Harnessing livestock and microbes to improve rangeland productivity and soil health

Progress report for SW23-947

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2023: $304,450.00
Projected End Date: 06/30/2026
Host Institution Award ID: G297-23-W9981
Grant Recipients: Colorado State University; Northern Arizona University; University of Arizona
Region: Western
State: Arizona
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Caroline Havrilla
Colorado State University
Dr. Catherine Gehring
Northern Arizona University
Dr. Elise Gornish
University of Arizona
Dr. Seth Munson
United States Geological Survey
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Project Information


Healthy soils support working rangelands that ranchers rely on for their livelihoods. Degraded soil resources due to drought, intensive land use, and invasive species have resulted in reduced rangeland productivity. The common practice of seeding to improve degraded rangelands can fail due to underlying soil degradation, which is often not addressed. Further, most rangeland improvement guides recommend land  be taken out of production for recovery, which may be economically infeasible. Standard strategies overlook the importance of soil health and the incorporation of livestock into rangeland recovery efforts, There is a growing need to test and develop strategies that improve rangeland productivity while keeping lands in production. We propose a producer driven, on-ranch experiment to answer the questions: (1) Can we reverse underlying soil degradation to enhance plant establishment and forage production? and (2) Can livestock be used to enhance plant establishment and aid in soil health recovery?

We propose to systematically test the use of novel soil-focused strategies (live topsoil transfers, seedballs, soil pits) to improve seeding efforts in degraded rangelands. Our proposed strategies are technologically simple and designed with  the challenges of revegetating dry and drought-prone regions. These soil-focused strategies will be tested with and without targeted livestock grazing across climate and soil gradients using the proven RestoreNet field-trial network. RestoreNet spans 25 degraded rangeland sites throughout the southwestern U.S. and provides on-the-ground testing and demonstration of rangeland improvement strategies. We will measure improvements in plant establishment and productivity (e.g., plant species, density, biomass) and soil health indicators (e.g., compaction, aggregate stability, soil microbial communities). We aim to generate site-specific recommendations and share outcomes through outreach among ranchers and land managers.

We developed our proposal based on the interests and feedback of our RestoreNet stakeholders. They are and will be actively engaged in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of this project through a collaborative science co-production process. Our interdisciplinary research and extension team will engage a core advisory stakeholder committee throughout the project to ensure that rancher and land manager needs are addressed. Our team will conduct outreach and share effective practices with ranchers through field days, workshops, rancher group meetings, newsletters, and social media. Expected products  include (1) a Restoring Soil Health on Working Rangelands Best Management Practices (BMP) guide that summarizes our project findings and their applicability to rangelands in the southwestern U.S., (2) at least two peer-reviewed journal articles published in applied scientific journals, (3) two extension-style information briefs written in plain language and widely distributed, and (4) landowner reports with site-specific findings for each ranch or site where our research was conducted. In the face of increased drought and degradation in southwestern rangelands, this work will address the critical need to develop and communicate strategies that restore soil health and sustain rangeland productivity.

Project Objectives:

Research Objectives: 

Objective 1: Examine the effects of seeding and soil treatments with and without targeted livestock grazing on  plant establishment and vegetation biomass across environmental and disturbance gradients using the RestoreNet co-production framework over a 2 year period (Fig. 1)

Objective 2: Examine the effects of seeding and soil treatments with and without targeted livestock grazing on soil health indicators across environmental and disturbance gradients using the RestoreNet co-production framework over a 1 and 2 year period (Fig. 1)

Education Objectives: 

Objective 3: Create an advisory committee to ensure that project goals, process, and outreach activities are aligned with rancher needs throughout the project

Objective 4: Develop rangeland improvement recommendations based on project results and feedback from stakeholders

Objective 5: Share information and facilitate communication among ranchers and land managers in our region


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • William Cordasco - Producer
  • Kathryn Metzger - Producer
  • Robert Prosser - Producer


Materials and methods:

