Final report for SFL18-001
Project Information
Florida activities for 2018-2019 will build upon the basic framework for the model state program. Planned activities include integrating results of SARE funded research and Extension activities, and other relevant research, and using this information as resources for educational programs. We also plan to continue to strengthen our focus on targeted training for state and county Extension faculty, representatives of non-profit organizations, representatives of state and federal government agencies, and farmer representatives. To fulfill the priorities and objectives of our program, our training funds will be used to address programs in three subject matter areas:
(1) new and emerging solutions for Florida agricultural production,
(2) advancing Extension capacity in sustainable agriculture, and
(3) entrepreneurial innovation in sustainable agriculture.
- Maintain existing and establish new collaborative Extension trainings and programs with faculty members and county agents at University of Florida and Florida A&M University whose work addresses sustainability in production agriculture.
- Extend collaboration with organizations that are active in the post-production components of food systems, particularly non-profit, state, and governmental organizations whose work fosters development of food and agriculture businesses.
- Support the development of Extension programs in food systems, including Regional Specialized Agents whose work includes both on-farm production and post-farm gate aspects of food system development.
- Expand participation of minority, women, and limited resource farmers and professionals in SARE activities and programs, ensuring that these groups are well represented in the full range of SARE-funded professional development opportunities.
SARE Expected Outcomes:
- County faculty members will participate in regional and national training programs in sustainable agriculture and will apply the lessons learned in their own programs.
- At least two of the statewide Extension priority teams will include information and resources about sustainable agriculture and SARE in their professional development training programs and Extension programming.
- Extension agents and farmers will identify opportunities, such as SARE-funded Research & Education, Professional Development, and On-Farm Research projects, for the development of alternative crops and enterprises and will play key roles in outreach and research projects that focus on alternative crops and enterprises.
- Regional and local county agents will develop new collaborations with organizations, agencies, and groups working in sustainable agriculture, including non-profit and for-profit organizations involved in post-farm gate food processing, marketing and distribution, and policy development.
- State, regional, and county Extension faculty members and agents will make increased use of resources to support programming in sustainable agriculture, including fiscal resources such as Southern SARE grants.
The 2018-2019 Florida SARE programming built upon our previous years’ work in two ways:
(1) We will continue focusing on outreach and training that enhances the environmental and economic benefits of production agriculture.
(2) We will continue hosting trainings that emphasize local and regional food systems to address issues and policies that impact our food system.
The new cycle differed in several ways. Due to our extensive outreach work over the years to increase consciousness of sustainable agriculture programming and resources, sustainable agriculture is now prominent in many Florida Extension programs. The training needs of state and county faculty have changed and they are making additional demands on our SARE program.
(1) They need more trainings to address ethics in human subjects research as they integrate biological and social/educational research.
(2) They want more training in how to develop research and outreach proposals and the teams to implement their projects.
(3) They want more access to cutting edge research in sustainable ag in order to reduce the time between research and adoption.
To accommodate this, we play a strong facilitating role helping state and county faculty collaborate with local farmers and service providers to write winning grant proposals, strengthen the outreach and evaluation components of their project, and incorporate more on-farm trials into their plan of work.
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- To provide an in-service training where the target audience consists of Extension agents, industry collaborators like representatives of the Florida Strawberry Producers’ Association, and private sector technical advisers.
- To facilitate participation by Extension agents, growers and industry representatives, and representatives of non-profit, state, and local organizations in on-farm and on-station research, grower assessments of demonstration and research trials including annual events at any of Florida Research & Extension Centers, field days on-farm and on-station, and workshops.
- To conduct professional development trainings focusing on the needs of Extension professionals in the state.
- To allow county and state faculty to develop their own training objectives and propose venues that will provide the training they need.
- To advertise training opportunities available within the Southern SARE region and nationally that may be of interest to Florida faculty.
- To offer an online in-service training about advancing local food systems with community partners.
