Final report for SLA21-002
Project Information
The Louisiana State University AgCenter (LSUAC) in collaboration with the Southern University Research and Extension Center (SUAREC) will implement programs that enhance the capabilities of Louisiana’s agricultural professionals in the area of sustainable agriculture. Themes for 2021-2022 include: fruit crops, small ruminants, fall garden and other sustainable agriculture related conferences and workshops. Louisiana State University AgCenter and Southern University Agricultural Center extension personnel will be strongly encouraged to attend the training sessions. Information delivery systems to be utilized include workshops and long-distance education training sessions, field trips, resource manuals and informational bulletins. The Program Assistant (half-time), funded by this project, will be responsible for maintaining the state SARE website ( The other duties for this position include assisting in coordination of the state workshops and field days, the sustainable agriculture materials generated by the project, promotion of SARE resources and grant opportunities, and development of on-line and hard copy sustainable agriculture resources.
Out of State Travel Expenses:
The purpose of including travel funds is to cover costs associated with attending The Annual Piedmont Farm Tour, April 24-25, 2022 by the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. The Farm tour will take place in 45 local, scenic, and sustainable farms in Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Johnston, Orange, Person, and Wake Counties, North Carolina. We are asking for funds to cover 6 county agents/ Ag Professionals to attend this conference. Transportation will be provided using 2 state vehicles, gasoline consumption will be charged. Lodging is requested at $170 for 2nights + 93 for 2 nights/2 guests per room. Per Diem is requested to cover meals within the duration of the tour.
We are expecting to meet in person by 2022.
We are planning to have all activities outdoors following all COVID 19 guidelines.
Here are some activities we are planning to conduct during 2022
Small Ruminant Conference.
Handouts will be provided for the Workshop, including information on goat nutrition, reproduction, breeds and breeding, small ruminant management and production and marketing information.
Each participant will be provided with supplemental materials (i.e. websites, videos, reading materials, etc. Materials for the demonstrations such us clippers, gloves, and other supplies for the demonstration of small ruminant production will be needed
A SU Farm Tour will be included in the program to visit the forage crops experiment.
Training Materials
Conference/Meeting Facilities
This workshop will last a whole day and will be conducted at The Southern University Research farm. Lectures will be during the morning, a working lunch with a roundtable with farmers and hands on demonstration in the afternoon. A working lunch will be provided in order to keep continuity of the program. Lunch is estimated at $10.00 per person
Fall Gardening Workshop-Edible Landscapes/Fruit Tree and Vegetable Grafting
A Fall gardening workshop will be conducted to train farmers, extension agents, teachers, community garden leaders to address issues and increase knowledge in such areas as vegetable grafting, fruit tree and vegetable grafting, urban farming, fall vegetable planning and planting.
We expect to have the cooperation from Research and Extension personnel from both LSU and SU Ag Centers. This will be a full day training seminar. Lectures will be in the morning; working lunch and hand-on-demonstration in the afternoon.
A working lunch will be provided to sample local and seasonal foods.
Training Materials
Honorariums/Speaker fees
An expert on Urban Farming will be invited as a guest speaker for this workshop. $500.00 has been designated for this expense.
Conference/Meeting Facilities
This workshop will last a whole day and will be conducted at The SU AgCenter. A working lunch will be scheduled; estimated at $10.00 per person
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The SARE PDP emphasizes an interdisciplinary and participatory approach to training. Trainings range from beginner to intermediate and is provided in a classroom environment followed by hands-on experiences and demonstrations such as field days and on-farm tours to fortify training subject matter in a variety of ways. Handouts were provided for attendees to follow along during the training, in order to take notes, and to review after the workshop is over. Subjects for trainings included livestock field day, , marketing, integrated pest management, small ruminants, pollination, horticulture, local food systems, and soils. The primary audiences for the trainings are 1862 and 1890 extension agents, NRCS conservation field staff, and other agriculture professionals and mentor farmers. Agriculture professionals and those who train farmers and serve small-scale, minority, and limited resource farmers as well as those who serve larger-scale conventional farms are encouraged to attend.
Educational programs participants will increase their competency and skills in areas related to sustainable agriculture. Participants will have increased confidence and knowledge that will enable them to respond to client inquiries with knowledge and authority regarding sustainable agriculture principles and practices.
Education & Outreach Initiatives
Conduct workshops on sustainable agriculture for extension and agriculture professionals.
• Encourage extension and agricultural professionals to continue to attend sustainable agriculture meetings such as the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group annual meeting.
• Promote the SARE program results, resources, and grant opportunities in Louisiana.
On November 23, 2021, Southern University Agcenter held the first after Covid face to face workshop.
The SU Ag Center’s 2021 Fall Garden Workshop.
The topic chosen was Farming, gardening with natives fruit trees. With that fact in mind, the Southern University Ag Center themed its’ 2021 Fall Gardening Workshop, “Fall into the joy of gardening with native plants” The workshop, which was held at the M.A. Edmond Livestock Arena , it drew a crowd of more than 60 Ag professionals, Urban farmers, farmers and school and community garden coordinators.