Research Design and Set-Up

Our seed and soil-based treatments are designed to increase seed and developing seedling access to water and beneficial microbes, while also reducing weed cover and enhancing soil physical integrity (Fig. 3). Our treatments include: (1) seeding (applying a diverse seed mix of desirable rangeland plant species appropriate for the region) which adds plant propagules where the soil seedbank may be lacking; (2) live soil transfers (applying a “bulked” soil mix that has high concentrations of site-appropriate beneficial soil microbes) which provides developing seedlings access to beneficial soil microbes; (3) seedballs (small structures formed from seeds, clay, and soil mixtures) which provide seeds with increased protection, access to water through added clay content, and direct contact with microbes through the addition of live soils (when added); (4) soil pits (shallow depressions in the soil surface) which trap and retain water for both seed and developing seedlings. At each of the 10 RestoreNet sites, we will test seeding alone, seedballs alone, seeding + soil pits, and seedballs + soil pits. Each of these treatments will be tested with either live soil or sterile soil (Table 2). Treatments will occur within 2x2-m randomly assigned plots within the existing RestoreNet site. Each RestoreNet site will contain 10 soil and seeding treatment combinations with four replicates of each treatment both within the existing RestoreNet sites (40 treatment plots/site). Additionally, targeted grazing (high intensity, short duration cattle grazing after seeding but before seedling establishment) will be applied at 5 of the 10 selected RestoreNet Sites (Table 1). Targeted grazing will help reduce weed cover and provide microtopography for seedling establishment.

Scalability - Evidence suggests soil-based restoration strategies may benefit recovery of larger acreages even when deployed only in smaller patches. Deploying restoration treatments in small patches or “islands” within degraded ecosystems is a promising strategy for scalable dryland restoration (Hulvey et al. 2017; Shaw et al. 2020). When deployed in small patches within degraded landscapes, restoration treatments may create nucleated islands of resource availability that can support additional spread of plant (and microbial) propagules across the broader landscape (Hulvey et al. 2017). Moreover, the proposed soil-based treatments (i.e., live topsoil inoculation, seed balls, and soil pits) can all be implemented at large spatial scales. For example, managers in southwestern Colorado have developed custom-made land imprinters for deploying soil pits across large acreages. Similarly, live topsoil inoculation involves only minimal disturbance and bulked inoculum can be readily deployed using industrial equipment and seed balls can be successfully distributed at-scale in a variety of methods including by horseback and aerially via drones (Gornish et al. 2019).

Seeding treatments will involve application of seed mixes with species proven to be effective in our precipitation-limited project region using established RestoreNet protocols (Laushman et al. 2022) at recommended seeding rates. Seed mixes will be pre-measured and individually bagged per plot. Seeding will occur in plots on its own, or in combination with other treatments (Table 2). Live soil transfers will involve collecting topsoil from each site's paired reference site and “bulking” the topsoil in the NAU greenhouse to increase soil quantity and microbial concentrations without further disturbing the reference sites (Table 3); the resulting live soil mix will be sprinkled approximately 2cm deep across the treatment plots receiving live topsoil. Live topsoil includes beneficial microbes that may increase seedling emergence, survival, and biomass of desirable seeded species (Koziol et al. 2022; Muñoz-Rojas et al. 2016). Treatments receiving sterile soil will receive the same quantity of soil substrate, except completely sterilized (Table 2). Seedballs will be made following a protocol by Co-PI Gornish (Table 3) and applied in the treatment plots at a rate of 10 seedballs/m². Seedballs are designed to keep seeds protected until germinating rains occur, provide contact with live soil and microbes, and contain clay that creates a moist environment for seeds to germinate (Gornish et al. 2019). Seedballs are made with either live or sterile soil (Table 2). Soil pits and shallow, flat depressions in the soil (4 pits/plot) designed to trap and retain water (Rorive & Bainbridge, 1993); pits were found in the previous iteration of RestoreNet treatments to be highly successful for establishing seeded species (Havrilla et al. 2020). Targeted grazing. At 5 sites, we will employ targeted high-intensity, short duration “flash grazing” treatments (Lemus, 2011) early in the growing season. Targeted grazing stocking rates (AUMs) will be collaboratively determined with local producers using publicly available stocking rate calculators. During our biannual vegetation monitoring, we will also count the number of cattle hoofprints and dung at the site to further estimate utilization. Treatments will aim to maximize the reduction of weed cover, create hoof action and organic additions, and mitigate potential harmful effects on soil quality associated with longer-term intensive grazing (Lemus, 2011).

