Progress report for LNE22-446
Project Information
A robust regional seed system is vital to the economic and ecological health of Northeast farming communities. Farmers are increasingly interested in producing seed for personal/community use or as an opportunity to expand production and diversify enterprises, and Northeast seed companies including High Mowing, Fedco and the Hudson Valley Seed Company (HVSC) have interest in increasing sourcing of regionally produced seed. In order for growers to be successful, they need to learn the horticulture and economics of expanding from growing vegetables for food to seed.
Additionally, Indigenous communities throughout the Northeast are working to improve the quality and availability of ancestral seed varieties in order to successfully preserve culturally-significant seed lineages to increase tribal seed and food sovereignty. Doing so also increases community access to traditional recipes, cooking practices, and traditional gardening techniques.
Growers and seed keepers who expressed interest in expanding their seed work were enrolled in the recently-developed Organic Seed Alliance seed production online course after it was tailored to the Northeast by our content experts. This course was offered during January, February and March, and was complemented by a series of Zoom trainings to address specifics of Northeast seed production, contracting with regional seed companies, etc. Growers were able to meet with mentors monthly for additional support with specific crop questions. In person field meetings brought learning communities together each year to share experience and see different seed processing systems.
The research component of this grant was twofold. First, we conducted a survey to assess the quality of existing seedstock by lab testing for seedborne diseases and providing controlled germination testing. This survey will inform grower education about disease management. Second, conducted two replicated trials comparing seed yield, quality, and profitability from high tunnels versus field with a biennial (allium) and annual (lettuce, herb) crop in 2022 and 2023, paired with two non-replicated on-farm sites per season.
This project worked with 174 commercial vegetable farmers and 25 Indigenous seed keepers over three years to expand production of quality, regionally adapted and culturally significant seed. In the two years in which growers reported on their seed production, they produced $253,000 worth of seed. Indigenous seed keepers from the class improved their techniques for seed keeping and strengthened their network of seed keepers but did not report seed increases.
Sixty-five commercial farmers and thirty Indigenous seed keepers will increase the quality, production, and distribution of Northeast grown seed, resulting in $150,000 increased revenue from 4 acres of seed sold to Northeast seed companies and growth of one hundred and eighty pounds of heritage seed for community use.
Farmers are increasingly interested in producing seed for personal/community use or as an opportunity to expand production and diversify enterprises, and Northeast seed companies have interest in increasing sourcing of regionally produced seed. In order for growers to be successful, they need to learn the horticulture and economics of expanding from growing vegetables for food to seed.
Additionally, Indigenous communities throughout the Northeast are working to improve the quality and availability of ancestral seed varieties in order to successfully preserve culturally-significant seed lineages to increase tribal seed and food sovereignty. Doing so also increases community access to traditional recipes, cooking practices, and traditional gardening techniques.
Growers and seed keepers expressing interest in expanding their seed work were enrolled in the recently-developed Organic Seed Alliance seed production online course after it was tailored to the Northeast by our content experts. This course was offered during January, February and March, and was complemented by a series of Zoom trainings to address specifics of Northeast seed production, contracting with regional seed companies, etc. The local learning communities met monthly with a compensated regional seed mentor as an opportunity to learn from each other and consult with an expert grower. In person field meetings brought learning communities together for on-farm learning.
The research component of this grant was twofold. First, proposed conducting a survey to assess the quality of existing seedstock by lab testing for seedborne diseases and providing controlled germination testing. This survey was meant to inform grower education about disease management. Second, we conducted two replicated trials comparing seed yield, quality, and profitability from high tunnels versus field with a biennial (allium) and annual (lettuce, herb) crop in 2022 and 2023, paired with two non-replicated on-farm sites per season.
This project worked with 113 commercial vegetable farmers and 25 Indigenous seed keepers over three years to expand production of quality, regionally adapted and culturally significant seed. We anticipated an increase in revenue of $150,000 and growth of 4 acres of commercial seed and a doubling of the capacity of Indigenous seed keepers to source and distribute quality seed, from three pounds of saved seed to six per person, on average.