Southern University Ag Center Chancellor-Dean, Dr. Orlando McMeans addressed the attendees and explained why the SU Ag Center holds the Fall Gardening Workshop on the week of Thanksgiving every year.
Other presentations included a hands-on demonstration on seeds saving by Southern University staff members, which provided examples of the various methods for saving seeds.
Valerie Spencer, Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, provided information on seed quality and also shared seeds with participants.
The Fall Gardening Workshop was co-sponsored by the Southern University Ag Center, its Wisteria Alliance Program and the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program
Conduct workshops on sustainable agriculture for extension and agriculture professionals.
• Encourage extension and agricultural professionals to continue to attend sustainable agriculture meetings such as the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group annual meeting.
• Promote the SARE program results, resources, and grant opportunities in Louisiana.
Sessions were held on hemp production, solar farming, grant writing, Covid pandemic and it’s impact on agriculture,, weather changes and marketing. Other event during the conference include the Louisiana Living Legends luncheon
SUAREC faculty and staff members and experts from other governmental, NGO’s and private organization provided their expertise to make all the mentioned events a success.
More than 100 farmers, agricultural professionals, students, extension agents from throughout the state gathered at the Southern University Smith Brown Memorial Union Cotillion Ballroom for the 10th Louisiana Small Farmer Conference.
The conference was designed to provide expanded awareness of educational opportunities; U.S. Department of Agriculture programs and services; and other resources to help small farmers stay in business.
100 participants including extension agents, mentor farmers, NRCS, NGO's students, ag professionals.
Agendas were printed with SARE funds and distributed at the event
Conduct workshops on sustainable agriculture for extension and agriculture professionals.
• Encourage extension and agricultural professionals to continue to attend sustainable agriculture meetings such as the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group annual meeting.
• Promote the SARE program results, resources, and grant opportunities in Louisiana.
Topics discussed Farm Ownership, Agricultural Business Management and Urban/Rural farming.
Due to Covid, Attendance was limited to 50.
The luncheon was a culmination of scheduled activities related to agriculture and women. Several female faculty and staff member were interviewed on topics related to agricultural issues.
The SU Agcenter hosted a working lunch to celebrate women from all walks of life that are connected to agriculture.
Attendance was limited to 50 due to Covid restrictions.
Agendas were printed with SARE funds and distributed at the event
The topic chosen was Pollinators and wildflowers.
The object was to encourage attendees to learn honey productions, the value of pollinators in agriculture production, availability of NRCS grants.
Topics covered were:
Creating a habitat for growing food
Bees and hives
Pollinator friendly gardens
USDA funding opportunities for growing pollinator habitats.
Attendees were able to have hands on demonstration on bee keeping and queens breeding, talk to NRCS representatives in order to apply for pollinators grants.
The topics covered were such as vaccination, animal nutrition, fencing, forage quality, equipment maintenance and safety.
Field Day Agenda 6.21 Burnell Muse
The St. Helena Ag Day was held June 26th in Greensburg, Louisiana. The event included a farm tour, technical sessions, and a hands-on demonstration. A farm tour included a diverse operation at Muse 3 Farm that included vegetables, goats, cattle, and chickens. Demonstrations included backyard poultry, goat care, transplanting hibiscus, pollinator garden and drones systems.
The event was sponsored, organized and hosted by Southern University Agcenter, Louisiana SARE, and LSU AgCenter. The event was also sponsored for lunch and financial donations by Kentwood Co-op, SARE , Bracy’s Nursery, Landmark Bank, St. Helena Cattlemen Club, and St. Helena Parish Sheriff Nat Williams.
150 participants including extension, mentor farmers, NRCS
Agendas were printed with SARE funds and distributed at the event
The topics covered were:
Farm animals care (chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep and cattle)
Vegetable production (hands on demonstrations)
Soil Health/cover crops/pasture management
Insect identification/ beneficial insects
SARE books -Building soils for Better Crops, Managing Cover Crops Profitable and Managing Alternative pollinators were raffled.
84 attended this evet.
The conference was designed to provide expanded awareness of educational opportunities; U.S. Department of Agriculture programs and services; and other resources to help small farmers stay in business.
The event was targeted at beginning farmers, small and urban farmers, agricultural business owners, community leaders, backyard gardeners and community-based organizations.
The workshop, which was held at the M.A. Edmond Livestock Arena, drew a crowd of more than 80 Ag professionals, Urban farmers, farmers and school and community garden coordinators.
Southern University Ag Center Chancellor-Dean, Dr. Orlando McMeans addressed the attendees and explained why the SU Ag Center holds the Fall Gardening Workshop on the week of Thanksgiving every year. Two guest speakers were invited.
THe main topic was Ag Practices in Homestead Farming.
The topic chosen was Ag Practices in Homestead Farming.
The topics covered were:
Small Husbandry (poultry, rabbits, Hogs, and goats)
Food Preservation
Mushroom production
Hands on demonstrations on poultry, rabbits, goats, canning, mushroom ID.
