From the Earth

Final report for LNC18-414

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2018: $131,676.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2022
Grant Recipient: Stockbridge-Munsee Community
Region: North Central
State: Wisconsin
Project Coordinator:
Maria Duits
Stockbridge-Munsee Community
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Project Information


"From the Earth" is a community-based educational project that will provide a hands-on learning space and resources dedicated to increasing the number of local food producers within a rural community. This project will involve the expansion of current community gardens into a new learning space that demonstrates vegetable production techniques, soil conservation practices, honeybee hives, and a pollinator habitat that create a holistic approach to food production. The objectives of this project are to increase community outreach and education regarding food production, and increase the number of sustainably active farmers in the community. The Stockbridge-Munsee Community (SMC) has conducted several community surveys and planning meetings regarding the development of a sustainable food production project that will restore the community members ability to produce their own food.

"From the Earth" will be open to all interested community members with a primary focus of new farmers and food producers within the SMC and surrounding area. Anticipated outcomes of this project are beneficial to SMC farmers by providing a learning space that offers techniques that can be adapted by the farmers for any size of food production system. "From the Earth" will create a long-term support system with resources available for the community.

This project will be done in a series of phases over a three-year period, with a main focus of education throughout the growing season. This will be done through hands-on field days, a video teaching blog (vlog), and fact sheets. The Project Coordinator will also develop an end of year report, documenting time and money spent in each of the project areas. The SMC Food Sovereignty Committee will be the sounding board for this project and will assist the Project Coordinator with the management of this project.

Project Objectives:

Learning Outcomes

1. Participants will gain knowledge and skills of vegetable production techniques and soil conservation practices.
2. Participants will gain resources and information on keeping honeybee hives and developing pollinator habitats.

Action Outcomes

1. Farmers will implement sustainable horticulture skills, such as: cover cropping and composting on their farms.
2. Farmers will use new vegetable production techniques, such as: raised rows, raised beds, row crops with living mulches and plastic mulches.
3. Farmers will participate in pollinator habitat development and staging of honeybee hive.
4. Increase the number of SMC farmers producing fresh vegetables.


From the Earth is a community based education project focused on providing hands on experiences for farmers near and around the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. Educational content in developed for three categories: Vegetable Crop Production, Beekeeping, and Indigenous Crop Production. Through this project local farmers are able to learn about production techniques relevant to the area and are able to network with presenters and other local farmers to discuss challenges and opportunities for their farms.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info


Involves research:
Participation Summary


Educational approach:

This project has a multi-facet educational approach. The primary base for educational activities take place at the Farm the Earth Farm learning center. This is a farm designed to conduct trials and demonstrations for local farmers and community members to demonstrate fruit and vegetable growing techniques, beekeeping, and traditional Mohican crop growing techniques. On-farm demonstrations are the primary form of education during the typical growing season (May-September). In conjunction with the on-farm demonstrations, fact sheets and educational videos are created to share the information with a greater audience and are used as a reference guide for program participants. Furthermore, data is collected on vegetable production and harvest information. This data is compiled and made available through an end of year report to the community and class participants. This data includes crop yield, harvest dates, and an estimation of income generated from the sale of the crop through a variety of market channels including whole sale, farmers market, and a CSA. Numbers for the CSA and Farmers Market reflect projected sales within the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. 

2022 CSA Information










Strawberries - 1 quart

Green Onions – 6

Garlic Scapes – 5

Radish – 4

Cucumbers – 3

Snap Peas – 10 oz.









Strawberries - 1 pint

Green Onions – 6

Garlic Scapes – 3

Radish – 4

Cucumbers – 1

Snap Peas – 5 oz.










Radish – 1#

Cucumber – 3

Kale – 10

Lettuce – 12 oz 

Green Onion – 7

Snap Peas – 8 oz









Radish – 1/2#

Cucumber – 1

Kale – 5

Lettuce – 6 oz 

Green Onion – 7  

Snap Peas – 4 oz










Radish – 2#

Cucumbers – 2

Kale – 15 oz.

Lettuce – 1 head

Green Pepper – 1

Green Onion – 6

Snap Peas – 8 oz










Radish – 1#

Cucumbers – 1

Kale – 7 oz.

Lettuce – 10 oz.

Green Onion – 6

Snap Peas – 4 oz










Radish – 1#

Cucumber – 2

Kale – ¾#

Green Onion – 8

Zucchini – 1

Kohlrabi – 1

Snap Peas – 8 oz.

Stockbridge Beans – 10 oz.











Radish – ½#

Cucumber – 1

Kale –  ½#

Green Pepper – 1

Green Onion – 8

Snap Peas – 4 oz.

Stockbridge Beans – 5 oz.












Radish – 14 oz.

Cucumbers – 2

Lettuce – large head

Green Pepper – 3

Green Onion – 10

Zucchini – 2

Snap Peas – 13 oz.

Green Beans – 14 oz.

Tomatoes – 1












Radish – 7 oz.

Cucumbers – 1

Lettuce – small head

Green Pepper – 2

Green Onion – 5

Zucchini – 1

Snap Peas – 9 oz.

Green Beans – 7 oz.













Carrots – 10 oz.

Cucumbers – 4

Lettuce – 1 head

Green Pepper – 3

Green Onion – 8

Zucchini – 2

Broccoli – 1 head

Snap Peas – 2#

Green Beans – 12 oz.

Tomatoes – 1 quart












Carrots – 5 oz.

Cucumbers – 2

Lettuce – 1 head

Green Pepper – 1

Green Onion – 4

Zucchini – 1

Snap Peas – 1#

Green Beans – 6 oz.

Tomatoes – 1 pint














Cabbage – 1

Cucumber – 4

Lettuce – 1 head

Green Pepper – 2

Green Onion – 8

Snap Peas – 8 oz.

Zucchini – 2

Green Beans – 1#











Cabbage – 1

Cucumber – 2

Lettuce – 10 oz.

Green Pepper – 1

Green Onion – 4

Snap Peas – 4 oz.