Education & Outreach Initiatives
Agronomic and horticultural production systems increasingly face emerging pest threats, competition with other uses for scarce resources, and increasing international competition in traditionally high-value crops. The rapidity with which new challenges emerge requires that service providers be knowledgeable not only of technologies and strategies that are fully tested and “ready for use,” but also of the most promising solutions under development. Equally important, we need to shorten the distance between research and application, an imperative long recognized by SARE.
Future of Sustainable Agriculture in Florida Webinar Series:
The target audience for this webinar series consists of county Extension faculty and other local service providers. The purpose of this IST is to expose participants to the research programming conducted in Florida that relates to new projects and technologies supporting sustainable agriculture. The intent of this series is to explore the most current research related to issues in sustainable agriculture from a wide variety of disciplines so participants are able to collaborate to provide relevant and timely sustainable agricultural programming. This training will be offered as a webinar series to increase participation. In 2018-19, the webinar series will focus on cover crops and their applications and benefits in Florida. This will contribute to the further development of the Southern Cover Crops Council and enhance impact of the Council in Florida. After completing this training, participants will be able to:
- Advise farmer clientele on the latest research taking place in the state addressing key topics and barriers identified in the statewide survey conducted in Florida under the SARE-funded planning grant that led to the establishment of the Council, such as timing of cover crop planting, selection of cover crop species, timing of termination, costs, and effects on yield.
Extension and Outreach of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in the Southeast
The Florida SARE program is partnered with USDA-ARS to provide strong Extension programming and evaluate the barriers and opportunities for expanding research and use of anaerobic soil disinfestation in Florida agriculture. Once used extensively as a pesticide, methyl bromide is now banned for use as a soil fumigant. There has been considerable research into broad-spectrum chemical alternatives in the U.S., but the results show inconsistent pest control. In conjunction with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), researchers at the University of Florida are investigating a new option: anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD). This is a biointensive method of integrated pest management that involves the pre-plant soil incorporation of a labile carbon source and adequate water to saturate the soil. Florida SARE is responsible for coordinating participatory action research assessments with service providers and growers to evaluate the potential usefulness of anaerobic soil disinfestation and possible barriers to adoption. The technology of anaerobic soil disinfestation is extended through field days, research assessments, conferences, and educational videos.
Southern Region Cover Crops Council
We are a member of Strategy Team 4. The objective of Strategy Team 4 is to foster basic, applied and participatory cover crop research in the Southern Region, and establish a multi-state research project by Dec. 2019.
Cover Crop Diversity through Evaluation and Increase from Breeder Stocks and Germplasm Repositories
This Southern SARE funded grant is a collaboration among three faculty members at the University of Florida working to develop cover crops for use during the summer in the Southeastern region, specifically Florida. The existing cover crops primarily used throughout the US were bred for cool-season use and do not work in Florida during the summer season. We primarily use cover crops during the summer season because our production season typically occurs from August to May. Our role on the project includes coordinating participatory action research assessments with service providers and growers to evaluate the potential usefulness of our research and possible barriers to adoption. We are also responsible for hosting field days, presenting at conferences, and developing a virtual research assessment.
Sustainable Organic Strawberry (SOS) Cropping Systems For The Southeast
This OREI-NIFA funded project seeks to promote the expansion of organic strawberry production in the Southeast by working to develop organic strawberry cropping systems that are more environmentally and economically sustainable and resilient to weed, pest, and disease pressure. The project is a collaborative effort of the University and Florida, North Carolina A&T State University, Florida A&M University and Florida Certified Organic Growers and Consumers, Inc. (FOG). The project has three major components: biological research, consumer and economic research, and evaluation and outreach. The main experiment examines the effects of three cover crop treatments and a weedy control on soil health, nematode suppression, arthropod pests, beneficials, and the performance of four strawberry cultivars in open-field production. Four supporting or satellite experiments examine specific aspects of nutrient management incorporating nitrogen contribution from cover crops and supplemental fertilization, efficacy of OMRI-approved materials for management of spotted wing drosophila (SWD) and twospotted spider mite (TSSM), and spot treatment with predatory mites for TSSM, and performance of cultivars in high and low tunnels for cold protection outside sub-tropical Florida. The evaluation and extension components are integrated. We use an Industrial Liaison Panel and research assessments with service providers and growers to evaluate the potential usefulness of our research and possible barriers to adoption. Extension activities include field days, trainings, workshops, and conference presentations.