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Primary: Dry seeded crops produced in the Northeast will have lower disease incidence and higher quality grown under protected culture than in field conditions, and increases in yield and quality of tunnel grown seed will justify the added expense of utilizing high tunnel space.
Secondary: Northeast grown heritage seed currently carries diseases which can be identified through lab testing and mitigated using available techniques, leading to increased quality of heritage seed lines
Primary Hypothesis:
A) High tunnel: Surface moisture can be eliminated and soil moisture regulated, ensuring optimal harvest conditions.
B) Open field: A more inexpensive option for most crops, but lacking ability to control precipitation, dew and field moisture.
Year One Methods: We conducted a paired comparison of high tunnel vs field production of two crops: onion and lettuce. The research farm included 3 replicated plots of onion and lettuce in the tunnel and 3 in the field. On-farm research sites in this season only included lettuce because we didn't have enough onion bulbs to send to daughter sites. Each site had 20 lettuce plants inside and 20 outside.
*For year two we have grown more onion bulbs so that participating farms can use them, and we have developed a protocol to reduce overall sample size, having determined that pollinators readily move between indoor and outdoor blocks.
Year Two Methods: We continued the paired comparison of high tunnel vs. field production of two crops: onion and lettuce. The research farm included three replicated plots of onion and lettuce in the high tunnel and three in the field. Due to issues with the onion crop, only enough bulbs for the research farm were able to be grown out.
Original Proposal Methods: We will conduct a paired comparison of high tunnel vs field production of two crops: onion and lettuce. The research farm will include 3 replicated plots of onion and lettuce in the tunnel and 3 in the field, while the on-farm research sites will include one plot of each. Each site will have 200 onions inside and 200 outside in order to maintain genetic integrity of the variety. Each site will have 20 lettuce plants inside and 20 outside.
We did not include on-farm lettuce sites this season due the PI having to deal with personal issues and having to reduce workload slightly. The on-farm plots will be completed during the 2024 season using lettuce and shallots.
Year One Data Collection and Analysis: Data from partner farms was not extensive enough to draw meaningful conclusions. One site had extensive deer feeding on the outdoor plant population; another had workers harvest lettuce prior to flowering, and a third forgot about planting the indoor lettuce. We will work much more closely with cooperating farms this season to ensure better results.
Research farm data collection: Onion and lettuce data were successfully collected from all indoor and outdoor replications. Seed was dried and stored in climate controlled environments, and per-plant average yields were collected. The only change in protocol is that we obtained enough cleaning equipment to do all cleaning ourselves, and did not have to use Hudson Valley Seed's equipment. Seed was sent to the Iowa State Seed Lab for testing.
Year Two Data Collection and Analysis:
Research farm data collection:
Onion data were successfully collected from indoor and outdoor replications. Unfortunately, heavy deer browse both outside and in the high tunnel made the lettuce data unusable other than to test for disease pressure. Seed was dried and stored in climate controlled environments and average yields were collected. Cleaning was done on-site with seed cleaning equipment. Seed will be sent to the lab for disease testing soon.
We also added a small non-replicated trial in the high tunnel comparing large onion bulbs to small onion bulbs in terms of yield of seed. We wanted to determine if growers needed to cull out small (2-2.5 inch diameter) bulbs compared to the large (3-4 inch diameter) bulbs.
Original Proposal Data collection and Analysis: Each of the grower cooperators will be asked to collect information about their baseline growing practices (fertility, environmental conditions in tunnel and field), and to note observations from the growing season such as insect pressure and environmental stresses. They will also record any protective measures employed such as pesticide applications and row cover. Finally, they will track their economically significant inputs. During the growing season, Stewart-Courtens will also visit each host site and do an on-farm assessment of disease pressure and overall plant health, record plant populations, and recommend corrective measures.