Zucchini – 1

Green Beans – ½#

Broccoli – 1 head














Cucumbers – 2

Kale – swap box

Lettuce – 1

Green Pepper – 2

Green Onion – 6

Zucchini – 1

Green Beans – 1#

Tomatoes – pint

Cabbage – 1

Beets – 1#

Sweet Corn – 2













Cucumbers – 1

Kale – swap box

Lettuce – 1

Green Pepper – 2

Green Onion – 6

Zucchini – 1

Broccoli – 1#

Green Beans – 1/2#

Tomatoes – 2

Beets – ½#
















Carrots – 1#

Cucumbers – 1  

Kale – swap box

Lettuce – 1 head

Green Pepper – 2

Yellow Onion – 1

Zucchini – 1

Broccoli – 1#

Green Beans – 1#

Tomatoes – quart

Sweet Corn – 2














Cucumbers – 1

Kale – swap box

Lettuce – 1 head

Green Pepper – 1

Yellow Onion – 1

Zucchini – 1

Green Beans – ½#

Tomatoes – pint

Cabbage – 1















Cucumbers – 1  

Kale – 7

Green Pepper – 2

Green Onion – 8

Zucchini – 1

Green Beans – 1#

Tomatoes – quart

Patty Pan Squash – 1

Shitake Mushroom – 2/3 #











Kale – 7

Green Pepper – 2

Green Onion – 4

Zucchini – 1

Green Beans – 1/2#

Tomatoes – pint

Patty Pan Squash – 1

Sweet Corn – 2

Shitake Mushroom – 1/3#














Carrots – 1#

Cucumber – 2

Kale – swap box

Green Pepper – 1

Green Onion – 8

Tomatoes – quart

Spaghetti Squash – 1

Watermelon – 1

Sweet Corn – 3

Apples – 14














Carrots – ½#

Cucumber – 1

Kale – swap box

Green Onion – 4

Tomatoes – pint

Spaghetti Squash – 1

Green Beans – 1#

Zucchini – 1

Apples – 7














Carrots – 1#

Cucumber – 1

Lettuce – 10 oz

Green Onion – 8

Tomatoes – quart

Thelma Sanders Squash – 1

Watermelon – 1

Apples – 14











 Carrots – ½#

Cucumber – 1

Lettuce – 6 oz.

Green Onion – 4

Tomatoes – pint

Thelma Sanders Squash – 1

Apples – 7












Cucumber – 1

Kale – 8

Green Pepper – 2

White Onion – 2

Zucchini – 1

Pie Pumpkin – 1

Tomatoes – quart

Acorn or Spaghetti Squash – 1

Watermelon – 1

Sweet Corn – 4

Honeycrisp Apples – 12

Radish – 1# 















Kale – 4

Green Pepper – 1

White Onion – 1

Zucchini – 1

Pie Pumpkin – 1

Tomatoes – pint

Acorn or Spaghetti Squash – 1

Watermelon – 1

Sweet Corn – 4

Honeycrisp Apples – 6

Radish – 4 
















Carrots – 1#

Kale – 6

Green Pepper – 1

Red Onion – 2

Pie Pumpkin – 1

Tomatoes – quart

Sweet Corn – 3

Apples – 13











Carrots – 1#

Kale – 4

Green Pepper – 1

Red Onion – 1

Pie Pumpkin – 1

Tomatoes – quart

Sweet Corn – 2

Apples – 7













Carrots – 1#

Kale – swap box

Green Pepper – 2

Variety of Squash – Pick 1

Red Onion – 2

White Onion – 2

Potatoes – quart

Garlic – 1

Brussel Sprouts – quart

Honey – ½ pint













Carrots – ½ #

Kale – swap box

Green Pepper – 1

Variety of Squash – Pick 1

Red Onion – 1

White Onion – 1

Potatoes – pint

Garlic – 1

Brussel Sprouts – pint

Honey – ¼ pint























2022 Crop Information

Crop Weight Commodity
1-Acorn Squash 314.1 $1.18   $370.64 
2-Basil 10.71 $5.00   $53.55 
3-Beans 538.29 $3.36   $1,808.65 
4-Beets 60.3 $2.44   $147.13 
5-Blue Corn 152.9 $-     $-   
6-Blue Shackamoxon Bean 22.1 $-     $-   
7-Boston Morrow Squash 195.1 $-     $-   
8-Broccoli 138.47 $1.48   $204.94 
9-Brussel Sprouts 115.7 $2.30   $266.11 
10-Buttercup Squash 81.27 $1.18   $95.90 
11-Butternut Squash 653 $1.18   $770.54 
12-Cabbage 450.9 $0.82   $369.74 
13-Cantelope 25.6 $2.88   $73.73 
14-Carrots 437.1 $0.98   $428.36 
15-Cauliflower 15.5 $1.34   $20.77 
16-Cilantro 5.42 $5.28   $28.62 
17-Cucumbers 740.19 $0.99   $732.79 
18-Delicata Squash 50.2 $1.18   $59.24 
19-Dill 23.3 $-     $-   
20-Eggplant 0 $-     $-   
21-Garlic 28.3 $4.78   $135.27 
22-Garlic Scapes 0 $7.20   $-   
23-Gourd 0 $-     $-   
24-Green Onions 158.5 $1.00   $158.50 
25-Honey 118.1 $8.00   $944.80 
26-Hubbard Squash 0 $-     $-   
27-Kale 324.65 $3.48   $1,129.78 
28-Kohlrabi 49.5 $2.60   $128.70 
29-Lettuce 436.7 $4.98   $2,174.77 
30-Munsee Beans 69.65 $-     $-   
31-Onions 561.94 $0.47   $264.11 
32-Other (Make comment of what notes) 19.5 $-     $-   
33-Pan Patty 134.6 $-     $-   
34-Pepper 437.98 $1.49   $652.59 
35-Pickling Cucumber 74.95 $0.99   $74.20 
36-Potato 122.4 $1.99   $243.58 
37-Pumpkins 1469.6 $0.60   $881.76 
38-Purple Bread Bean 29.13 $-     $-   
39-Radish 398.05 $0.85   $338.34 
40-Spaghetti Squash 945.11 $1.18   $1,115.23 
41-Spinach 3.6 $3.65   $13.14 
42-Stockbridge Beans 133.97 $-     $-   
43-Sugar Snap Peas 237.36 $2.98   $707.33 
44-Sweet Corn 559.5 $0.66   $369.27 
45-Thelma Sanders Squash 342.3 $1.18   $403.91 
46-Tomato 1151.41 $2.40   $2,763.38 
47-Traditional Beans (All Others) 2.95 $-     $-   
48-Watermelon 1098.4 $0.99   $1,087.42 
49-White Corn 42.5 $-     $-   
50-Zucchini/Summer Squash 559.87 $1.48   $828.61 
Total 13540.67   $19,845.39 