The Greening of Strawberry Plasticulture
Research and extension activities in this FDACS funded project propose to address the unsustainable practice of using an extended period of overhead irrigation to limit heat stress during the establishment of bare-root strawberry transplants on black plastic mulch. We anticipate that the combination of low-volume sprinklers and living mulch in row middles will increase the sustainability of strawberry production by decreasing water use during bare-root transplant establishment, promoting infiltration at the expense of runoff, increasing the diversity of the cropping system, and improving cropping system resilience to weeds and to the sting nematode (Belonolaimus longicaudatus). On-farm and on-station field experiments have been conducted to compare (1) conventional high-volume sprinkler irrigation, (2) low-volume sprinkler irrigation, (3) high-volume sprinkler irrigation + living mulch, and (4) low-volume sprinkler irrigation + living mulch. During strawberry establishment, irrigation infiltration and runoff was assessed. Data was collected on strawberry stand establishment, growth, and fruit yield. Living mulch suppression of weeds and sting nematodes was also assessed. Our role on the project includes presenting at conferences and developing a virtual research assessment for service providers and growers to evaluate the potential usefulness of our field research and identify possible barriers to adoption.
Adapting and Expanding High Tunnel Organic Vegetable Production for the Southeast
The long-term goal of this OREI-NIFA funded project is to develop sustainable high tunnel systems to promote the growth and expansion of organic vegetable production in the Southeast. The project is a collaborative effort of the University and Florida, Florida A&M University, USDA-ARS, University of Georgia, Georgia Organics, and Florida Certified Organic Growers and Consumers, Inc. (FOG). This integrated project will systematically address the major challenges and key issues with organic high tunnel production and management identified through an initial planning project. By building a strong partnership with organic producers and other stakeholders, this project will target long-term environmental and economic sustainability. The outreach component is focused on the following objectives: (1) An expanded network of farmers, farmer organizations and stakeholders that can share and access information about high tunnel organic vegetable production; (2) continuing farmer and stakeholder participation in research and extension about high tunnel organic vegetable production; (3) increased understanding of farmer and stakeholder decision making; and (4) adoption of the management options generated by this research. Our role on the project includes coordinating participatory action research assessments with service providers and growers to evaluate the potential usefulness of our research and possible barriers to adoption. We are also responsible for coordinating the advisory council activities, hosting field days, conducting interviews with the farmers engaging in our on-farm research, presenting at conferences, and developing a virtual research assessment.
Graduate Student Grant Writing Workshops
This two part hands-on workshop was open to any University of Florida graduate student interested in improving their grant proposal writing skills. Dr. Mickie Swisher discussed the keys to writing a successful grant proposal. Students had the opportunity to work on their own proposals at the workshop, as well. Each session of the workshop covered different aspects of proposal writing – from literature reviews to budgeting, so students needed to attend both sessions, if possible. Students from any department were encouraged to attend. At the end of the training, the participants were able to: (1) Explain why proposals are rejected; (2) Identify the key elements of a call for proposal.Craft their own proposal.
