Project Overview
Information Products
- Animal Production: grazing management, rangeland/pasture management
- Crop Production: biological inoculants, conservation tillage, cover crops, crop improvement and selection, cropping systems, irrigation, no-till, pollinator habitat, pollinator health, varieties and cultivars, water management
- Education and Training: demonstration, extension, networking, technical assistance, workshop
- Pest Management: biofumigation, cultivation, cultural control, disease vectors, economic threshold, integrated pest management, mulches - general, mulches - killed, mulches - living, prevention, soil solarization
- Soil Management: organic matter, soil microbiology, soil quality/health
The global pandemic prevented the activities originally planned for the New Mexico Professional Development Program since in-person events were not allowed. With the annual NM Sustainable Agriculture Conference and Field Day canceled, the NM WSARE Advisory Committee pivoted to a webinar series. The NM Sustainable Agriculture Webinar Series consisted of six one-hour segments that were presented via Zoom on Thursday afternoons beginning at 3:00 pm, October 1 through November 5, 2020. The webinar topics were selected based on current state clientele priorities and feedback from past NM Sustainable Agriculture conferences and included seed saving, weed management, beneficial insects, vegetable production, fruit tree management, and drip irrigation installation.
Project objectives:
The objective of the NM Sustainable Agriculture Webinar series is to enhance the knowledge base of agricultural producers, agricultural professionals, and other participants in the sessions in key areas critical to optimizing agricultural production in New Mexico while minimizing adverse environmental impacts.