Progress report for ONE24-455
Project Information
This project will evaluate the ease of use, effectiveness, and consistency of a customized fertilizer applicator using a ground-driven "roller pump" for applying a sanitized, concentrated urine-derived fertilizer to sweet corn. We will purchase a multi-tube roller pump and the necessary auxiliary component parts to assemble a complete system that can 1) consistently deliver the desired amount of urine fertilizer per acre (adjustable by the farmer), 2) cover the urine fertilizer with soil immediately upon application to prevent ammonia loss, and 3) be easy to operate and maintain. Furthermore, we will test the practical limits of the system’s dosing rates and discover any mechanical weaknesses. We will monitor urine-fertilized crops for signs of healthy development (visually and through tissue analysis), and note any differences in health from synthetically-fertilized crops. From this assessment, we hope to determine the potential for this applicator to be used for other crops and application contexts. Desired outcomes of the roller pump system testing include:
Deliver a consistent and correct urine fertilizer volume per acre:
- There is no variation in the quantity of fertilizer dispensed over a set distance when the tractor is driving at different speeds.
- The drive wheel consistently powers the pump as the tractor moves over the ground, even when encountering bumps, divots, etc.
- The pump provides a practical flow rate for urine concentrate and delivers urine at the correct depth and location relative to row crops.
- There are no differences in plant development and overall health during the growing season between plants receiving urine fertilizer or synthetic fertilizer.
Ammonia volatilization is limited during application:
- The urine fertilizer is immediately buried in soil upon application to the ground
- Little to no ammonia odor is present following application
The roller pump system is easy to operate and maintain and contexts for its potential use are understood:
- The farmer-partner reports an easy-to-operate user experience with minimal challenges.
- There are no mechanical failures or signs of wear/weakness in any system components.
- The system is expected to be useful for other crops and application contexts besides sweet corn.
- The system limits are understood through a determination of the maximum and minimum practical dosing rates possible.
Diverting human urine from the waste stream and reclaiming it as a fertilizer can simultaneously address issues of 1) dependence of agriculture on unsustainable and expensive sources of fertilizer and 2) pollution of sensitive waterways from excess nutrients. Nitrogen fertilizer is derived from the Haber-Bosh process, which accounts for 1.2% of global energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions (Dawson & Hilton 2011), while high-N amendments are expensive and supplies are uncertain (Jones & Nti 2022). Phosphate is a finite resource, subject to politically induced price swings, and the Global Phosphorous Research Initiative is predicting a shortage of high-quality rock phosphate within 40 years.
Just as the supply of nitrogen and phosphorus for agricultural use grows increasingly uncertain, those same nutrients are excessively leached into waterways. Surface waters throughout the Northeast are heavily impacted by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution from both agricultural runoff as well as wastewater effluent. 70% of the nitrogen and 50% of the phosphorus in wastewater effluent is from human urine, and many wastewater plants and septic systems are unable to control this nutrient pollution and are poorly suited to nutrient reclamation.
The proposed project addresses both issues of fertilizer scarcity and nutrient pollution by improving methods for the application of urine fertilizer in alignment with a circular nutrient economy. The responsible flow of nutrients through a circular nutrient economy honors the holistic connection among land, water, air, and all living beings described in the Northeast SARE’s outcome statement, as it is underpinned by the understanding that Earth’s systems are linked through interdependent exchanges of nutrients. A circular nutrient economy also advances the vision of an accessible, sustainable, and just agricultural system, as it has the potential to provide farmers with a responsibly-sourced, financially accessible, and dependable fertilizer supply. Developing local and affordable sources of fertilizer could help alleviate financial barriers which disproportionately affect farmers of marginalized backgrounds while reducing nutrient loading in communities lacking resources to address polluted waterways.
