+10]) and square root ([x+10]1/2) transformed for percent bermudagrass cover (BGC), vegetation cover (VC), and bare soil (BS).

2) 2009 Spring – Summer Bermudagrass Growing – Finishing Stocking rate
The experiment was repeated from May to August 2009 in the same location.

3) Winter Sows Bermuda grass Stocking Rate
A rotational grazing system experiment was conducted to establish the effect of sow stocking rates (4, 6 and 10 sows/a) on the ground cover of a bermudagrass stand. Plots (0.5 a) were divided into 9 sections. Animals (480 lb BW) had permanent access to the central area and were moved weekly to a new section of the plots. Twenty Yorkshire mature sows (295 kg BW) were allocated to each of three stocking rates . Sows were fed concentrate daily in the morning (3.2 kg, 16% CP). Huts and barrels drinkers were provided at fixed locations in the central section. Used conveyor belts were used as feeders and moved weekly to the section where the animals would graze. A step point procedure was performed weekly to estimate vegetative cover changes using evenly spaced transect lines. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with two field replicates. Data were log (log[x+10]) and square root ([x+10]1/2) transformed.

4) Summer-Fall Sows Bermudagrass Stocking Rate
The sows experiment was repeated during summer.

5) 2010
Conditioning the experimental area to repeat in spring the Sows Bermudagrass Stocking Rate. Planned starting date: April 5th.

2. Determine the effect of grazing management on nutrient loading and nutrient distribution in pastures.

Soil Sampling CEFS Experimental Plots
Soil samples were collected on dates 06/04/08, 10/14/08, 04/09/09, and 088/27/09. Sixteen soil cores were collected from each plot (Figure 1), subdivided into soil depths 0 -15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm and 30-60 cm, air-dried, and ground to pass sieve with 2 mm diameter openings. All 1,600 soil samples collected are currently being laboratory analyzed for inorganic nitrogen (NH4- and NO3-N), total nitrogen, extractable phosphorus and total phosphorus (Figure 1).

3. Determine which of four vegetation types will continue to protect the soil when gestating sows have access for grazing and lounging during the gestation period.

Real Time Location Systems by Trackstick are used to determine the exact location and activity of each sow in the paddock. Six antibiotic free Yorkshire gestating sows in one pasture with devices attached (Figure 2).
1) Trial 1: May 1, 2009- May 22, 2009
2) Trial 2: August 17, 2009- October 15, 2009

Coordinates for the perimeter of the pasture were determined with Trackstick in Google Earth. Coordinates such as 36”o4’13.21 N and 79”43’20.78W were converted to 36.070336, -79.722439 using the Federal Communications Commission website fcc.gov.

There wasn’t any significant difference of minutes among four vegetations types where sows spent their time. The minutes in the common bermudagrass, a multi-species pasture (Redtop, Kentucky bluegrass and Kentucky 31 fescue), the novel-type, infected Max Q Fescue and the wild-type, infected Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue was 27.75±7.37, 30.25±7.37, 25.33±7.70, 18.75±7.70, respectively. To estimate the sow’s activity, the aerial photography has been taken and is being analyzed.

4. Analyze the growth characteristics for heritage crossbreds to be raised in the hoop barn.
The objective of this study is to analyze the growth characteristics for antibiotic free Yorkshire crossbreds to be raised in the hoop barn. The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) in Goldsboro, NC has been raising antibiotic free Yorkshire sows. Twenty four sows were impregnated with the semen of Berkshire, Large Black, and Yorkshire as a control group.

In the first parity, total 29 sows were pregnant, which were 12 from Berkshire, 6 from Large Black, and 11 from Yorkshire breed. One hundred forty three pigs in total from sows were weaned, and reared within deep-bedded hoop houses. The deep bedding, generally straw, corn stalks, or hay, was spread approximately 14-18 inches thick and provided a comfortable environment for the animals which allows rooting and other natural behaviors. Birth litter weights, weaning weights and ADG for 94 days from weaning were measured and analyzed with GLM in SAS 9.01 including breeding group and sex as fixed effects.

Least square means of weaning weights were, respectively, 6.61±0.23kg, 7.56±0.25kg, and 6.04±0.24kg in Berkshire, Large Black, and Yorkshire breeding group. Least square means of ADG for 94 days from weaning were, respectively, 0.63±0.01kg, 0.60±0.02kg, and 0.65±0.02kg in Berkshire, Large Black, and Yorkshire breeding group. Least square means of birth litter weight were, respectively, 12.07kg, 19.28kg, and 13.00kg in Berkshire, Large Black, and Yorkshire breeding group. However, breeding group and sex didn’t have any significant effects on birth litter weights, weaning weights and ADG for 94 days from weaning.

