Evaluating Forage Production and Ranching in Response to Regenerative Rotational Grazing on Dryland Pastures in Southwest Colorado.

Final report for FW19-354

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2019: $25,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2021
Host Institution Award ID: G217-19-W7501
Grant Recipient: Charles M.McAfee & CO. LLLP
Region: Western
State: Colorado
Principal Investigator:
Chuck McAfee
Charles M.McAfee & CO. LLLP
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Project Information


This project will establish forage to support high-intensity short duration regenerative rotational grazing with cattle. A multi-species component of the project includes integrating meat goats into the grazing management plan to help utilize forage more effectively and encourage plant species diversity. A goal is to demonstrate that ecological health is improved on dryland pastures through regenerative grazing. No one has studied this in the southwestern region of Colorado and surrounding four corners region before. A better understanding of the role regenerative agriculture plays in this region is vitally important because it will result in major changes in how dryland is utilized while establishing farmer/rancher partnerships. Negative effects on agricultural communities occur as family farms and ranches are taken out of agricultural production (Brunson and Huntsinger, 2008). Socioeconomic effects will include increased employment, abundance of affordable meat, and effective succession of family agricultural operations. It's essential that we produce the most food with the least resources as the world’s needs and demands continues to rise (World Watch, 2017).

The McAfee family homesteaded and began farming this land in 1915--dry beans, wheat, and alfalfa. Soil preparation, planting, cultivating, harvesting, and disking caused compaction and a plow pan. Nothing beyond crop residue was returned to the soil, reducing organic matter accumulation and nutrient cycling. This is no longer feasible. The soil is degraded through erosion, compaction, and over-use.  Periodic drought is devastating for traditional dryland row-cropping. The land went into CRP in 2005 and is now in Grasslands CRP. Successes with native and non-native grasses and native shrubs demonstrate that these species are viable even in drought. Traditional cropping generally focuses on one ecosystem service to produce a commodity, while forage-based systems utilize many services, improving carbon sequestration, soil water holding capacity, wildlife habitat, etc. (Robertson and Swinton, 2005).

Pastures are divided into paddocks of approximately 100 acres. Grazing is managed using a regenerative approach of high intensity, short duration rotations utilizing a modest amount based on the growth curve. A deferred rotation system is in place allowing each set of paddocks (A, B,C paddocks) approximately 18 months of rest between grazing which is recommended in dryland range environments. Ecological monitoring includes measuring forage production, utilization, plant community composition changes, soil chemical and physical changes, and presence of key wildlife species. Outreach will be through SWCRC. As they report to their advisory committee and the public we will report with them, including field demonstrations.


Project Objectives:

Mission: The mission of the McAfees is to be exemplary stewards of the land that is entrusted to them through identification of best practices leading to improvements in soil health and increases in forage and beef production.
Specific Objectives:
1. Increase desirable soil physical properties, water absorption and retention, and carbon sequestration and storage over a three-year period beginning fall 2019.
2. Increase biomass production and ground cover by 20%, and increase species diversity over a three-year period beginning fall 2019.
3. Increase production of protein pounds per acre by increasing biomass production and introducing an additional meat production species by 25% annually.
4. Partner with SWCRC to establish and maintain an outreach program and technical assistance with statistical analysis of collected data, in place by June 2019.


Preliminary project activities have been underway since spring 2013. Grazing paddocks have been identified and some electric fencing is installed. Utilization cages have been constructed and located in the paddocks. Four control exclosures are in place. Technical adviser Bangert is engaged in background work to design the experiments. Conceptual and planning discussions continue including producers Zwicker and McAfee, technical adviser Bangert, botanist Meier, SWCRC researchers Russell and Lockard, NRCS staff, and other community members who are interested in the work. Soil sampling and analysis will happen annually beginning in 2019 (Objective 1). Long-term trend data for measuring biomass production will occur annually beginning in 2019 (Objective 2). Grazing is being done according to the established rotational plan--cattle are currently on Paddocks B1 – B5 and biomass monitoring will take place with each grazing rotation (Objective 3). Outreach will overlap with SWCRC’s planned outreach events and field tours. (Objective 4).



Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Sarah Bangert - Technical Advisor (Researcher)
  • Sarah Bangert
  • Emily Lockard (Researcher)
  • Chuck McAfee - Producer
  • MB McAfee, PhD - Producer
  • Cara Meier - Technical Advisor (Researcher)
  • Cara Meier - Technical Advisor (Researcher)
  • Katie Russell, PhD (Researcher)
  • Norman Zwicker - Producer
  • Sheldonna Zwicker-Ives - Producer


Materials and methods:

On/off dates and estimated head for 2019 are found in Grazing data all paddocks 2019

Following our experimental design using regenerative grazing techniques, 7 of the 19 paddocks were used during the grazing season of 2020. In 2020 approximately 400 head of running age nanny goats were added to the livestock using McAfee farms during parts of the growing season. Early season grazing of both cattle and goats spanned from early April until mid June and late season grazing went from September through October. All paddocks were used for a period of time ensuring approximately 40% utilization collected through ocular methods.

In 2021, following the established grazing span, 12 of the 19 paddocks were used during the grazing season of 2021. In 2021 approximately 400 head of running age nanny goats were rotated throughout the paddock system. Early season grazing of goats spanned from mid March through mid June and late season grazing went from October through November. Cattle were only on site during 2021 for a short period in the fall and visited only three paddocks. Due to extreme drought here the cattle on the McAfee dryland project was largely destocked. The cattle were on the land for about 3 weeks, there were only around 120 cattle. We are stockpiling forage for winter. This winter 2022 we are using the stockpiled forage for cows and stocker calves, and have been able to increase numbers again to 180 cows and 50 stocker calves. All paddocks were used for a period of time with average utilization by goats to be 10% and cattle utilization 50%.

Ecological monitoring was preformed throughout the growing season of 2019, 2020, and 2021 through soil sampling and monitoring and production and utilization was measured to get an accurate picture of carrying capacity and associated stocking rates.


1. Increase desirable soil physical properties, water absorption and retention, and carbon sequestration and storage over a three-year period beginning fall 2019.
Soil Sampling and Analysis


No soil samples were extracted in 2020  for chemical analysis. With the arid landscape that the study is located in, yearly soil core samples are not necessary due to the time it takes to see detectable changes in soil chemistry in this environment. However baseline soil core samples were taken in 2021 on established trend study sites being re-read. 

Bulk density

See above for 2020.

Soil samples to measure soil bulk density have been collected from each grazing paddock and from one-acre fenced control plots. The samples were collected using a stainless-steel circular cylinder of known volume. The cylinder was inserted into the soil so that the open top of the cylinder was in the same plane as the soil surface. Using a hand trowel, soil was removed from around the cylinder. The contents of the cylinder were emptied into a clean plastic bucket. This was repeated two times in the vicinity of the first sample location for a total of three samples with approximately a ten-foot separation between sample locations. The contents of the bucket for each collection area were homogenized and transferred to a paper bag and left open to dry. The bag and contents were weighed every few days and the dates and weights were recorded. When the weight changes between weighings fell within the readability specifications of the scale, 0.01gm, the samples were deemed to be dry. The volumes and final weights were used to calculate bulk density of each sample.

2. Increase biomass production and ground cover by 20%, and increase species diversity over a three-year period beginning fall 2019.
Plant Canopy Cover, Species Composition, and Production

Utilization/production cages were placed in a new location in all paddocks in the spring of 2020 and 2021 to capture annual growth. These were used to capture production and also calibrate visual utilization. After each graze period ocular utilization was taken of the key grazed species. At the end of the growing season the vegetation found within the cages was clipped, dried, and weighed. Utilization and production in 2020 of all paddocks can be observed in table 2. Ocular utilizations were not collected due to the light use by the goats in 2021. 

