Quinoa Production in Central North Dakota

Project Overview

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2015: $13,516.00
Projected End Date: 02/15/2017
Grant Recipient: Hiddendale Farm
Region: North Central
State: North Dakota
Project Coordinator:
Glendon Philbrick
Hiddendale Farm

Annual Reports

Information Products


  • Agronomic: Quinoa


  • Farm Business Management: marketing management
  • Sustainable Communities: local and regional food systems


    Glendon Philbrick, farmer and educator, lives on the 700 acre  farm where he was raised, Hiddendale Farm, consisting of dairy cows, beef cows, small grains, and multiple gardens.  One pasture has been transitioned into cell grazing with another to be cell grazed this coming year.  Glendon has some cropland certified organic as of 2016.  Glendon has controlled weeds such as absinthe wormwood through cutting for over twenty years with success.  Quinoa has been successfully grown on Hiddendale farm.  Glendon raises a variety of vegetables for market.  Glendon is also a business instructor at Sitting Bull College and serves as one of the board of directors for the Bis-Man Food Co-op.

    Steven Eid began farming in 2007.  The Eid’s Farm and Ranch consists of 50 acres virgin prairie and 30 acres cropland on upland clay loam in western North Dakota.  The farm does not use herbicides or pesticides, GMO seed, or non-natural fertilizer and has been USDA Certified Organic since 2011.  A series of NRCS minimal tillage, prescribed burns, and sheep among other natural pests are used to control weeds and crop contamination.  Eid’s Farm and Ranch produces winter rye, yellow – spotted green field pea, buckwheat, sunnhemp/lupin bundled forage, and direct marketed sheep sales.  His role in this grant has been as a farmer/researcher and participation in the education/demonstration.  Because of the small size of the farm he is able to research quinoa and make highly focused observations in field trials.


    Glendon Philbrick has utilized organic practices in gardening for as long as he has gardened.  When growing field crops, livestock were integrated into the production.  Manure was always returned to the fields.  Soil cover was utilized in Glendon’s farming career.  Mono culture was always avoided.  Cover crops have been added to Glendon’s planting routine.    


    Steven Eid has been certified organic since 2011.  Sustainable practices employed have included minimal tillage, prescribed burns, and sheep among other natural pests used to control weeds and crop contamination.  Intercropping, pollinator beneficial crops, and fall planted cover crops have also been utilized.

    Project objectives:

    1. Verifying Viable ND varieties (cherry vanilla and brightest brilliant rainbow)
    2. Developing a producer friendly planting process/harvesting
    3. Test harvest methods
    4. Develop a direct marketing model
    5. Educate the public - Production, health benefits, and use
    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.