Data Collection & Monitoring

Objective 1: Plant Establishment and Vegetation Biomass: We will follow well-established RestoreNet protocols for vegetation monitoring (Laushman et al. 2022). All 2x2-m plots will be permanently marked with plot number and treatment type upon installation and monitored each spring and fall to estimate plant establishment and growth over 2 years. Monitoring will begin with the fall immediately after seeding, to capture initial plant germination. At each monitoring visit, we will estimate seedling density, cover, and height of each species inside plots. We will use seedling identification field guides we have previously developed for the RestoreNet sites to ensure accurate identification of seedlings. In the final year of the experiment, vegetation from each plot will be clipped at peak production to estimate total biomass for each treatment. Monitoring/sampling will be accomplished by the technician, CSU graduate student, with help from RestoreNet partners.

Objective 2: Soil Health: Site soil characteristics will be measured at each site prior to treatment installation (Summer 2023) to understand the baseline site conditions. Soil site characteristics include: soil texture, aggregate stability, bulk density, and chemical/nutrient characteristics of the disturbed sites as well as the paired ‘reference’ sites. These characteristics will be examined at the site level by collecting 3 replicate samples within each of the 10 RestoreNet sites and at each of their paired ‘reference’ sites (10 sites x 2 levels (disturbed vs. reference) x 3 reps = 60 samples). Most of these baseline measurements would not be expected to change due to treatments, but rather serve to help us characterize each site and reference site (from where we source the live topsoil transfers).

Soil health indicator measurements that we expect to change in a relatively short period of time in response to our treatments include: soil moisture (measured with a handheld probe), soil physical and biocrust cover, and aggregate stability (Table 4). These soil health indicators will be estimated at the same time as fall vegetation monitoring by the field technician and the NAU graduate student, beginning one year after treatment installation (Fall 2024 & 2025) within all plots. Biocrust cover will be visually estimated and a pocket penetrometer will be used to estimate the degree of soil compressive strength. Total soil health indicator measurement will be at the plot level: 1 composited sample/plot at each site (10 ungrazed sites x 5 treatments x 2 inoculation levels x 4 repetitions = 400 ungrazed samples + 5 paired grazed sites x 5 treatments x 2 inoculation levels x 4 repetitions = 200 grazed samples → 600 estimates taken annually.

Soil microbial communities will also be examined to further understand the effects of our treatments on soil health. One year post-treatment, we will measure the type and amount of plant-associated beneficial microbial organisms in the treatment soil and plant roots (Table 4). First, in Fall 2024, we will measure the abundance of beneficial fungi in the soil by sampling soil from each treatment plot at each site and estimating hyphal length density using standard microscopic techniques (Johnson et al. 1998). Second, also in Fall 2024, we will destructively harvest roots from select seeded plants for DNA sequencing of the root associated microbial communities. Due to the extensive resource allocation DNA sequencing requires, we have opted to compare 2 treatment levels that are expected to show the greatest effects of the treatments and the most variation from each other (live topsoil*seedball*pits vs. sterile soil*seed alone; 5 sites*2 treatments*4 reps = 40 total DNA sequencing samples). Soil sampling will be accomplished by the NAU Graduate Student and the field technician, under the supervision of Co-PI’s Gehring and Munson. Soil and root microbial analysis will be conducted at Gehring’s lab at NAU using methods employed in recent previous studies conducted in the Gehring lab (Cowan et al. 2022).