 In 2018 long-term trend studies were established and read using line-point intercept methods in paddocks A2, B2, C6, C7, and B4 pollinator patch. Long-term monitoring was not preformed in 2020 on trend studies established in 2018 and 2019 as no changes are expected in plant community composition and characteristics in less than three year periods. No new long-term trend studies were established in 2020.

Long-term trend studies established in 2018 were re-read in 2021 using line point intercept to estimate foliar and ground cover.   

 Photo points were also taken at all previously established photo point locations and/or long term trend study locations in 2020 and 2021.  Photo's were taken and stored on the Grass Snap.

3. Increase production of protein pounds per acre by increasing biomass production by 25% annually.
Animal handling and grazing rotation

The grazing rotation was originally scheduled to graze each paddock approximately every eighteen months, a deferred grazing rotation. The intention being to not graze the same ground at the same time each year, and also assure each paddock has adequate recovery time. The cattle are not allowed to stay in any paddock for more than 14 days, especially in growing season. We have continued with the basic deferred rotation,  however it has seemed logical to alter it based on current conditions,  such as allowing for longer/ shorter rest periods as dry or wet conditions prevail. We have begun to make it a more adaptable grazing approach, based more on conditions, monitoring and ocular estimation, rather than schedule. 
The cattle numbers have varied from 100 to 500. When there are fewer cattle temporary electric fence is utilized to increase herd density, especially in active growing seasons. We have integrated protein supplementation using alfalfa hay in the colder months, rather than lick tubs. The cattle are moved based on ocular estimation of forage left, aiming for 40-60% utilization, and animal performance.
Goats were added to the livestock herd in 2020. The number of head ranged from 400-500 adult animals with kids. This herd was actively herded on a daily basis throughout the paddocks scheduled for grazing in 2020. Goats covered areas dominated by grasses that were previously farmed and also shrub ecosystems that experienced less historic disturbance and cultivation. The addition of this herd will increase pounds of meat per acre produced on the farm and also have beneficial effects on the plant communities and soils of the farm by introducing a multi-species component to the grazing system. All observations thus far about the impact of the goats are anecdotal.  There are plans in the growing season of 2021 to use the goats to target the invasive annual grasses found throughout the property. primarily cheat grass (Bromus tectorum) and Bulbose bluegrass (Poa bulbosa). The goats will only remain on McAfee property during portions of the year usually amounting to no more than 3-4 months on the farm if possible.

4. Partner with SWCRC to establish and maintain an outreach program and technical assistance with statistical analysis of collected data, in place by June 2019.

Producer Outreach:
The Project display and presentations were integrated into a field day conducted by SWCRC in August 2019. The display included photographs of various field components of the project, a paddock map showing grazing rotation, a statement of our vision, statement of project objectives, a summary of methods, and the physical tools that are being used to collect samples and gather data. Tools included a soil probe, scale, and soil density equipment. The project was in its very early stages, such that the presentations by participants consisted primarily of descriptions of goals, methods, and processes. No data were yet available. Presenters included the PI, one of the technical advisers, a local soils expert, and one of the producers/ranchers.

Research results and discussion:

Utilization, soil stability, and production data were collected during the growing season of 2020 and 2021. Below are the results from the monitoring and procedures used in 2019, 2020, and 2021 per stated objectives. Figures, tables, and photographs are included from monitoring in 2019, 2020, and 2021 and can be viewed in the media files. 


1. Increase desirable soil physical properties, water absorption and retention, and carbon sequestration and storage over a three-year period beginning fall 2019.

Soil Sampling and Analysis

Soil chemical and physical property results from samples collected in 2019 and 2021 can be observed in the media files . Soil stability results from data collected in 2020 and 2021 can be observed in Soil Stability Test Averages in the media files.

2. Increase biomass production and ground cover by 20%, and increase species diversity over a three-year period beginning fall 2019.