The potential to reclaim urine-derived fertilizer within a circular nutrient economy is immense. With 54.5 million people living in the Northeast SARE region, each producing 4 kg of nitrogen in their urine annually (Vinnerås & Jönsson, 2002), there is a maximum potential to source 218 million kg of nitrogen fertilizer each year, (plus P, K and trace nutrients,) which would nearly meet the region’s approximately 280 million kg demand for N fertilizer (US EPA, 2019). While nitrogen is the most significant nutrient that human urine could supply, Rich Earth has also successfully separated phosphorus from urine, producing two products: struvite, and a low-P liquid fertilizer.
Although still uncommon, urine diversion is gaining traction. Laufen, a high-end porcelain company, is manufacturing a new urine-diverting toilet, and Rich Earth Institute’s spin-off (Brightwater Tools LCC) is now selling urine pasteurizers that will enable farms throughout Vermont to produce state-permitted urine fertilizer. Charcoal filtration can remove pharmaceutical contaminants in urine (Solanki & Boyer, 2017), thereby addressing concerns of some farmers and stakeholders identified in prior research. The practice of urine collection is increasing in the Northeast, with the establishment of the urine-collecting portable toilet company, called Wasted*, in Burlington, VT, and a municipal initiative in Falmouth, MA, aimed at reducing nitrogen emissions to coastal waters.
With increasing access to urine fertilizer, farmers will need applicator systems tailored to urine fertilization. The Rich Earth Institute has built a hay applicator designed to apply urine in a gentle stream to hayfields (Figure 1). While this gravity-fed system is well-suited for hay application, it does not offer the dosing precision or a high dosing rate required for the cultivation of other crops. Many passes over the hayfield and many refills of the applicator tank are needed with the gravity-fed hay applicator, and these inefficiencies are prohibitive in the adoption of urine fertilization at scale.
To reduce the labor of fertilization, Rich Earth has applied concentrated urine to sweet corn (Noe-Hays et al., 2024). The urine concentrate reduced the number of tank refills and increased the land area fertilized per tank of urine. Concentrated urine is made at the Rich Earth Institute using freeze-thaw technology developed by Brightwater Tools LCC. If used in conjunction with refined applicator equipment, urine concentrate may offer a fertilization efficiency on par with conventional fertilization practices.
Ammonia loss through volatilization is another important consideration of urine application technology, especially when using urine concentrate, which is more prone to ammonia volatilization than non-concentrated urine. Volatilization from urine fertilizer has been shown to be reduced by applying urine in a gentle stream close to the soil, or better yet incorporating the urine beneath the soil surface (Noe-Hays, 2018). Rich Earth’s existing prototype row applicator buries urine immediately upon application using a cultivator tine (Figure 2), which was found to effectively reduce signs of volatilization (Noe-Hays et al., 2024).
To address the equipment efficiency needs for the application of urine at scale, this study will develop an applicator with 1) consistent dosing, 2) minimal ammonia volatilization, and 3) efficiency and ease of operation. To achieve a controlled dosing of urine fertilizer, we will use a "roller” pump, also known as a peristaltic pump. Roller pumps are popular because of their low cost, compact size, and easy maintenance. They can be driven by a wheel that contacts the ground, which mechanically links the fertilizer flow rate to the tractor ground speed such that a steady fertilizer volume per acre rate is achieved regardless of tractor speed. To limit ammonia losses, a cultivator tine will bury urine immediately upon application in the same fashion as our row applicator. To achieve a performance comparable to typical fertilizer equipment, the proposed roller pump system will fertilize multiple rows at once, applying urine to an optimal depth and distance relative to crop rows. With these features, we expect this pump system to refine the fertilizer application process and increase farm productivity for farmers interested in adopting urine fertilization practices.
Sources Cited
Dawson, C. J., & Hilton, J. (2011). Fertiliser availability in a resource-limited world: Production and recycling of nitrogen and phosphorus. Food Policy, 36, S14–S22.
Jones, K., & Nti, F. (2022). Impacts and Repercussions of Price Increases on the Global Fertilizer Market. Foreign Agricultural Service U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Noe-Hays, A. (2018). Practical Strategies for Reducing Ammonia Volatilization from Urine-Derived Fertilizers (SARE ONE18-318).