Harvest protocol, on farm:
1) Growers harvest all mature seeds from each treatment into paper bags which list the date, farm and treatment. Seed is stored cool and dry until all crops/treatments are harvested.
2) Growers mail seed to Stewart-Courtens for complete cleaning and assessment
3) Stewart-Courtens removes sub-samples of seed for lab testing and germination tests
4) Stewart-Courtens transport all seed to Hudson Valley Seed Company for final cleaning, weighing, and quality assessment. She completes data collection during this process to ensure data integrity
Harvest protocol, research farm: identical, with data collected for each replication
Data analysis: Data will be analyzed using a two sample t-test. Each location will be analyzed separately, and then the data will be aggregated. The Cornell Statistical Consulting unit will be utilized to ensure statistics are used effectively.
Secondary Hypothesis:
Treatments: Laboratory testing
Heritage seed will be collected at the beginning of the project and sent to the lab for disease screening. After one to two seasons of growing following available corrective measures, seed will again be sent to the lab for testing. Differences between samples will be analyzed using a two-sample t-test, and possibly an ANOVA, if supporting data and sample size support use. Statistical consulting unit will be consulted once the sample has been determined in order to design analyses for maximum usefulness.
Growers are unwilling to submit seed for this step. We will support seedkeepers in testing plants for diseases during this growing season as an alternative strategy.
Complete data tables with notes are uploaded: Year 1 Seed Research Data
Data from year one lettuce trial:
Treatment | Rep | Weight total oz | Final Population | Seeds per 1 g | Oz seeds per head |
Indoor | 1 | 14.7 | 23 | 1110 | 0.64 |
Indoor | 2 | 14.85 | 23 | 1080 | 0.65 |
Indoor | 3 | 12.55 | 24 | 1130 | 0.52 |
Outdoor | 1 | 15.5 | 26 | 1220 | 0.60 |
Outdoor | 2 | 13.55 | 24 | 1110 | 0.56 |
Outdoor | 3 | 11.75 | 25 | 1360 | 0.47 |
Data from year one onion trial:
Treatment | Rep | Weight total in ounces | Final Population | Seed Head Count | Oz seed per bulb | Oz seed per head |
Indoor | 1 | 32.83 | 83 | 289 | 0.40 | 0.11 |
Indoor | 2 | 29.36 | 77 | 281 | 0.38 | 0.10 |
Indoor | 3 | 22.59 | 73 | 226 | 0.31 | 0.10 |
Outdoor | 1 | 11.66 | 70 | 242 | 0.17 | 0.05 |
Outdoor | 2 | 13.65 | 71 | 249 | 0.19 | 0.05 |
Outdoor | 3 | 12.03 | 71 | 253 | 0.17 | 0.05 |
Complete lab testing reports for lettuce and onion seed can be found here: Seed test results 2 2023 Seed test results 2023
Data from Year 2 with notes: Year 2 Research Data
Treatment | Rep | Weight total in ounces | Final population | Seed head count | Germination % | Ounces per bulb | Ounces per seed head | Seeds/1g |
Inside | 1 | 32.9 | 69 | 300 | 97% | 0.48 | 0.11 | 220 |
Inside | 2 | 39.8 | 72 | 345 | 90% | 0.55 | 0.12 | 230 |
Inside | 3 | 25.8 | 62 | 294 | 95% | 0.42 | 0.09 | 210 |
Outside | 1 | 20.1 | 70 | 324 | 92% | 0.29 | 0.06 | 260 |
Outside | 2 | 23.8 | 70 | 332 | 92% | 0.34 | 0.07 | 280 |
Outside | 3 | 23.5 | 75 | 338 | 95% | 0.31 | 0.07 | 250 |
Small bulbs | 1 | 11 | 30 | 125 | 94% | 0.37 | 0.09 | 220 |
Large bulbs | 1 | 11.3 | 27 | 115 | 97% | 0.42 | 0.10 | 200 |
To be completed for final report
Advisory members will be tapped for project development on an as-needed basis, because each provides very different skills and project support. Bill and Angela are both mentors, and will be in regular communication with the project team. K and Elisabeth will be contacted for support with horticultural and seed processing needs, respectively.
