North Carolina State University
State: NC
(w) (919) 515-5362
GS07-060 | Potential of grafting to improve nutrient management of heirloom tomatoes on organic farms |
LS06-193 | Grafting Rootstocks onto Heirloom and Locally Adapted Tomato Selections to Confer Resistance to Root-knot Nematodes and other Soil Borne Diseases and to Increase Nutrient Uptake Efficiency in an Intensive Farming System for Market Gardeners |
GS04-032 | Optimizing substrates, composts, and fertilizer additions for organic transplant production |
ES99-043 | Multimedia Training Resources on Sustainable Greenhouse Vegetable Production |
LS91-032 | Economically Viable Production of Vegetables in The Southern Region Using Low-input and Sustainable Techniques: A Data Base |