Enhancing Seed Production of Regionally Adapted Crops in the Southeastern Farmer Seed System
Seeds represent the fundamental basis of agricultural productivity and secure food systems. Farmers depend on an array of seed producers to provide the planting materials necessary for meeting the food, fuel, fiber, natural resource conservation and plant-based aesthetics demands of the United States. However, seed production in the US occurs predominantly outside of the southeastern region. Seed availability is often limited to protected varieties displaying broad adaptability and national or global acceptance. These varieties often require substantial inputs to maintain long-term productivity. Alternatively, a sustainable agricultural system seeks to provide affordable, high-quality, regionally-appropriate seeds from diverse crops. This Southern SARE funded project addresses principal barriers to entry into seed production markets: (1) producing and maintaining high quality seeds in hot, humid environments and (2) decision-making factors that determine whether farmers are likely to adopt novel yet established practices and technologies. We expect our project will enhance southeastern farmer seed systems by: enabling small- and medium-sized farmers to control and improve seed production and storage, identifying potential barriers that limit adoption of new seed production technology and practices, improving potential profitability through seed production, educating limited-resource farmers throughout the region on new seed production methods, and contributing to ongoing efforts to establish a southeastern seed network.
Future of Sustainable Agriculture in Florida Webinar Series
We will host the first webinar of the series focusing on cover crops and their applications and benefits in Florida in 2019. We will assess the participants' change of knowledge with pre and post test evaluations.
Extension and Outreach of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in the Southeast
We developed a virtual field day for growers and service providers to evaluate our field research and provide expert feedback through an online survey system (Qualtrics). We are in the final stage of producing the project videos to post on Dr. Swisher's University of Florida Center for Sustainable and Organic Food Systems website,, which also features the Florida SARE Program. We initiated the final round of on-farm trials (Summer 2019) and are currently taking photographs of the field experiment to display on our website and develop an additional virtual field day. We will host a research assessment toward the end of the growing season and interview the farmers engaged in our research throughout the on-farm trial.
Southern Region Cover Crops Council
We attended two Strategy Team 4 meetings over the past year where we discussed the research priorities of the Southern Cover Crops Council and developed a HATCH proposal that was submitted and approved. We also collaborated with Strategy Team 4 to write and submit a SAS CAP grant proposal that will facilitate research supporting the cover crops research in Florida.
Cover Crop Diversity through Evaluation and Increase from Breeder Stocks and Germplasm Repositories
In 2018, the biological team conducted on-farm field research evaluating experimental cover crop accession lines compared to commercially available varieties of the same species. During the growing season, we hosted an on-farm research assessment with growers and service providers, conducted interviews with the farmers engaged in our research, and held a field day open to the public. We created a virtual field day for this project and are currently collecting the data to analyze and report in a refereed journal publication. The research coordinator for this project presented a poster at the 2018 Professional Agricultural Workers' Conference.
Sustainable Organic Strawberry (SOS) Cropping Systems For The Southeast
On-farm field trials occurred at two local farms again this year along with the main on-station experiment and the additional nutrient management experiment in Citra, FL. We captured photos of the research process regularly throughout the production season in order to create a video demonstrating field trial results. Our first year of videos will be uploaded to our website soon. In 2019, we conducted one research assessment with strawberry producers and another research assessment with service providers familiar with strawberry cropping systems. We held two advisory board meetings in Gainesville, FL, a workshop at the annual NASGA meeting, an on-farm workshop, and an on-farm field day. The Ph.D. student for this project presented an oral presentation at the 2018 FSHS conference.
The Greening of Strawberry Plasticulture
A virtual field day was developed using photos that captured the living mulches' effect on the strawberry transplant establishment process under the two irrigation systems. We attended and advertised the virtual field day at the 2019 Florida Strawberry Growers' Association Agritech Trade Show in Plant City, FL. We are currently collecting the virtual field day data to analyze and report in a refereed journal publication.
Adapting and Expanding High Tunnel Organic Vegetable Production for the Southeast
We formed the advisory panel, hosted our first advisory panel meeting in Gainesville, FL, and hosted our first research assessment for this project at the on-station field trial in Citra, FL. The project PI presented a poster presentation at the 2018 ASHS conference.