2021 CSA Information

Date Full Share Half Share
6/30- Week 1 4 Onions
1.25# Radish
3 Garlic Scapes
1 Kohlrabi
1# Lettuce
1 pint Strawberries
1/2 pint Peas
2 Onions
.75# Radish
1 Garlic Scape
.5# Lettuce
.75 pint Strawberries
1/2 pint Peas
7/7- Week 2 4 Onions
1 # Radish
1 Kohlrabi
.5# lettuce
1 pepper
1 zucchini or cuc
2 Onions
.5# Radish
.25# lettuce
1 pint peas
7/14- Week 3 4 Onions
2 # Radish
.5# lettuce
1 # peas
1 pepper
1 zucchini
1 cucumber
2 Onions
1# Radish
.25# lettuce
1 pint peas
7/21- Week 4 4 Onions
1 # Radish
.5# lettuce
1 pepper
1 # peas
3 zucchini
1 cucumber
13 oz carrots
2 Onions
.25# lettuce
10 oz peas
1 zucchini
1 cucumber
7 oz carrots
7/28- Week 5 12 oz Peas
16 oz Carrots
12 oz Beans
3 Cucumbers
3 Zucchini
1/2 pint Tomatoes
3 Peppers
4 Onions
.5# Lettuce
1 Garlic
6 oz Peas
8 oz Carrots
2 Cucumbers
2 Zucchini
1 Tomatoes
2 Peppers
2 Onions
.25# Lettuce
1 Garlic
Week 6 12oz carrots
2# Beans
4 Cucumbers
2 Zucchini
1 qt Tomatoes
1/2# Lettuce
4 Peppers
8oz carrots
1# Beans
2 Cucumbers
2 Zucchini
2 Tomatoes
1/4# Lettuce
2 Peppers
Week 7 1 Cabbage
12oz carrots
3# Beans
4 Cucumbers
2 Zucchini
1 qt Tomatoes
1/2# Lettuce
4 Peppers
8oz carrots
2# Beans
2 Cucumbers
2 Zucchini
2 Tomatoes
1/4# Lettuce
2 Peppers
Week 8 3# Beans
2 Zucchini
4 Cucumber
1.25# Potatoes
4 Peppers
3 & Cherry tomatoes
1.5# Beans
1 Zucchini
2 Cucumber
.75# Potatoes
2 Peppers
2 Tomatoes
Week 9 1 Cantelope
2# Beans
1 Zucchini
6 Cucumbers
4 Peppers
2 large tomatoes & cherries
3 ears of corn
1.25# Potatoes
2# Beans
1 Zucchini
6 Cucumbers
4 Peppers
2 large tomatoes & cherries
3 ears of corn
Week 10 1 Pan Patty
2 Zucchini
4 Cucumbers
2# Potatoes
4 Peppers
1 large & cherry tomaotes
1 bunch green onions
1 Pan Patty
1 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
1 Cantelope
4 Peppers
1 large & cherry tomaotes
Week 11 Acorn Squash
1 zucchini
2 Cucumbers
5 Peppers
2 small onions
1 pint tomatoes
1 Watermelon or Canteloupe
Acorn Squash
1 zucchini
1 Cucumber
2 Peppers
1 small onion
1 pint tomatoes
1# potatoes
Week 12 6 Apples
2# Potatoes
3 Peppers
1 Pint Tomatoes
2 Cucumbers
1 Zucchini
1 large bunch
1 Squash
1 Melon/Pumpkin
3 Apples
1 Peppers
1 Tomatoes
1 Cucumbers
1 Zucchini
1 large bunch
1 Squash
1 Melon/Pumpkin
Week 13 4 Peppers
1 Pint Tomatoes
3 Cucumbers
1 Zucchini
2 Onions
1 Lettuce
1 Large Buttercup
1 Melon
1/2# Peas
1.25 # Potatoes
2 Peppers
1 Tomato
3 Cucumbers
1 Zucchini
1 Onions
1 Lettuce
1 Medium Buttercup
Week 14 6 Apples
2# Potatoes
3 Peppers
1 Tomato
1 Cucumber
1 Zucchini
4 Onions
1 Lettuce
1 Butternut Squash
1 Melon/ Pumpkin
6oz Peas
1/2 # Radish
3 Apples
1 Peppers
1 Tomato
1 Cucumber
2 Onions
1 Lettuce
1 Butternut Squash
1 Melon/ Pumpkin
1/4 # Radish
Week 15 1 Cucumber
2 Peppers
1 Tomato
1 Zucchini
2 Onions
2 squash
1 Melon
2 Pumpkins
12 oz Radish
1.25# Potatoes
1 Cucumber
1 Peppers
1 Tomato
1 Zucchini
1 Onions
2 squash
1 Pumpkins
6 oz Radish