Data Analysis & Reporting

Objective 1: Plant Emergence, Establishment, and Biomass: This analysis will explore plant emergence and establishment using the metrics of density and cover by species. We will evaluate plant recruitment (seeded and unseeded) over time as a response to soil treatments and site environmental factors using linear mixed effects models that allow for flexibility in incorporating categorical, continuous, and random effect explanatory variables. Our analysis will parse apart whether biotic or abiotic factors were most limiting for plant recruitment to help us understand which soil-based treatment interventions may be most likely to succeed under different environmental conditions. Explanatory variables will include treatment type, site characteristics (e.g. soil texture, elevation), precipitation and soil moisture/temperature. We will also examine the degree of success of different seeded species. The results will be published in at least one peer-reviewed journal article, led by PI Havrilla and CSU Master’s student. The paper will also be distilled into an Extension-style write-up led by Extension specialist Gornish. Using the vegetation/forage production results (biomass), we will also perform a costeffectiveness analysis (e.g. Munson et al. 2020), which will relate treatment costs to associated outcomes. Cost-effectiveness results will be made into a factsheet for ranchers, as well as included in the extension write-up and BMP guide for managers. We will make the data publicly available and go over our findings with collaborating ranchers prior to publication.

Objective 2: Soil Health: The analyses of the second objective will focus on understanding how experimental treatments and livestock presence influence soil health indicators over time, as well as understanding the relationship between changes in soil health and changes in vegetation establishment, cover, and species. Soil moisture gathered from the continuous measurements from the soil moisture probes will be analyzed with respect to on-site rain gauges (already installed) and nearby weather stations. We will again use a mixed-effects modeling approach to examine the influence of site characteristics, soil treatment types, and grazing intensity in changes to soil health indicators. This analysis will be published in a peer-reviewed journal, led by the NAU grad student and Co-PIs Gehring and Munson. The paper will be distilled into an Extension-style write-up, led by Gornish. These results will also inform our Restoring Soil Health on Working Rangelands Best Management Practices (BMP) guide.

Research results and discussion:

Objective 1: Plant Emergence, Establishment, and Biomass:

Preliminary plant data from the field -  We have been collecting data from initial RestoreNet 2.0 installations at 9 sites in summer 2022 every fall and spring. We have conducted preliminary analyses for the monitoring data from Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. These analyses included exploring the relationship between seeded plant density or percent cover of seeded species and treatment type (unseeded control, direct seeding, seedballs, direct seeding with pits, and seedballs with pits), whether live topsoil was used or not, and their interaction. We also created figures showing seeded plant density among plot types for individual sites for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. 

Seedling counts/density of seeded species (emergence) results:

  • The effects of topsoil (positive or negative) tended to decrease over time
  • Seeded pit plots had highest seeded seedling counts across all sites, consistent with prior RestoreNet results
  • Seed only and seedball pit plots had the next highest seeded seedling counts, followed by seedball only plots
  • Control plots had the lowest seeded seedling counts

Percent cover of seeded species results:

  • Topsoil affected the emergence of seeded species more than their percent cover in both seasons
  • Treatment effects diminished between fall 2022 and spring 2023 for percent cover but not for emergence
  • Seeded pit plots had highest percent seeded cover across all sites, consistent with prior RestoreNet results

Objective 2: Soil Health: 

Soil bulking trials - mycorrhizal inoculum potential experiments: We collected data and soil from disturbed, moderately disturbed, and intact reference transects at 6 RestoreNet sites and their paired reference sites in 2023. In the fall of 2023, NAU grad student Ri Corwin used the soil to conduct a mycorrhizal inoculum potential (MIP) experiment in the greenhouse at NAU, using B. gracilis as a bioassay plant to grow, harvest, weigh, and score (quantify) for mycorrhizal fungal colonization of the roots, comparing these results across the three transects and six sites. Concurrently, Ri conducted a mycorrhizal growth response (MGR) greenhouse experiment with B. gracilis and soil only from two sites (Spiderweb and Bar T Bar), wherein all pots were filled with disturbed transect background soil and treated with varying increments of live or sterile inoculum (reference transect soil). The plants from this experiment have likewise been harvested, weighed, and are currently being scored alongside roots from the MIP. Based on preliminary results from these experiments, we dropped some sites from 2024 field implementation (i.e. those sites that showed very little bioassay response differences between transects) and/or re-selected reference transects for others. Some preliminary box plots of data from both experiments are available in the Gehring folder in the research products section of the drive. As of the spring 2024 semester, Ri is bulking 2640 L of soil inoculum sourced from reference transects at 6 sites in preparation for summer 2024 field implementation.