(Farmer) Bill Braun is Executive Director of the Freed Seed Federation (FSF), a Northeast-focused 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to place-based seed for the people. FSF partners with growers and breeders in the preservation, adaptation, and diversification of bioregional seed for the public domain. Bill will provide advisory on program delivery to regional market growers, and offer collaborative support for events & gatherings that will host grant education opportunities.
(Extension) Elizabeth Buck, Cornell Vegetable Program. Elizabeth is leading work at CCE to better understand how to provide quality education to tribal communities. She works closely with the Seneca nation, and will be providing on-the-ground support to project growers there through farm visits coordinated with other projects. She has extensive experience diagnosing diseases of horticultural crops, and will support seed improvement.
(Farmer) Angela Fergusen, Director of Onondaga Nation Farm and Master Seed Steward: Angela has worked with Tina to inform the best ways to educate Indigenous seed keepers within this project. She will inform development of all curricula for seed keepers and will facilitate sessions to educate commercial growers about seed sovereignty.
K Greene, Creative Director, Hudson Valley Seed Company and founder of Seedshed. K has been instrumental in planning this project, and was a key individual in the previous iteration of the proposal before stepping back to care for their health. They provided insight on how to train growers, shared lessons from previous grant work, and helped connect the team to Tina, our IAC lead.
Advisory members will be tapped for project development on an as-needed basis, because each provides very different skills and project support. Bill and Angela are both mentors, and will be in regular communication with the project team. K and Elisabeth will be contacted for support with horticultural and seed processing needs, respectively.
(Farmer) Bill Braun is Executive Director of the Freed Seed Federation (FSF), a Northeast-focused 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to place-based seed for the people. FSF partners with growers and breeders in the preservation, adaptation, and diversification of bioregional seed for the public domain. Bill will provide advisory on program delivery to regional market growers, and offer collaborative support for events & gatherings that will host grant education opportunities.
(Extension) Elizabeth Buck, Cornell Vegetable Program. Elizabeth is leading work at CCE to better understand how to provide quality education to tribal communities. She works closely with the Seneca nation, and will be providing on-the-ground support to project growers there through farm visits coordinated with other projects. She has extensive experience diagnosing diseases of horticultural crops, and will support seed improvement.
(Farmer) Angela Fergusen, Director of Onondaga Nation Farm and Master Seed Steward: Angela has worked with Tina to inform the best ways to educate Indigenous seed keepers within this project. She will inform development of all curricula for seed keepers and will facilitate sessions to educate commercial growers about seed sovereignty.
K Greene, Creative Director, Hudson Valley Seed Company and founder of Seedshed. K has been instrumental in planning this project, and was a key individual in the previous iteration of the proposal before stepping back to care for their health. They provided insight on how to train growers, shared lessons from previous grant work, and helped connect the team to Tina, our IAC lead.
Milestone Activities and Participation Summary
Educational activities:
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Performance Target Outcomes
Target #1
Will increase the quality, production, and distribution of Northeast grown seed.
Resulting in 4 acres of seed produced
And $150,000 increased revenue from sales of seed
Will increase the quality, production, and distribution of Northeast grown seed.
Producing $253,000 in regional seed
On approximately 4 acres-- plots were very dispersed and hard to quantify accurately.
Additional Project Outcomes
We received an OREI grant to work on seed agronomy as part of a national group.
A SARE farmer grant that ties directly to this work was funded and the project is benefiting participants.
To be completed for the final report
Additional agronomic studies to determine potential yields for seed crops are desperately needed. This is the focus of the OREI grant.