2021 Crop Information

Crop Weight Commodity
Radish 222.2  $               0.83  $               184.43
Lettuce 139.5  $               0.75  $               104.63
Carrots 126.5  $               0.44  $                  55.66
Green Onions 62.3  $               0.29  $                  18.07
Onions 151.5  $               0.29  $                  43.94
Sugar Snap Peas 184.6  $               1.75  $               323.05
Zucchini 857.4  $               0.46  $               394.40
Cucumbers 1069.5  $               0.44  $               470.58
Beans 505.7  $               0.93  $               470.30
Pickling Cucumber 190.6  $               0.44  $                  83.86
Potato 410.4  $               0.57  $               233.93
Pepper 533.8  $               0.58  $               309.60
Kohlrabi 54  $               2.75  $               148.50
Tomato 551.9  $               0.67  $               369.77
Basil 10.5  $               4.25  $                  44.63
Watermelon 1318  $               0.48  $               632.64
Eggplant 27.3  $               1.91  $                  52.14
Corn 153  $               0.24  $                  36.72
Acorn Squash 359.3  $               0.51  $               183.24
Butternut Squash 569.3  $               0.55  $               313.12
Spaghetti Squash 197.8  $               0.48  $                  94.94
Gourd 88.8  $               0.49  $                  43.51
Cabbage 129.8  $               0.28  $                  36.34
Pumpkins 581.9  $               0.49  $               285.13
Brussel Sprouts 29.4  $               0.68  $                  19.99
Broccoli 24.9  $               0.70  $                  17.43
Stockbridge Beans 12.9  $                    -    $                         -  
Munsee Beans 7.9  $                    -    $                         -  
White Corn 150.2  $                    -    $                         -  
Blue Corn 136.3  $                    -    $                         -  
Boston Morrow 133  $                    -    $                         -  
Pan Patty 124.1  $                    -    $                         -  
Blue Shackamoxon 8.8  $                    -    $                         -  
Honey 45  $               6.00  $               270.00
Total 9168    $5,240.56



2020 CSA Information

What's in the box? Full Shares Half Shares
Week 1- July 29th Green Beans- 4#
Lettuce- Large 1#
Basil- Large
Garlic Scapes (6)
Zucchini (2)
Green Beans- 1.5#
Lettuce- Medium .5#
Basil- Small
Garlic Scapes (3)
Zucchini (1)
Week 2 1 Pepper
1 Cucumber
1 Zucchini
Green Beans- 3#
Sugar Snap Peas- 8 oz
Lettuce- Large 1#
Cherry Tomatoes- 4
Radish- Small Bunch
Basil- Large
1 Pepper
1 Cucumber
1 Zucchini
Green Beans- 1.25#
Lettuce- Medium .5#
Basil- Small
Week 3 Green Beans- 2#
Green Onions- 7
Sugar Snap Peas- 4 oz
Tomatoes- Pint
Basil- Large
Cucumbers- 3
Zucchini- 1
Lettuce- Large 1#
Potatoes- 1.5#
Green Beans- 1#
Green Onions- 3
Sugar Snap Peas- 4 oz
Tomatoes- 1/2 Pint
Basil- Small
Cucumbers- 1
Zucchini- 1
Lettuce- Medium .5#
Potatoes- .75#
Week 4 Beans- #3
Carrots- .5#
Corn- 4 ears
Tomatoes- 1 qt
Peas- 6oz
Lettuce- .5#
Potatoes- 1.5#
Basil- :Large Bag
Zucchini- 2
Pepper- 1
Kohlorabi- 1
Beans- #1.5
Carrots- .5#
Corn- 2 ears
Tomatoes- 1 pt
Lettuce- .5#
Potatoes- .75#
Basil- :Small Bag
Zucchini- 1
Pepper- 1
Week 5 Beans- #3
Carrots- .5#
Corn- 6 ears
Tomatoes- 1 qt
Lettuce- 1#
Potatoes- 2#
Zucchini- 1
Pepper- 2
Beans- #1.5
Carrots- .5#
Corn- 3 ears
Tomatoes- 1 pt
Lettuce- .5#
Potatoes- .75#
Zucchini- 1
Pepper- 1
Week 6 Beans- 1.25#
Cilantro- 1 Bunch
Potatoes- 2#
Zucchini- 1
Peppers- 2
Carrots- 1 bunch
Corn- 8
Tomaotes- 1 qt
Letuce- .5#
Peas- 4oz
Beans- .75#
Cilantro- 1 Bunch
Potatoes- 1#
Zucchini- 1
Peppers- 1
Carrots- 1 bunch
Corn- 4
Tomaotes- 1 pt
Letuce- .25#
Week 7 Potatoes- 2.5#
Corn- 6
Pumpkin- 1
Cucumbers- 4
Zucchini- 2
Tomatoes- Quart
Apples- 3.5-3.75#
Peas- 4 oz
Potatoes- 1.25#
Corn- 3
Pumpkin- 1
Cucumbers- 2
Tomatoes- pint
Apples- 1.75#
Week 8 Potatoes- 2.5#
Acorn or Spagehetti-1
Cucumbers- 4
Zucchini- 1
Tomatoes- 2
Apples- 3 #
Cabbage- 1
Herbs- Assortment
Potatoes- 2.5#
Acorn or Spagehetti-1
Cucumbers- 4
Zucchini- 1
Tomatoes- 2
Apples- 1.5 #
Cabbage- 1
Herbs- Assortment
Week 9 9/22 Potatoes- 3#
Carrots- 5 oz
Peas- 6 oz
Cucumbers- 3
Apples- 4.25#
Pepper- 1
Squash/ Melon-1
Lettuce- .5#
Onions- 2
Tomatoes- 1 large & 8 cherry
Corn- 4
Potatoes- 1.5#
Carrots- 2.5 oz
Peas- 2.5 oz
Cucumbers- 2
Apples- 2.5#
Pepper- 1
Squash/ Melon-1
Lettuce- .25#
Onions- 1
Tomatoes- 8 cherry
Week 9.5 9/24 Cabbage- 1
Squash- 1
Pumpkin- 2
Peas- 10oz
Assorted Extra Items
Cabbage- 1
Squash- 1
Pumpkin- 1
Assorted Extra Items

