Dr. Koon-Hui Wang

University of Hawaii
State: HI
(w) (808) 956-2455


GW24-006 Integrating the Farmer into Pest Management Innovation for Sweetpotatoes.
SW22-936 Entomopathogenic Bombs – Sweet Potato Weevils Be Gone
GW22-233 Examining the biofumigation and innate potential of ground papaya seeds to induce host plant resistance against soil-borne pathogens in Hawaii
SW20-911 Instant biofumigation using natural products from papaya seed waste for sustainable management of soil-borne plant pathogens
GW20-212 Evaluate sorghum and sorghum-sudangrass hybrids as soil builders and microbial enhancer crops in the tropic.
WPDP19-21 Building Competencies in Hawaii’s Agricultural Professionals and Stakeholders in Under Represented Agricultural Communities Through Collaborative Partnerships. State of Hawaii.
GW18-026 Cover Crop "5-in-1 Approach" for Nematode Management Using Mustard and Oil Radish
OW15-019 Sustainable Pest Management Approaches for High Tunnel Screenhouse Production in the Tropics
GW14-007 Evaluating the Potential of Oyster Mushroom Compost Waste for Plant-Parasitic Nematode Management
SW08-037 Sunn hemp and its allelopathic compounds for vegetable production in Hawaii and beyond
SW07-604 Improving and extending the superhero status of the sunn hemp to other growers in need of help