Other presentations included a hands-on demonstration on canning and poultry care by Southern University staff members, which provided examples of the various topics.
Fall Garden Workshop Program 2022.11 - Read-Only
The Fall Gardening Workshop was co-sponsored by the Southern University Ag Center, its Wisteria Alliance Program and the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program
96 attended event.
A workshop on pollinator Gardening was presented by Mila Berhane at the Galvez Public Library, Gonzales, Louisiana.
The workshop covered type of pollinator plants suitable for Louisiana climate and pollinators found in the area
The Southern University Ag Center and Councilwoman Chauna Banks hosted a workshop to teach participants how to can and preserve fruits and vegetables.
The event was held on Wednesday, April 13, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Jewel J. Newman Community Center, 2013 Central Road, Baton Rouge, LA.
Participants were taught to preserve and can fruits and vegetables through research-based methods, inclusive of hands-on class activities to facilitate the knowledge of preservation, with supervision from the Southern University Ag Center’s staff.
The series highlighted the basics of canning food, trends in food preservation, and the science, equipment, and safety practices required during the canning process. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to prepare a fruit or vegetable, pack a jar, and take home a tasty treat!
Recipe cards and Food preservation guides were provided to all participants.
Mila Berhane, Senior Research Associate and Jodi Morton, Associate professor, Michael Polite, Extension Associate conducted this workshop.
30 participants attended this event.
The topic selected were:
Selecting and growing pollinators plants.
Animal manure as fertilizer/composting
Poultry production.
Meat rabbit production
Working lunch and a mental health and horticulture session
Hand on demonstration on processing chickens and growing pollinators plants.
84 participants attended this event
SARE publications: Manage Insects on your Farm and Managing Alternative Pollinators handbooks were distributed during the event.
1. Develop training & demonstration videos for producers interested in pastured poultry and meat rabbits to enhance their streams of income.
2. Conduct an interactive hands-on workshop for small farmers that would increase knowledge and training for pasture raised poultry and meat rabbits
Dual Purpose Chicken & Rabbit Tractor
The poultry production class (15 sophomore -seniors) helped build a unique dual-purpose hoop tractor that can be used for sustainable production of pastured broilers & meat rabbits. The students had to use this tractor to raise their broilers for the class and after the class for meat rabbits. This tractor was taken to the SU Spring Garden workshop as part of the demonstration for the 3 H’s (housing, husbandry, and harvest) of pastured raised broilers & meat rabbits. Two more tractors were built based off the ease of movement, usage, and animal well-being from the prototype hoop tractor. The spring garden workshop which was supported by this enhancement fund had 84 attendants. After the working lunch, attendees were able to learn how to harvest meat rabbits and broilers and take meat home in a hands-on harvest and processing demonstration.
These enhancement funds went to help local farmers and students to teach sustainable practices.
Social media posts from SU Ag Center:
Videos of housing, husbandry, and harvest for long term learning are in the works with the SU Ag Communications. These will be a great addition to the SU Ag Center website to help farmers with pasture raised broilers and meat rabbits for sustainable production.
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Project Outcomes
The training sessions and programs discussed above had the following outcomes:
* Increase awareness of SUAREC extension and research programs.
* Knowledge of resources that are available to Agricultural professionals regarding all the topics above mentioned.
* Increase request for information regarding topics on sustainable agriculture.
* Increase interest from Agricultural professionals, extension agents, farmers in attending sustainable agriculture events around the state.
* Greater regional impact
* Increased collaboration of research and extension personnel in sustainable agricultural programs
More awareness about SARE programs. Brochures were made available at each event.
SARE books and jump drives have been given to Agricultural professionals, extension agents and attendees to each event.
All these events have been partially or fully funded with SARE funds.
Face of SARE
The overall objectives of the Louisiana Model State Plan (MSP) are:
- Maintain the state SARE website with sustainable agriculture materials and resources, and links to related state organizations.
- Conduct workshops on sustainable agriculture for extension and agriculture professionals.
- Conduct bi-annual state advisory board meetings with the purpose of revising and modifying the strategic planIdentify annual training objectives with the input from the Louisiana Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Committee.
- Identify annual training objectives with the input from the Louisiana Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Committee.
- Encourage extension and agricultural professionals to continue to attend sustainable agriculture meetings such as the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group annual meeting.
- Continue participation in workshops, meetings, and field days that highlight sustainable agriculture practices.
- Promote the SARE program results, resources, and grant opportunities in Louisiana.
The MSP for Louisiana will allow for enhanced programming effort beyond the state plans of work for the separate institutions (Southern University Agricultural Research and Education Center, LSU AgCenter). The MSP has allowed for the increased number of training sessions per year. The MSP has allowed the Louisiana SARE PDP program to have greater resources available for training activities, using the Southern SARE Louisiana webpage for sustainable agriculture resources, as well as increased coordination and networking. The hiring of a program assistant through the SARE PDP allowed for a unified sustainable agriculture programming effort for the state.