Project Overview
- Vegetables: sweet corn
- Crop Production: nutrient cycling, application rate management, tissue analysis
- Education and Training: demonstration, extension, farmer to farmer, on-farm/ranch research, participatory research
- Production Systems: general crop production
- Soil Management: organic matter, soil analysis, nutrient mineralization
Proposal abstract:
Project objectives from proposal:
Pre-sidedress nitrogen testing (PSNT) has been available for silage corn for several years and, more recently, procedures have been developed for certain vegetable crops, including sweet corn and pumpkin. These soil tests are used at critical points during the growing season to determine if nitrogen levels in the soil are adequate for optimum plant growth through the harvest stage. If the test shows adequate soil nitrogen, then no sidedress need be applied, potentially saving excessive nitrogen loading, energy and labor costs. Nitrogen applications can be reduced by 25% to 50% through the use of PSNT in place of conventional application rates and timing. This has the potential to reduce applications of nitrogen in Maine by as much as 1,000,000 pounds.
Despite the availability of these tests, adoption of this technology by vegetable growers has been very low in Maine. Technology transfer regarding PSNT’s has been aimed primarily at silage corn growers. Vegetable growers have not had adequate access to this technology, and feel a high level of risk trying it on their fields because of the higher value of their crops and the need to maintain very high quality for their markets. Additionally, most farmers feel the window for optimum timing of sidedressing is very small, and that waiting more than two days for test results during this time could significantly reduce the quality of their crop.
Bringing pre-sidedress nitrogen testing to Maine growers through demonstrations of the technique at a series of “early adopter” farms throughout the state could substantially increase the use of this method among Maine vegetable growers. The University of Maine Cooperative Extension presently offers a sweet corn integrated pest management (IPM) program to growers across the state, monitoring over twenty farms and sharing insect population data with over 200 farmers in northern New England to assure that pesticide use is kept to the minimum necessary to produce a high quality crop. This program has been credited with bringing nearly 100% of Maine sweet corn growers to adopt IPM practices on their farms. A similar approach for pre-sidedress nitrogen testing could be very effective in increasing its adoption. The Maine Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers Association represents more than half of the active commercial retail vegetable growers in the state, and its Board of Directors has actively sought to develop and cooperate in a program designed to test PSNTs on a statewide scale.