Plant Canopy Cover, Species Composition, and Production

Ocular utilization estimates in 2020 averaged 36% across all paddocks and key species monitored. Total utilization ranged from 21-57%. Dry matter production varied widely from 479 lbs/acre to 1,737 lbs/acre, however the variance was not as extreme between paddocks as was observed in 2019. Average production across paddocks was 58% lower in 2020 than 2019. Production data from the 2019 and 2020 growing season and difference across years can be observed in Biomass Clippings . Photos from 2020 can be viewed in the media files. Average foliar cover, bare ground, and plant basal cover across all long term trend studies established and read in 2019 were 74%, 9%, and 12% respectively. Long-term trend data was not collected in 2020. Ground cover data and foliar cover by species across all long term trend studies plots established and read in 2019 can be observed  in Long Term Trend Study Results 2019.

Ocular utilization estimates in 2021 were not collected due to the very light use of the goats during the growing season. The cattle did not arrive and complete grazing until after the growing and data collection season of 2021. Estimated utilization by goats was about 10%. Dry matter production varied widely from 500 lbs/acre to 2,190 lbs/acre, however the variance was not as extreme between paddocks as was observed in 2019. Average production across paddocks was 20% higher in 2021 compared to 2020. Production data from the 2019, 2020, and 2021 growing season and difference across years can be observed in Biomass Clippings. Photos from 2020 and 2021 can be viewed in the media files. Average foliar cover, bare ground, and plant basal cover across all long term trend studies established and read in 2021 from sites established in 2018 were 57%, 10%, and 6% respectively. Long-term trend data was not collected in 2020. Ground cover data and foliar cover by species across all long term trend studies plots established and read in 2019 and 2021 can be observed  in the media files.

3. Increase production of protein pounds per acre by increasing biomass production by 25% annually.
Animal handling and grazing rotation

 2018 due to drought cattle were almost entirely grazed on dryland- weaning weights avg 435 lb. 2019 cattle were alternated between dryland and irrigation, weaning weights avg 575 lbs. 2020 weaning weights avg 560 lbs. In 2019/2020 the cattle were winter grazed, with supplementary alfalfa until February 4th, returned for the month of May and returned again August 13th for the remainder of August. They were not grazed on McAfee's again in 2020. There is stockpile in 2 pastures for early spring 2021. Actual stocking rates and on/off dates can be viewed at Grazing data 2020 for SARE report 0320
Grazing data for stocking rate and time of use can be viewed in the media files in the "Carrying Capacity" file. 
The addition of goats in the 2020 and 2021 growing season showed only anecdotal results. It was observed that grazing behavior favored browse where available, forbs, and grass seed heads. McAfee farms contributed to the production of 11,000 lbs of goats taken to market in 2020 and 25,000 lbs in 2021. 

4. Partner with SWCRC to establish and maintain an outreach program and technical assistance with statistical analysis of collected data, in place by June 2019.

Farmers, ranchers, and students who attended the SWCRC event in August 2019 had an opportunity to become familiar with the project via presentations, displays (photos, tools, charts), and individual discussion. 


Baseline ecological data were collected during the growing season of 2019 and trend studies established in 2018 were re-read in 2021, but no additional long term data was collected in 2020. No site-specific comparisons can yet be made to the conventional methods of dryland farming and ranching due to lack of earlier baseline data to compare with the 2019 and 2021 monitoring results. However, results can be compared to NRCS ecological site description properties and forage production estimates found on Web Soil Survey.

In 2019 production exceeded production estimate capabilities by ecological/soil type on a normal year (Web Soil Survey) in all paddocks/soil types sampled with the exception of Gladel-Pulpit complex soil type. Gladel-Pulpit complex soil types support a forested area comprised of primarily pinyon/juniper and interspersed shrubs which is not a highly productive ecological type, however our samples showed grass and forb production was slightly lower than its potential at 405 lbs/acre compared to the estimated potential of 498 lbs/acre. Ocular observations comparing the site where the biomass sample was collected to another similar area that has not been grazed confirmed that there is less forage in this area of paddock A6. The highest production was found in A1 and A4 at 4,308 lbs/acre which exceeds the production potential of this soil type by several thousand pounds/acre. These paddocks were re-planted the most recently following CRP guidelines. In addition, a cover crop was grown in these paddock directly prior to planting and grazed at a high stock density resulting in immense hoof impact which helped to work the cover crop into the soil possibly increasing organic matter, but more likely ground cover. SOM results from soil testing are not higher than other paddocks with similar soil types. It is hypothesized that this animal impact helped to increase water infiltration and holding capacity assisting these paddocks to be highly productive. 