Graduate Student Grant Writing Workshops
Pre and post-tests were completed in 2019 by graduate students taking our grant writing workshops. Students were asked to respond to 10 true/false items on both the pre and post-test. Pre and post-test scores were then compared to determine if the graduate students had a change in grant writing knowledge. Sixteen graduate students responded to both the pre-test and post-test. The average pretest score was 68%, and the average posttest score was 75%.
Enhancing Seed Production of Regionally Adapted Crops in the Southeastern Farmer Seed System
Our project activities will begin in 2019/2020.
This initiative provides advanced individualized training in specialized topics in sustainable agriculture. County and state faculty can participate in training relevant to their state and county programs that may not be a focus or an emphasis in the other Florida SARE initiatives. We allow county and state faculty to develop their own training objectives and propose venues that will provide the training they need. We also advertise training opportunities that may be of interest to Florida faculty.
IRB-02 (Behavioral/Non-medical) Training for Extension Programming
The target audience for this training consists of UF state and county Extension faculty and staff. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) review all research involving human subjects to ensure that their welfare and rights are protected as mandated by federal regulations. Faculty, staff, and students at UF may not conduct any human research without prior IRB approval. Effective sustainable agriculture program evaluation and outreach relies on human subject feedback, namely farmers and service providers. The objective of this IST is to provide participants with an understanding of how the IRB-02 submission process works, when it is needed, and how to submit an IRB successfully. After completing this training, participants will be able to:
- Identify when IRB-02 approval is needed to complete their plan of work.
- Register, access, and navigate the myIRB site.
- Complete the required CITI training needed to submit to IRB-02.
- Successfully submit an IRB-02 research protocol.
- Make changes to the study as requested by the IRB
- Identify when a protocol revision is needed and successfully submit a revision.
Beyond Individual Behavior Change: Programming for Community-Level Impacts
The target audience for this training is county Extension faculty and other local service providers. County Extension faculty are under increasing demand to demonstrate that their programs create community-level change. Donors and government agencies want Extension faculty to effectively address complex issues that involve both individual attitudes and behaviors and structural barriers. Extension faculty must be more strategic in their programming which requires a theory of change (TOC) - a path of related events that must occur at multiple scales and with multiple actors for change to occur. This training gives participants an opportunity to develop their own strategic theory of change to access a complex problem critical to their work. After completing this training, participants will be able to:
- Use a TOC to develop a strategy to improve outcomes of community systems.
- Establish objectives for a community-based program to achieve change in performance of community systems.
- Identify community partners needed to achieve the objectives of their program.
- Select community-level indicators they can use to monitor and evaluate their program impacts.
Advanced Individualized Training
The target audience consists of county Extension faculty who are members of a Florida Extension Professional Association. Scholarships are available to support travel to a professional development program in which the faculty person will receive training in topics relevant to sustainable agriculture. The objectives of this scholarship program are to:
- Increase participation in trainings related to sustainable agriculture that are associated with the SSARE Program.
- Increase participation in relevant national and regional trainings offered by other programs and organizations.
- Enhance the ability of the participant to develop and deliver local extension programming relevant to the goals of the Florida SARE program.
- Expand the current Extension responsibilities of the participant to include programming related to sustainable agriculture and food systems.
Grant Proposal Mentoring
We reach out to faculty members in the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, especially those with significant Extension responsibilities, to offer assistance in pre-proposal research and proposal development on topics related to sustainable agriculture. These are one-on-one or small group mentoring sessions.
When and How to Utilize the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Research and Extension
Pre and post-tests were completed by eight individuals in order to assess changes in knowledge. Participants were asked to respond to fourteen true/false items on both the pre and post-test. Pre and post-test scores were then compared to determine if the participants experienced a change in knowledge. The average pre-test score was 89%, and the average post-test score was 94%.