Backfat thicknesses of Berkshire, Large Black, and Yorkshire breeding group were, respectively, 2.38±0.09cm, 2.62±0.10cm, and 2.35±0.09cm in shoulder; 2.34±0.08cm, 2.71±0.08cm and 2.34±0.08 in loin; 1.93±0.06cm, 2.11±0.07cm, and 1.86±0.06 in ham. Two more parities will be added in the results.

In the growth performance of Yorkshire crossbred experiments, average daily gain are not significantly different among crossbreds until now. Large Black crossbred showed significantly higher weaning weight than Berkshire and Yorkshire crossbreds, and showed significantly the highest feed conversion ratio, but needs more replications. Large Black crossbred also showed significantly thicker backfat in loin and ham than Berkshire and Yorkshiree crossbreds.

FIRE (Feed Intake Recording Equipment, Osborne Industries Inc. Osborne, Kansas) system as an electronic feeder was installed completely in March 2010 at North Carolina A&T State University. Feed intake and body weights of crossbreed feeder pigs in the 2nd parity are being collected now, which will be repeated in the 3rd parity. The results will be compared with CEFS.

5. Compare meat quality of heritage crossbreds produced with different sire lines.

Meat samples of the 1st parity were collected in December 2009 – January 2010. The results are showed in Table 1. There wasn’t any significant difference in all traits among Yorkshire crossbreds other than drip loss. Yorkshire purebreds showed significantly higher drip loss than Berkshire and Large black crossbreds. Eating quality analyses are in process and two more replications will be accomplished.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

To develop a rational ground cover management, it is necessary to estimate potential hog stocking rates that can be maintained in an area during a specific period of time while limiting the occurrence of soil and ground cover deterioration. Over stocking can produce deterioration of the ground cover, whereas under stocking can result in less efficient utilization of the land area. Appropriate stocking rates and monitoring of ground cover conditions will help ensure that long term goals for natural resources are fulfilled.

We can summarize our preliminary results of experiments performed (Growing – Finishing stocking rate and Sows stocking rate) to evaluate the impact of hog stocking rates on Bermudagrass ground cover and soil deterioration as : Bermudagrass, with its rhizomes and stolons, has a great potential to provide sustainable cover within hog pastures. Vegetative ground cover in the Bermudagrass stand decreased as a result of animal activity, and paddocks with the higher stocking rates showed a faster decrease. If maintenance of ground cover is the main goal, under a continuous grazing system the stocking rates must be kept between 15 to 30 hogs/acre, with no more than two finishing cycles before an extended rest period is used. Sow stocking rate of less than 10 sows/acre must be implemented to maintain over 60 percent ground cover during 56-day periods in dormant and non dormant Bermuda growth seasons.

With the preliminary information generated from 2008-2009 abstracts and posters were prepared and presented at:

* The 2009 American Society of Animal Science meeting, July 12-16. Montreal – Quebec, Canada.

Pietrosemoli, S., Green, J. and Vibart, R. Effects of stocking rate of weaned to finishing pigs on Bermudagrass ground cover. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1: 449/2009.

* The XXI biannual meeting of Latin American Animal Production ALPA meeting, October 18-23/2009. San Juan. Puerto Rico.

Pietrosemoli, S. and J. Green. Effects of stocking rate of mature sows on bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) ground cover during winter. Poster presented at the XXI Latin American Animal Production Society (ALPA) Meeting, October 18-23. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Extended abstract (3 pages) in MEMORIAS ALPA. Volumen 17. Suplemento I. 447-450. XXI Reunión Bienal. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 18-23 de Octubre de 2009.

* Abstract submitted and accepted to the 2010 American Society of Animal Science Southern Meeting

1. Oh, S.-H., M. Dudley, J. Talton, B. Hardison, J. Gonzales, A. Meier, M. Morrow, and T. See. 2010. Growth characteristics of antibiotic free Yorkshire crossbreds raised in the hoop barn. ASAS Southern meeting.
2. Ireland, S., B. Pope, T. Barrios, S.-H. Oh, and J. Green. 2010. Vegetation types to protect the soil when gestating sows have access for grazing. ASAS Southern meeting.

* Abstract submitted and accepted to the 2010 American Society of Animal Science Meeting. July 2010.
38117. Animal weight gain in a pastured hog production system.
39510. Weight gain of Duroc pigs managed in a Sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor) pasture.
39612. Behavior of Duroc pigs on sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor) pastures.


Todd See

North Carolina State University
Dept. of Animal Science
Raleigh, NC
Dana Hanson

Assistant Professor
North Carolina State University
Dept. of Food Science
Raleigh, NC
Morgan Morrow

North Carolina State University
Dept. of Animal Science
Raleigh, NC
Charles Raczkowski

Associate Professor
North Carolina A&T State University
Department of Natural Resources
Greensboro, NC 27410