Noe-Hays, A., Schreiber, T., Cavicchi, J., Saveson, G., & Davis, A. (2024). Farm-scale Urine Fertilizer Implementation: Refining Application Methods, Gathering Buyer and Consumer Perspectives, and Producing Farmer Guide (SARE ONE22-426).
Solanki, A., & Boyer, T. (2017). Pharmaceutical removal in synthetic human urine using biochar. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 3(3), 553–565. EPA. (2019, January 30). Commercial Fertilizer Purchased.
- - Producer (Researcher)
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- (Researcher)
- (Educator and Researcher)
- (Educator and Researcher)
System design
We will work with Pequea Planter LCC (based in Gap, PA) to design a custom fertilizer applicator for urine fertilizer. Pequea Planter was recommended to the Rich Earth Institute by Ray Rex of Four Rex Farm in Hadley, MA, who uses roller pumps to apply liquid fertilizer on his farm. Pequea Planter pumps are reputed to have greater corrosion resistance than other brands, which is an important quality when working with urine fertilizer.
Our applicator will consist of an 18-tube roller pump powered by a ground-driven wheel. When used to apply synthetic fertilizer, each of the 18 output tubes are directed to a different row such that 18 rows are fertilized at once. Since our urine-derived fertilizers (both regular and concentrated urine fertilizer) are less concentrated than synthetic liquid fertilizers, we will apply a larger volume of fertilizer per acre (1000g/acre) than the system will deliver in normal configuration. Therefore we will direct the output from multiple tubes to each row we fertilize, reducing the number of rows fertilized per tractor pass, and increasing the volume applied per row. For instance, we could configure three groups of six tubes together to fertilize three rows.
The pump will be driven by a shaft connected to a ground-driven wheel. Pequea Planter mainly sells liquid fertilizer applicators that attach to specific corn planters for doing starter fertilization at time of planting, in which case the pump’s drive wheel is in contact with the planter wheel. They have offered to work with us to adapt the system so it will attach to the three-point hitch and have the drive wheel run directly off the ground.
Once the system design is finalized through conversations between Rich Earth and Pequea Planter, Pequea Planter will fabricate the fertilizer tank, multi-tube roller pump, and the ground-drive wheel. Rich Earth will then design and fabricate the hosing, manifolds, and mounting hardware to combine the output of multiple pump tubes to and deliver the urine fertilizer to the correct location on the cultivator. We have also included in the budget a small amount of contract welding, should that be necessary to do the final implementation of the system onto the equipment that John Janiszyn will use for the project.
System evaluation
Assessment of the system and its performance will be a qualitative and quantitative process by Rich Earth Institute staff (Tatiana Schreiber, Arthur Davis, and Abe Noe-Hays), and by farmer partner John Janiszyn.
The system will be tested with water at the Rich Earth Facility in Brattleboro, VT prior to field application. We will collect the dosed water in bottles over a predetermined distance and determine variation in the quantity of fertilizer dispensed. This test will also determine the maximum and minimum practical dosing rates achieved by combining multiple pump tubes and by changing the ratios of the sprockets that drive the pump system.
The system will be tested again at John’s farm in Westminster, VT under field conditions, first with water and then with concentrated urine fertilizer. We will quantify the application rate at varying tractor speeds, and at varying gallons-per-acre pump settings (achieved by changing the sprocket configuration on the pump). During field application, we will qualitatively assess whether the applied urine fertilizer is effectively buried by the cultivating tines, and make adjustments to the position of the output hoses in relation to the cultivating tines if necessary.
For further qualitative assessment, Rich Earth staff will conduct two site visits (one early in the season as plants are developing; one late in the growing season as plants are nearing harvest) to include conversation with John concerning his experiences with the applicator, as well as his observations of plant growth and development over the course of the growing season. These conversations will be recorded. Rich Earth staff will also perform photo and video documentation of the equipment, application process, and ongoing plant development. These materials can then be included in our planned webinar and video. In previous SARE partnership projects, Rich Earth has found that conducting recorded conversations is an effective way to ensure that farmer observations are captured, while minimizing the time farmers need to spend on documentation. Any additional documentation that John is able to do between these site visits will also be included in our analysis and dissemination of the results.