2020 Crop Information

Crop Weight Commodity
 Value/ #
Radish 22  $             0.83  $          18.26
Lettuce 173.5  $             0.75  $        130.13
Carrots 129.7  $             0.44  $          57.07
Onions 43.1  $             0.29  $          12.50
Sugar Snap Peas 128  $             1.75  $        224.00
Zucchini 425.1  $             0.46  $        195.55
Cucumbers 594.5  $             0.44  $        261.58
Beans 551  $             0.93  $        512.43
Pickling Cucumber 211.4  $             0.44  $          93.02
Potato 600.7  $             0.57  $        342.40
Pepper 116.3  $             0.58  $          67.45
Kohlrabi 44.3  $             2.75  $        121.83
Tomato 233.6  $             0.67  $        156.51
Basil 22.1  $             4.25  $          93.93
Watermelon 96.3  $             0.48  $          46.22
Eggplant 32  $             1.91  $          61.12
Corn 702.6  $             0.24  $        168.62
Acorn Squash 185.8  $             0.51  $          94.76
Butternut Squash 133.7  $             0.55  $          73.54
Spaghetti Squash 121  $             0.48  $          58.08
Gourd 10.3  $             0.49  $            5.05
Cabbage 155.1  $             0.28  $          43.43
Pumpkins 437.4  $             0.49  $        214.33
Stockbridge Beans 1.3    
Munsee Beans 1    
White Corn 18    
Blue Corn 32.7    
Broccoli 101.1

$ .70

$        70.11

Total 5323.6    $    3,122.55



2019 CSA Information

CSA Box Example Full Shares Half Shares Estimated Market/ Grocery Value  

Est. Farmers Market Values

Week 1- June 24 Large Bag of Lettuce
Baby Carrots
Small Bag of Lettuce
Half- $2.50

Large Lettuce-$3
Medium Lettuce- $2.25
Small Lettuce- $1.50
Bunch of Radishes- $1

Week 2 Large Bag of Lettuce
Baby Carrots
Green Onions
2 Qts Strawberries
Small Bag of Lettuce
Green Onions
1 Qt Strawberries
Full- $14
Half- $7.50

Baby Carrots- $.50
Carrots- $1.00/#
Green Onions- $1.00
1 Qt Strawberries- $4.00
1 Pt Strawberries- $2.00

Week 3 1 Qt+ 1pt Strawberries
Large Bag Lettuce
Green Onions
1 Zucchini
SugarSnap Peas (8oz)
1 Qt Strawberries
Small Bag of Lettuce
SugarSnap Peas (4oz)
Full- $13.50
Half- $8.50

Zuchinni- $.50/ each
Cucumber- .$50/ each
SugarSnap Peas- $4.00/#
Beans- $3/#
Summer Squash- $1
Potatoes- $2/#

Week 4 2 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
Small Bag of Lettuce
SugarSnap Peas (16oz)
1 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
SugarSnap Peas (10oz)
Full- $11.50
Half $6

Green Pepper- $.50
Tomatoes- $.50/ each
Cherrie Tomatoes- 6 for $.50
Watermelon- $5
Onion- $.25
Basil- $.50

Week 5 2 Zucchini
3 Cucumbers
Beans (10oz)
SugarSnap Peas (1.5#)
1 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
Small Bag Lettuce
SugarSnap Peas (1#)
Full- $12.50
Half- $9.00

Eggplant- $1.00
Cantelope- $4
Apples- $2/#
Acorn Squash- $1/ each
Butternut Squash- $1/ each
Spaghetti Squash- $1/each
Corn- $4/doz

Week 6 2 Zucchini
1 Summer Squash
3 Cucumbers
Beans (1# 4oz)
SugarSnap Peas (10oz)
Small Lettuce
Green Onions
Potatoes (1qt ~1# 10oz)
1 Green Pepper
2 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
Beans (12oz)
SugarSnap Peas (5oz)
Green Onions
Potatoes (1 pint ~12oz)
Full- $16.00
Half- $9.50
Week 7 1-2 Zucchini
1 Summer Squash
1 Small Bag Lettuce
1 Pepper
2 large cucumbers
1.5# Beans
Potatoes (1qt)
2 Zucchini
2 large Cucumbers
1# Beans
Potatoes (1 pint)
Full- $13.00
Half- $8
Week 8 2 Zucchini/ Summer Squash
3 Cucumbers
1 pint Tomatoes (2 for Clinic Peps)
1 Green Pepper
3 Onions
1.5# Beans
Basil Pack
1 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
1 Tomato
1 Green Pepper
1 Onion
1 # Green Beans
Basil Pack
Full- $11
Half- $7.5
Week 9 2 Zucchini/Summer Squash
4 Cucumbers
1 qt Tomatoes (3 large & 12 cherry)
1 green pepper
2 onions
2# Green Beans
Basil Pack
1 Zucchini/Summer
2 Cucumbers
1 pint Tomatoes (2 Large & 6 Cherry)
1 Green Pepper
1 Onion
1# 4oz Bean
Medium Bag Lettuce
Basil Pack
Full- $18
Half- $10.5
Week 10 2 Zucchini/ Summer Squash
4 Cucumbers
1 qt Tomatoes
1 Green Pepper
1 # Beans
1 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
1 Pint Tomatoes
1 Green Pepper
1/2# Beans
Full- $18.50
Half- $14
Week 11 2 Zucchini/ Summer Squash
3 Cucumbers
1 qt Tomatoes
2 Green Peppers
1# 4oz Beans
2 Onions
3# Apples
1 Zucchini/ Summer Squash
1 Cucumbers
1 pt Tomatoes
1 Green Peppers
10 oz Beans
1 Onions
1# 10oz Apples
Full- $21
Half- $13.25
Week 12 2 Zucchini/ Summer Squash
4 Cucumbers
1 qt Tomatoes
1 Green Pepper
1# 6oz Beans
3 Onions
3 # Apples
1 Watermelon
Lettuce- Large Bag
1 qt Potatoes
Optional Item ($1- 4 ears of corn or squash)
1 Zucchini/ Summer Squash
2 Cucumbers
1 pt Tomatoes
1 Green Pepper
10 oz Beans
2 Onions
1.5 # Apples
1 Watermelon
1 pt Potatoes
Optional Item ($1- 4 ears of corn or squash)
Full- 25.50
Half- $14.50
Week 13 1 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
1 pt Tomatoes
1 Green Pepper
1 # Green Beans
3 Onions
2.5# Apples
1 Watermelon
1 Spaghetti Squash
3 ears Corn
1# Carrots
Lettuce- Large Bag
1 qt Potatoes
1 Cucumbers
1 pt Tomatoes
1 Green Pepper
.5 # Green Beans
2 Onions
1.5# Apples
1 Watermelon
1 Spaghetti Squash
.5# Carrots
Lettuce- Medium Bag
1 pt Potatoes
Full- $27
Half- $17.5
Week 14 2# Apples
Large Bag Lettuce
1 Green Pepper
2 Cucumber
2 Zucchini
1.25# Carrots
4 Onions
1 Pt Potatoes
1 qt Tomatoes
1 Squash
2 ears Corn
1# Apples
Medium Bag Lettuce
1 Green Pepper
1 Cucumber
1 Zucchini
.75# Carrots
2 Onions
1 pt Potatoes
1 pt Tomatoes
1 Squash
2 ears Corn
Full- $22.25
Half- $12.25
Week 15- October 1 4 # Apples
Large Bag Lettuce
1 # Carrots
1 # Onions
2 Green Peppers
1 Zucchini
1 Cucumber
1 pt Potatoes
1 Pumpkin
1 Squash
2 Gourds
2# Apples
Medium Bag Lettuce
.5# Carrots
.5 # Onion
1 Green Pepper
1 Zucchini
1 Cucumber
1 pt Potatoes
1 Pumpkin or Squash
1 Gourd
Full- $20.00
Half- $12.25
    Total Value Full/ Share $248.25 $3,723.75 15 Shares Total
    Total Value Half/Share $152.75 $2,291.25 15 Shares Total
      Total Value $6,015.00  