Seed ball experiments: Preliminary field trials of seed balls across RestoreNet in 2022-23 revealed a need to increase understanding of best practices in seed ball composition and assembly methods prior to implementation in this project. In spring-summer 2023, we conducted a set of four seed ball experiments at the Colorado State University (led by PI Havrilla, grad students Ember Bradbury and Emily Swartz, and undergraduate researchers Jason Wong and Bailey Caldwell). Experiments investigated: 

(a) Seed ball size/synthesis method: CSU PhD student Ember Bradbury led a greenhouse study that compared seed mix germination outcomes to two seed ball treatments: (i.e.,  seed balls made by hand (larger, hand-made spherical balls)) versus seed balls made using a seed ball bike (method: Gornish et al. 2019; smaller, more heterogenous seed balls)) relative to broadcast seeding controls. Bradbury crossed these treatments with two precipitation treatments (i.e., pulse monsoonal precipitation vs more consistent lower volume precipitation events) to explore how seed ball size/delivery method might affect plant recruitment outcomes across sites with different precipitation regimes in our study region. She found that seed balls increased plant germination with highest germination in treatments with seed ball generated by the seed ball bike, regardless of precipitation treatment type. 

(b) Seed ball composition: Seed ball clay content and activated carbon additions - CSU NSF Rocky Mountain Advancing Minority Participation (AMP) undergraduate student Bailey Caldwell led a seed ball experiment to explore how seed ball clay composition and activated carbon addition treatments affected plant germination outcomes. Caldwell found that seed balls increased germination relative to broadcast seeding controls with these effects greatest in seed balls containing granular activated carbon. Outcomes did not vary significantly according to seed ball clay content. Separately, CSU M.S. student Emily Swartz conducted another seed ball  greenhouse experiment to explore whether seed balls containing granular activated carbon increased seed mix germination in the presence of herbicide applications and found that seed balls that included granular carbon significantly increased seeded species recruitment when herbicide treatments were applied. Seed ball x biocrust inoculum treatments - CSU undergraduate researcher Jason Wong conducted a greenhouse experiment to test the effects of adding beneficial soil microbes from field-collected biocrust communities to seed balls on plant germination. Wong found that biocrust inoculum increased plant recruitment in broadcast and seed ball seeding applications. That a smaller amount of biocrust addition to seed balls resulted in similar plant recruitment as broadcast application of biocrust inoculum suggests that seed ball x soil inoculum treatments may be a labor and cost-effective method for deploying soil inoculum during rangeland restoration. 


Treatment modifications, grazing, and next steps

We installed an initial round of soil health treatments to plots in (soil pits, inoculum, seed balls in Spring 2022 (between WSARE grant submissions). After monitoring and initial data analysis, we determined that additional methodological adjustments to the soil inoculum and seed ball treatments were needed (see results above). For this reason, upon award of the WSARE grant in 2023, we refined our methods to generate soil inooculum and seed balls and re-applied treatments to study plots in Spring/Summer 2024. With the installation of soil health treatments, we deployed flash grazing treatments. Plots will be monitored for soil health and plant germination responses in Spring and Fall 2025. 

Participation Summary
8 Producers participating in research

Research Outcomes

2 New working collaborations

Education and Outreach

8 Consultations
3 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
3 Journal articles
4 On-farm demonstrations
1 Online trainings
2 Tours
13 Webinars / talks / presentations
30 Workshop field days
2 Other educational activities: Attended two Diablo Trust Annual Meetings in Northern Arizona and discussed RestoreNet 2.0 with ranchers during them

Participation Summary:

30 Farmers participated
20 Ag professionals participated
Education and outreach methods and analyses:

Extension/Education/Outreach Objectives: 

Objective 3: Create an advisory committee to ensure that project goals, process, and outreach activities are aligned with rancher needs throughout the project

Objective 4: Develop rangeland improvement recommendations based on project results and feedback from stakeholders -

Objective 5: Share information and facilitate communication among ranchers and land managers in our region