To assess differences in crop effects between treatment plots, we will have triplicate subplots of three treatments: concentrated urine fertilizer, conventional nitrogen fertilizer, and no fertilizer (control), for a total of nine subplots. Each subplot will consist of one corn row and be arranged in a randomized block design. (The unfertilized control subplots will likely be smaller than the others due to the farmer’s concern about reducing yield by withholding fertilizer from a larger area). We will collect one leaf tissue sample per subplot to be analyzed for a range of nutrients at Spectrum Analytic Labs. This data will be used to assess the nitrogen availability in each treatment and reveal differences in plant uptake of other nutrients. An ANOVA will be used to determine significant differences between treatment groups.
The following questions will guide the pump system evaluation:
Qualitative questions:
- Does the drive wheel consistently power the pump as the tractor moves over the ground, even when encountering bumps, divots, etc?
- Does the urine fertilizer get immediately buried in soil upon application to the ground? Is there a noticeable ammonia odor following application?
- Are there any challenges from a user operations perspective? Is it easy to operate?
- Are there any mechanical failures or signs of wear/weakness in any components?
- Are there any visible differences in plant development and overall health during the growing season between plants receiving urine fertilizer or conventional fertilizer?
- Could this system be useful for other crop and application contexts besides sweet corn?
Quantitative questions:
- How much variation is there in the quantity of fertilizer dispensed over a set distance when the tractor is driving at different speeds?
- What are the maximum and minimum practical dosing rates we can achieve by combining multiple pump tubes and by changing the ratios of the sprockets that drive the pump system? (And do we encounter any practical limitations as we seek to maximize flow rate to each row? The manufacturer suggested that at the highest dosing rates, there could be issues with flow limitations in the pump manifolds at high drive speeds).
- Are there statistical differences in leaf tissue nutrient content between corn fertilized with urine concentrate, synthetic urine, and a non-fertilized control?
As of January 2025, Rich Earth has begun the co-design process of the applicator pump with Pequea Planter and John Janiszyn, and we plan to order the pump system by February, 2025. John plans to use this system with a 2-row Lilliston rolling cultivator with the pump system mounted on the cultivator.
There are no results to report at this time.
There are no conclusions to report at this time.
Education & Outreach Activities and Participation Summary
Participation Summary:
For this project, we propose to produce two outreach products: a webinar and a short video to be available permanently online. We have found the webinar format to be an effective way to reach farmers, agricultural educators, gardeners and others across a wide geographic area. The webinar would provide background and context for John Janiszyn's interest in this project and application method (including his previous participation in two SARE projects, which led to his interest in the current proposal), and would detail his observations and results with this project. The webinar will also include Rich Earth team members and at least one agricultural educator to facilitate discussion about how this method might work on other farms.
Outreach for the webinar will be targeted to farmers and agricultural educators via New York, Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hampshire Extension personnel as well as farm listservs and associations such NOFA, Rural Vermont, the North American Food Systems Network, and the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group. Our outreach will include new areas where urine derived fertilizer is available now or is likely to be available soon, including Burlington, VT and Cape Cod. We will also promote the event via the Rich Earth website (750 visitors/month), Facebook page (1,498 likes), and newsletter (1,300 subscribers). We will engage with farms and organizations that serve the BIPOC community such as SUSU community, the Vermont ReLeaf Collective, and the Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust.
The video will be approximately 15 - 20 minutes, starting with general information about the use of urine as a fertilizer, and showing the arc of the process from the initial testing of the equipment to application in the field during fertilization, with additional elements drawn from the site visits. It will be uploaded to YouTube and linked from our website, and made available via agricultural listservs and networks such as NOFA chapters, Rural Vermont, New England Extension services, Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Association, and others.