2020 painted a much different production picture than 2019. In 2020 average lbs/acre across all paddocks was significantly lower than the 2019 average and also lower than production estimate capabilities by soil type in a normal precipitation year according to Web Soil Survey by 83 lbs/acre. Southwestern Colorado and the associated study site experienced extreme drought conditions and high daily temperatures throughout the growing season of 2020. Average annual precipitation for the area from 2003-2017 is 14.25 in. The total annual precipitation received in 2020 was 5.4in which was 62% below average Precip Data . It is obvious that the climatic conditions reduced vigor and production of plants in 2020 explaining the deviation of dry matter produced in 2020 from previous averages. However, it can be observed that while the average lbs/acre of dry matter production was below production averages by soil type in a "normal" precipitation year, it is above average production by soil type for a drought year as experienced in 2020. This indicates that soil conditions are improving through water infiltration and retention capabilities. While this is still an anecdotal observation it is encouraging that we are on the right path in the face of many more drought years to come. 

2021 started out dry with no precipitation received in April, a crucial time for cool season plant production. Monsoon rains returned to the area in July, and by the end of December precipitation for 2021 was slightly above average at 15 inches accumulation. Production of plant material was about 20% higher in 2021 compared to 2020, but substantially lower than 2019. It is hypothesized that the timing of precipitation as well as a previous years depletion of soil moisture in 2020 resulted in the lower plant production in 2021 despite of higher than average precipitation. Precipitation data can be found in the media files in the document labeled Precip. Comparisons of annual precipitation across years is not precise due to the lack of ability to collect precipitation data until the year of 2021. Comparisons are made across two different locations and although they are not far apart precipitation events can vary in the amount of precipitation received considerably within just a few miles. 

Data collected in 2019 and 2021 showed that soil physical and chemical properties are in line with comparisons using soil reports found on Web Soil Survey, rating slightly higher than the low range of soils, but below the potential for the soils found on the project. We hope to see an increase in soil organic matter in particular over the course of this project and beyond considering that SOM is one of the most influential factors in soil and plant health. We also hope to see an increase in aggregate stability and water infiltration and holding capacity. Water infiltration is directly related to ground cover, organic matter, and soil aggregation.

Monitoring during the season of 2019 and 2021 showed a relatively low amount of bare ground with a decent accumulation of embedded litter and foliar cover helping to increase soil organic matter, water infiltration rates, and holding capacity, and reduction in erosion and soil loss. Plant basal cover was very low (9%) and we would like to see this increase over the course of the project.  We are currently hand broadcasting grass seed and drilling with hoof action in several paddocks to establish additional species and increase individual plant densities. As short duration, high intensity grazing practices continue to be implemented increases in vegetative production should be seen across all paddocks. This should also help recruitment of new plant individuals increasing plant basal cover. The wooded or "rough" areas of ground throughout the project area could be considered more "fragile" by nature and contain the major populations of native plant species throughout the property. Ocular observations of these areas showed more bare ground and undesirable plant species such as cheat grass (Bromus tectorum ) and annual forbs compared to non-grazed areas of similar soil types and vegetative communities. Moving forward it will be imperative that these areas are managed correctly to enhance native plant communities with special attention paid to soil surface cover and disturbance.   

