Louisana MSP - Southern University 2021

Project Overview

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2021: $11,111.00
Projected End Date: 06/30/2022
Grant Recipient: Southern University Agcenter
Region: Southern
State: Louisiana
State Coordinators:
Mila Berhane
Southern University Agcenter
Dr. Carl Motsenbocker
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center


Not commodity specific


  • Animal Production: animal protection and health, grazing management
  • Crop Production: grafting, pollination, pollinator habitat, pollinator health, seed saving, varieties and cultivars
  • Education and Training: demonstration, display, extension, farmer to farmer, on-farm/ranch research, workshop
  • Farm Business Management: grant making
  • Pest Management: biological control


    The Louisiana State University AgCenter (LSUAC) in collaboration with the Southern University Research and Extension Center (SUAREC) will implement programs that enhance the capabilities of Louisiana’s agricultural professionals in the area of sustainable agriculture.  Themes for 2021-2022 include: fruit crops, small ruminants, fall garden and other sustainable agriculture related conferences and workshops.  Louisiana State University AgCenter and Southern University Agricultural Center extension personnel will be strongly encouraged to attend the training sessions. Information delivery systems to be utilized include workshops and long-distance education training sessions, field trips, resource manuals and informational bulletins.    The Program Assistant (half-time), funded by this project, will be responsible for maintaining the state SARE website (http://www.southernsare.org/SARE-in-Your-State/Louisiana).  The other duties for this position include assisting in coordination of the state workshops and field days,  the sustainable agriculture materials generated by the project, promotion of SARE resources and grant opportunities, and development of on-line and hard copy sustainable agriculture resources.

    Project objectives:

    Out of State Travel Expenses:

    The purpose of including travel funds is to cover costs associated with attending The Annual Piedmont Farm Tour, April 24-25, 2022 by the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. The Farm tour will take place in  45 local, scenic, and sustainable farms in Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Johnston, Orange, Person, and Wake Counties, North Carolina. We are asking for funds to cover 6 county agents/ Ag Professionals to attend this conference. Transportation will be provided using 2 state vehicles, gasoline consumption will be charged. Lodging is requested at $170 for 2nights + 93 for 2 nights/2 guests per room. Per Diem is requested to cover meals within the duration of the tour.

    We are expecting to meet in person by 2022.

    We are planning to have all activities outdoors following all COVID 19 guidelines.

    Here are some activities we are planning to conduct during 2022 

    Small Ruminant Conference.

    Handouts will be provided for the Workshop, including information on goat nutrition, reproduction, breeds and breeding, small ruminant management and production and marketing information.

    Each participant will be provided with supplemental materials (i.e. websites, videos, reading materials, etc.  Materials for the demonstrations such us clippers, gloves, and other supplies for the demonstration of small ruminant production will be needed

    A SU Farm Tour will be included in the program to visit the forage crops experiment.

    Training Materials

    Conference/Meeting Facilities

    This workshop will last a whole day and will be conducted at The Southern University Research farm. Lectures will be during the morning, a working lunch with a roundtable with farmers and hands on demonstration in the afternoon. A working lunch will be provided in order to keep continuity of the program. Lunch is estimated at $10.00 per person


    Fall Gardening Workshop-Edible Landscapes/Fruit Tree and Vegetable Grafting

    A Fall gardening workshop will be conducted to train farmers, extension agents, teachers, community garden leaders to address issues and increase knowledge in such areas as vegetable grafting, fruit tree and vegetable grafting, urban farming, fall vegetable planning and planting.

    We expect to have the cooperation from Research and Extension personnel from both LSU and SU Ag Centers. This will be a full day training seminar. Lectures will be in the morning; working lunch and hand-on-demonstration in the afternoon.

    A working lunch will be provided to sample local and seasonal foods.

    Training Materials


    Honorariums/Speaker fees

    An expert on Urban Farming will be invited as a guest speaker for this workshop. $500.00 has been designated for this expense.

    Conference/Meeting Facilities

    This workshop will last a whole day and will be conducted at The SU AgCenter. A working lunch will be scheduled; estimated at $10.00 per person


    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.