2019 Crop Information

Crop Weight Commodity
Value/ Pound
Commodity Value
Watermelon 836.6  $          0.48  $      401.57
Cucumbers 468  $          0.44  $      205.92
Zucchini 375.34  $          0.46  $      172.66
Beans 341.44  $          0.93  $      317.54
Tomato 312.26  $          0.67  $      209.21
Pumpkins 250.8  $          0.49  $      122.89
Potato 202.63  $          0.57  $      115.50
Lettuce 183.2  $          0.75  $      137.40
Pickling Cucumber 143.14  $          0.44  $        62.98
Carrots 154.86  $          0.44  $        68.14
Onions 119.3  $          0.29  $        34.60
Sugar Snap Peas 111.6  $          1.75  $      195.30
Radish 114.6  $          0.83  $        95.12
Cantaloupe 100.1  $          0.48  $        48.05
Spaghetti Squash 75.2  $          0.48  $        36.10
Corn 78.6  $          0.24  $        18.86
Butternut Squash 73  $          0.55  $        40.15
Pepper 74.14  $          0.58  $        43.00
Eggplant 65.4  $          1.91  $      124.91
Acorn Squash 66.2  $          0.51  $        33.76
Summer Squash 45  $          0.46  $        20.70
Gourd 18.6  $          0.49  $          9.11
Kohlrabi 12.2  $          2.75  $        33.55
Cabbage 5.7  $          0.28  $          1.60
Green Onions 4.6  $          1.19  $          5.47
Spinach 1.34  $          2.20  $          2.95
Basil 1.22  $          4.25  $          5.19
Total 4235.07 Total
 $   2,562.23

Project Activities

Seed Saving Workshop
Corn Braiding Workshop
Harvest Celebration and Tour
Sustainability Tour
Traditional Garden Workshop
Traditional Bean and Squash Planting Workshop
White Corn Planting Workshop
Blue Corn Planting Workshop
Beekeeping Basics: Hive Preperation
Beekeeping Basics: Installing Bees
Three Sisters Gardening: Planting Phase 1
Three Sisters Gardening: Planting Phase 2
Beekeeping Basics: Bee Check
Beekeeping Basics: Hive Split
Three Sisters Gardening: Plant Maintenance
Beekeeping Basics: Honey Harvest
Beekeeping Basics: Bee Check
From the Earth Education Day
Beekeeping Basics: Winterizing Bees
Crop Production: Cover Crops
Stockbridge-Munsee Community Composting and Farming
Building and using a seasonal high tunnel
Virtual Garden Tours
Virtual Seed Starting Class
Companion Planting
Blue Corn Mush Cooking Class
Wild Leek Salt Class
Traditional Corn Planting
All About Dandelions
Three Sisters Bean and Squash Planting
Beekeeping General Hive Management
Beekeeping, Adding Honey Boxes
Beekeeping Honey Removal
Beekeeping- Bee Check and Honey Processing
Beekeeping - Winterizing Bee Hives
Partners In Action
Blue Corn Growing and Cooking
Three Sisters Garden Maintenance
From the Earth Farm Open House
Three Sisters Garden Tour & Bean Shucking
Homestead Tour
Traditional Seed Saving
Granola Making Class
Squash & Pumpkin Patch Harvest
Blue Corn Harvest - Picking Corn
Blue Corn Harvest - Husking Bee
Blue Corn Harvest - Corn Braiding
Making Applesauce
Fruits Leather - Dehydrating
Preserving Carrots
Honoring the Stockbridge Bean Harvest
Preserving Onions
Traditional Teas
Composting Benefits
Garden Mapping 101

Educational & Outreach Activities

28 Consultations
10 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
51 On-farm demonstrations
24 Online trainings
6 Tours
9 Webinars / talks / presentations
31 Workshop field days

Participation Summary:

874 Farmers participated
132 Ag professionals participated
Education/outreach description:

Workshops/Field Days

2022 Update

We were very grateful for the opportunity to host in-person events again this year! It was great to be able to welcome people out to the farm to gain the hands-on experience of how we are running our demonstration farm. Throughout 2022, we hosted 29 in-person events for the community farmers.  Classes ranged in topics from food preservation (many featuring traditional foods) to beekeeping, to caring for crops. One of the highlights of the year was when we were able to invite the community to the farm for an open house. The farm had undergone many expansions during Covid as the need to grow food in the community continued to increase. It was great to welcome the community out and show them how the farm has grown in response to that demand.