Beyond Individual Behavior Change: Programming for Community-Level Impacts
Pre and post-tests were completed by six individuals in order to assess changes in knowledge. Participants were asked to respond to ten true/false items on both the pre and post-test. Pre and post-test scores were then compared to determine if the participants experienced a change in knowledge. The average pre-test score was 83%, and the average post-test score was 92%.
Advanced Individualized Training
We sponsored three travel scholarships for Extension professionals to attend the 2019 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference in Lake Buena Vista, FL. Upon completion of the trip, scholarship recipients were required to send a report to us about the conference, what they learned, and how they are currently using or plan to use what they learned in their work.
Grant Proposal Mentoring
Last summer we submitted a grant to the Southern SARE Research and Education grant program with Dr. Bhadha regarding the Extension and outreach activities for his soil quality and health project. Earlier this year, Dr. Swisher traveled with a group of junior faculty from the UF Family, Youth, and Community Sciences department to Washington, D.C. where they met with USDA grant program leaders to discuss future research priority areas and identify ways social science research can best serve their programs.
This initiative focuses on advancing Extension that provides support for nontraditional agricultural businesses and promotes sustainable food systems to address social and economic community issues. Healthy growing agricultural and natural resource based businesses can contribute to local development and economic vitality if barriers to the establishment and growth of businesses are addressed. We will facilitate workshops, strategic planning, and joint programmatic development for Extension and community partners.
Advancing Local Food Systems Webinar
The target audience consists of county Extension faculty, state Extension specialists, Regional Specialized Agents, and nonprofit organizations whom specialize in advancing local food system networks. We will host a webinar exploring how food retail cooperatives can leverage Federal, State and local funds, as well as private capital, to finance food businesses in efforts to advance local food system development. The objectives of this webinar are to:
- Promote the recently published report, Harvest Opportunity: The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities.
- Highlight food systems investment opportunities across Florida.
- Enhance the ability of the participant to develop and deliver local extension programming relevant to the goals of the Florida SARE program.
Successful Grant Writing for Extension Programming
The target audience for this training consists of county Extension faculty, service providers, community-based organizations, and producer organizations. The funding opportunities for community-based and producer organizations provide important resources to foster community and farm development. Successful proposal development is a learned skill. While the specific requirements for each proposal will vary depending on the goals of the donor, objectives, and proposal requirements, there are commonalities to most proposals. The objective of this program is to provide participants with an understanding of key factors that donors commonly use to evaluate proposals and how to respond to these factors. After completing this training, participants will be able to:
- Write a problem statement that is responsive to the priorities of the donor.
- Develop goals, objectives, and outcomes to address the problem statement.
- Develop and describe objective-based activities.
- Construct an appropriate evaluation strategy.
- Develop an objective-based budget.
Working Food Collaboration
Working Food is a non-profit organization that works to cultivate and sustain a resilient local food community in North Central Florida through collaboration, economic opportunity, education, and seed stewardship. They work collaboratively at the intersection of kitchens, commerce, and culture to provide business development support and infrastructure, community education on gardening, nutrition, cooking and other food related issues, and to provide better access to fresh and value-added food for individuals, institutions, and businesses.
Advancing Local Food Systems Webinar
We will host this webinar in 2019.
Successful Grant Writing for Extension Programming
Pre and post-tests were completed by five individuals in order to assess changes in knowledge. Participants were asked to respond to ten true/false items on both the pre and post-test. Pre and post-test scores were then compared to determine if the participants experienced a change in knowledge. The average pre-test score was 70%, and the average post-test score was 78%.
Working Food Collaboration
We are in the process of collaborating on a curriculum evaluation with Working Food to evaluate their after-school youth garden science education program.
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Project Outcomes
Face of SARE
We distribute SARE educational materials at all of our SARE trainings and other relevant programs in Florida. SARE materials are distributed to the public by state and county faculty that participate in our programs. We also distribute SARE books and educational materials to our advisory council and scholarship recipients.