Methods and progress: Our USGS project partners have been regularly communicating with the ranchers/agricultural producers involved in the project, and going to local ranching/agricultural meetings, such as the Diablo Trust Annual Meetings in 2023 and 2024. Several PIs and collaborators have also given presentations that include project descriptions and/or initial results at conferences, meetings, and workshops including the Great Basin Plant Conservation and Restoration Program meeting, Society for Ecological Restoration - Southwest Chapter, Native Seed Virtual Conference, two Borderlands Soil Health Workshops, to the New Mexico Bureau of Land Management Botanists, Ajo Tri Nation Symposium, and Southwest Seed Partnership Stakeholder Meeting. A three minute research presentation (3MRP) slide/poster on the soil inoculation aspect of the project was given at NAU by the Gehring graduate student, Ri Corwin. These presentations were given between July 2023 and March 2024, and audiences included federal, state, and Tribal land managers, agricultural producers and ranchers, restoration practitioners, researchers, graduate students, and the general public. Also, although we will not formally be testing livestock x soil health treatments associated with this project at the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe's RestoreNet site in Southwestern Colorado, the Tribe is interested and invested in the findings of this work. PI Havilla and members of her lab have been meeting with members of Tribal Council and members of the Tribe's Natural Resources and Environmental Programs Departments to discuss the Tribe's interests in soil health treatments and updates surrounding learning from this project. 


Arizona/New Mexico: 

  • Great Basin Bureau of Land Management Plant Conservation and Restoration Program: July 26, 2023, virtual
  • Borderlands Soil Health Workshop, October 20, 2023, meeting was at Santa Rita Experimental Range but I gave a virtual presentation
  • Society for Ecological Restoration Annual Conference - Southwest Chapter: November 17, 2023, Santa Fe, NM
  • Three minute research presentation (Ri Corwin): November 28, 2024, NAU
  • Borderlands Soil Health Workshop: January 24, 2024, Patagonia, AZ
  • Native Seed Virtual Conference: Feb 8, 2024, virtual
  • New Mexico Bureau of Land Management Botanist Meeting: February 20, 2024, virtual
  • Ajo Tri Nation Symposium, March 6, 2024, Ajo, AZ
  • Southwest Seed Partnership Meeting: March 20, 2024, virtual


  • February 26, 2024 | Havrilla, C.A., Swartz, E., Bradbury, E., Lockard, E., and Bruegger, R. | (Invited presenter; Partner
    meeting and listening session). Collaborative Rangeland Restoration Project Updates with the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe. Presentation of project updates and listening session with Ute Mountain Ute Tribe’s Interdepartmental Tribal Meeting (IDT) Hybrid meeting. ~20 participants.

  • November 14, 2023 | Havrilla, C.A., Lockard, and Bruegger, R. | (Partner meeting and listening session). Collaborative
    Rangeland Restoration Project Updates with the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe. Presentation of project updates and listening session with Ute Mountain Ute Tribe’s Tribal Council (with Chairman Manuel Heart and Treasurer Alston Turtle). Remote meeting. 5 participants.

Education and outreach results:

Our collaborating stakeholders have remained key to the planning and decision-making in this project. 

Outreach presentations and engagement with larger audiences have resulted in important insights for project planning and implementation. People are particularly interested in the live topsoil inoculation and grazing and would like to know the methods we end up using and are excited to hear results when we have them, and it seems like some people would be interested in trying out similar methods on their own land if they end up being successful. We have found it to be beneficial to present at different types of conferences/meetings, because the people who attend a soil health workshop or the Ajo Tri Nation Symposium are different than more academic/research-focused audiences at conferences like Society for Ecological Restoration, and also different than presenting to mostly federal land managers, like at the Great Basin BLM Plant Conservation and Restoration Program Meeting or to the New Mexico BLM botnets.

Education and Outreach Outcomes

Non-producer stakeholders reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness as a result of project outreach
20 General public
10 Students
Key areas taught:
  • Soil health
  • Rangeland restoration practices
  • Synergies between livestock grazing and restoration treatments

Information Products

    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.