Three Sisters (Traditional Foods Update) / 12 on-farm events, 5 videos

Throughout the growing season when have been able to invite the community out to the farm and share about our traditional foods growing methods. We were managing three additional community gardens, outside of the main farm, that featured traditional foods as a way to expand the number of varieties we were able to grow without cross pollination. Through this project we have been able to experiment growing four kinds of traditional corn, six varieties of squash, and over 10 varieties of beans. We are still learning and growing with many of these varieties, but feel confident in growing our Lenape Blue Corn, Stockbridge Beans, Lenape Blue Beans, and Boston Marrow Squash. Throughout our years of growing these varieties, we have worked to best to meet the maturity restrictions with the growing conditions in our location. We have also been able to save enough of these seeds to share them throughout the community, and we now have these seeds being grown out with 30 farmers and community members. 


Farm and Garden Techniques / 5 on-farm demonstrations, 4 virtual webinar and presentations, 3 videos

We continued to share the knowledge with farmers and community members on techniques that can simplify their operations.  Classes were held on topics of companion planting for pest control, seed starting at home, on site farm demonstrations, garden planning to eliminate cross-pollination, and composting.  We continue to have community support with these sustainable farming topics and ask for community input on upcoming classes.  


Beekeeping / 5 on-farm demonstrations

We continued to offer beekeeping classes throughout the summer. Attendance for these classes has declined over the years, but we have been able to build a good community network of farmers interested in keeping bees within the community.


Food Preservation / 7 workshop days, 3 videos

This year was the first time we had been able to offer food preservation classes in a long time covering dehydrating, canning, pickling, drying and curing for long-term storage. This is an education resource that many community members have been asking for and we were excited to be able to bring them back.  We focused on making recipes cards with preservation techniques that were made available to the community at each weekly produce sale.  We encouraged bulk produce sales to those interested in processing and preserving produce. Classes have continued into the winter and attendance has been growing with each event.



2021 Update

Covid 19 continued to limit how we were able to implement grant activities during the 2021 growing season, however we were able to offer some in person events, which served as a great way to connect with the community on this project. 


Three Sisters Gardening / 6 on-farm demonstrations, 5 videos, 28 consultations

We were under restrictions for the number of people we were able to host at gatherings through the summer of 2021, however we were still able to host 3 planting days, 1 caring for the garden day, a harvest lunch and tour, and a corn braiding workshop. We had a core group of community members who have become very invested in this project and are working on connecting the seeds with farmers and food producers in the community. We have 28 community farmers who will be growing Lenape blue corn, many for the first time in 2021, because of the work done during the summer of 2021. We also have 23 community members who will be growing Stockbridge Beans for the first time and have been able to virtually connect with these community members on how to care for these crops. We have approximately seven additional varieties of corn, beans, and squash that we will be growing for the second year in 2022 and plan to make those seeds available to the community for the 2023 growing season. 


Beekeeping / 4 videos, 3 consultations

Our beekeeping consultant, Josh Jensen, continued to share updates about the bees with our community farmers throughout the season. He was also able to help are farmers who had questions about beekeeping. 


Additional Content

Throughout the year we were also able to connect with farmers and food growers from our community and region through hosting an On-farm Sustainability Tour, through this tour we were able to connect with farmers and agriculture professionals for a tour of the farm and discuss how we have been able incorporate sustainable practices on our farm. 

We were also able to partner with Seed Savers Exchange on another grant project, where they were able to connect our community with more traditional varieties of seeds. Through this project we were able to share our experience and our farm story through and online presentation, which can be found here:

Throughout the summer we had a number of questions about growing garlic, so we decided to put a quick garlic planting video together, which can be found here:


2020 Update

The challenges of physically meeting together during 2020 forced us to share content and connect with our local farmers virtually, however, we were still able to develop a lot of content and make some great connections with our community farmers during the year. 

Beekeeping / 3 videos, 5 consultations

Our beekeeping consultant, Josh Jensen continued to share updates about the bees with our community farmers throughout the season. He was also able to help are farmers who had questions about beekeeping. 

Three Sisters Gardening: 5 Videos made in 2020, 12 consultations

Due to Covid we were not able to have community planting days for our three sisters’ gardens, but over the year we were able to secure two additional traditional varieties of corn and two varieties of beans. We grew these crops in three separate community garden and with the main focus on seed saving and developing grow sheets for these crops so we could share them with the community in 2021. We have 12 community farmers who will be growing Lenape blue corn for the first time in 2021 because of the work done during the summer of 2021 and we hope to expand this number in future years, along with expanding the traditional seeds that will be made available within the community. 

This "From the Earth Update 2020" video talks about some of the projects going on at the education farm and highlights composting work in the community:

This "Traditional Corn Update" video shows our different varieties of traditional corn, how they are growing, and the features of each variety:

Virtual Content

Throughout the year we were able to connect virtually with our community farmers and created over 25 videos featuring information on crop updates, production techniques, and our traditional crops. We also had the opportunity to share about our project at the Tribal Lands and Environment Virtual Conference during August and share the videos we made with the Agriculture Subcommittee with the Wisconsin Tribal Conservation and Advisory Council. By partnering with these organizations, we are able to share the story of this project beyond our community farmers to reach other Native farmers and tribal employees. 

2019 Update

During 2019, 12 workshops were held in conjunction with the From the Earth project. These field days took place at various locations around the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. Topics for workshops were divided into three categories: Beekeeping, Three Sisters Gardening, and Crop Production. 

Beekeeping / 7 on-farm demonstrations 

These workshops featured information from starting a bee hive to checking bee health to harvesting honey and preparing the bees for winter. During these workshops, participants were able to gain hands-on experience during each phase of the process. These workshops were led by farmer consultant Josh Jensen as he shared his personal experience as a beekeeper and answered questions from the participants about their own hives. 

Three Sisters Gardening / 3 on-farm demonstrations

These workshops featured information on traditional Mohican gardening methods. Participants gained experience building mounds and planting and caring for the corn, sunflowers, beans, and melons grown through these demonstrations. These workshops were led by farmer consultant Warren Miller. Warren shared his personal experience with food production and seed saving.

Crop Production / 2 on-farm demonstrations

These workshops featured information on cover cropping, pest management, and over all crop production. Participants were able to gain insight into sustainable production methods for a market garden and were able to try out tools and gain experience planting cover crops as part of a production system. These classes were led by project coordinator Kellie Zahn.


There were seven educational videos made in conjunction with the field days to share information beyond the participants who were able to come to the class and give the participants a place to reference to for information.

Learning Outcomes

22 Farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness as a result of their participation
5 Agricultural service providers reported changes in knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes as a result of their participation
Key areas taught:
  • Increased knowledge of beekeeping
  • Increased knowledge of Three Sisters Gardening
  • Increased knowledge of Traditional Food Systems
  • Increased knowledge of vegetable growing techniques
  • Increased knowledge of honey harvest

Project Outcomes

15 Farmers changed or adopted a practice
Key practices changed:
  • Mound planting system for traditional crops

  • Monitoring bees for mites

  • Integrated pest management in vegetable crops- scouting techniques and treatments

  • Companion planting vegetable crops

  • Management for winterizing bees

9 Grants applied for that built upon this project
6 Grants received that built upon this project
3 New working collaborations
Success stories:

Homesteader & Educator Consultant:

"I believe this project has been a great resource to combat food insecurity within our community.  As a beginning farmer, I am excited to have had the opportunity to partner with From the Earth Farm, funded through the SARE R&E Grant, to share the foods and knowledge as we grow with family and friends in the community.  My husband and I own a educational homestead.  We have a passion for growing our traditional foods and connecting our community to our ancestral knowledge of our Indigenous ways of life focusing on traditional teachings, language, storytelling, art, oral traditions, gardening, seed saving, educating, speaking with knowledge bearers within the community, workshops, photography, and more! I am excited to have had an opportunity to partner with the Agriculture Department on these projects and am excited to continue this work."


Produce Farmer on Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Lands who uses his 10 acres to produce squash, potatoes, green beans and sweet corn for the Tribal Elder food box which is sponsored by Feeding America.  Our Ag Department has been an ally to his growing efforts and farm expansions. 

"Since the conception of of the Reservation system for Indian Tribes, Native American Communities across the United States have been severely disadvantaged.   For generations our Tribal Communities have been almost completely dependent upon outside sources to provide the food necessary to sustain life.  In a time period where expanding Tribal Sovereignty is at the forefront, Food Security is becoming increasingly important.  Tribal Member food producers can play a vital role in working to achieve Food Security as a Tribal Community.


Testimonials from class attendees:

"Great addition of classes! Thank you for building this program. It is a positive and wonderful program for community members.  Definitely loved Stockbridge Beans & would love more ancestral traditional foods grown and stories shared."

"Homesteading, farming, and traditional gardening workshops have been popping up in our tribal community! It is NEEDED! It is beautiful to see our people coming together and learning these traditional skills passed down from our ancestors! I hope to see more of those workshops in the future! There is a lot of work to be done, it is just the beginning."


Traditional Foods Farmer and Consultant:

“As a tribal member, I think it is important that we educate people on old and new methods of food production. I take pride in living off food raised on our land and make a point to teach my own family about where our food comes from.  So many people in our community think their food comes from the grocery store, and that is why I think this type of education of key.

With the help of the SARE R&E grant funding, we have been able to educate about keeping our native seeds and farming traditions alive. I believe this project has helped to teach the next generation of farmers techniques that our ancestors used to grow food.

I am excited to have partnered with the Stockbridge-Munsee Community on the SARE “From the Earth” project to share my experiences of native foods and farming with others.”


Tribal Council Member:

"On behalf of the Stockbridge Munsee Community, I would like to express my gratitude for our Agriculture department and its efforts with this SARE R&E grant that has been benefitting the community greatly. I have lived in the community my entire life and have been involved with the Agriculture Department since its conception some 6/7 years ago now. I have witnessed the successes of the program that teaches our community the different methods of farming, gardening, harvesting, preserving and cooking. These classes are greatly appreciated thought the community, and we very much would like these efforts to continue.  Thank you for this opportunity."


The goal of this grant was to increase community outreach and education of sustainable farming within the Stockbridge-Munsee Community on the From the Earth Demonstration Farm.  When we surveyed the community members and local farmers about the objectives of this project, we were happy to see how the education directives have had a positive outcome throughout the community. 

  • 68% said these classes have changed their approach to producing vegetables
  • 79% said they have gained knowledge of vegetable production
  • 69% said they have gained knowledge of soil conservation through composting, mulching, no-till practices, growing in raised beds or cover cropping
  • 69% said they have gained knowledge of beekeeping
  • 84% are more aware about the importance of introducing plants for bee pollinator habitats
  • 73% have learned about growing indigenous foods

Encouraging people to grow their own food is a main principal of our food sovereignty goal for the Stockbridge-Munsee Tribe.  The goal of this grant was to “increase the number of SMC farmers producing fresh vegetables.”  Overall, 79% of people surveyed said they are growing more vegetables, fruits or bees since 2018 when this SARE funded education program began. I would say these numbers represent success!  The community has expressed interest in continuing to hold on-farm demonstrations of Mohican and sustainable farming techniques and our goal is to continue sharing this knowledge as we grow and learn on the farm.



Information Products

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.