The addition of a goat herd to McAfee Farms shows promise in helping achieve several goals. By adding another species that is able to utilize other forage types that the cattle do not prefer we will increase pounds of animal produced/acre. It is expected that the goats' difference in forage preference from the cattle will create a more even utilization of available forage and in theory push the plant species community into a more evenly diverse state over time. It has also been shown that highly concentrated animal impact for short durations of time can improve soil health through the addition of organic matter, nutrients from urine and feces, and hoof impact. Finally the goats show more of a preference for undesirable species such as cheatgrass, thistle, bulbos bluegrass, etc. than cattle, and if managed properly have the ability to target these species reducing their overall abundance on the property. There has been no concrete data collected yet on the effects of the goats towards these outcomes as they are a new addition to the plan. However anecdotal observation does support these theories. During the early spring of 2020 the herder did observe a preference for the reproductive parts of the annual grasses and through grazing can help reduce seed production and the associated seed bank. Lessons learned; cow condition is the best indicator of when cattle need moved, early protein supplementation is more effective than trying to play catch up, cattle consume much more old dry low quality forage when protein requirements are being met, cattle need to be moved to greener pastures elsewhere when the grass dries out in order for nursing calves to continue gaining. I think that would improve had I not tried to keep cattle on dryland as long in the hot dry part of summer, and moved cattle more often.

Plans Moving Forward:

Monitoring will continue as described in the material and methods sections. Basal gap intercept and GRI methods were not completed but will be performed where appropriate in the future. Additional soil physical characteristics will be measured as monitoring continues. High intensity, short duration grazing methods will continue to be refined and recorded through live herding techniques and the addition of temporary electric fence. Strategic placement of supplements will also be a tool used to help with distribution of livestock and associated herd impacts in places that require it. Impacts specific to the goats will be monitored such as amount of browse and reduction of invasive species. Additional infrastructure with an emphasis on water development and goat fencing will be implemented  to help increase even utilization of paddocks. Soil chemistry and bulk density will be monitored post-grazing to begin to track any measurable changes that occur. Additionally, we will test for water infiltration rates and for soil stability. 

Statistically significant results from the project and management techniques have yet to be achieved. However, anecdotal observation, and accumulated data indicate that we are trending in the correct direction with increased ground cover, the resiliency of the land during the drought of 2020, and an abundance of perennial grasses and forbs establishing in many places. In a dryland ecosystem, three years, the equivalent length of this project, is not long enough to measure long-term impacts to the land through improved management techniques. We did achieve higher production of protein per acre through the addition of another livestock species (goats) to McAfee Farms. The difference in preferred graze between species has allowed us to maximize protein produced on the land while improving grazing utilizations as well as other land enhancement experienced by multispecies grazing. We will continue to operate as described for this project.

One of the major lessons learned is that we need to remain adaptable in the face of changing living systems that are reliant on factors out of our control, such as weather. We also learned that in some instances we may need to not only manage grazing in a regenerative fashion, but some inputs to the system to restore degraded dryland farm ground may be necessary, such as bale grazing to increase ground cover and soil organic matter more quickly. We will continue to experiment with low cost efficient inputs to the system in the future. Water development is also crucial as more and more paddocks are developed in order to be able to operate the livestock enterprises cost effectively. Much work remains to restore the land to it's capabilities, but in the short amount of time of this project much has been learned and encouraging changes in the land have been observed. 

Participation Summary
4 Producers participating in research

Research Outcomes

No research outcomes

Education and Outreach

1 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
1 On-farm demonstrations
1 Webinars / talks / presentations
1 Workshop field days
5 Other educational activities: A summer intern at the CSU Research Station (SWCRC), who was headed for college in the fall of 2019, was introduced to the project data collection process. This included collecting and identifying soil samples for analysis, mapping the sample sites, re-locating grazing exclosure cages, collecting and identifying biomass samples to obtain production data.

During the summer of 2021 we brought back our earlier intern, Leila Watkins, and added another, Kyle Carroll. Leila's experience with our project inspired her to enroll in Fort Lewis College to pursue an agriculture education. Kyle came to us from Southwest Open school (SWOS) where he is a student. We plan to bring Leila back in 2022 and expect to bring on another student as well.

We maintain working contact with Fozzie's Farm, an 80-acre farm that is operated by Montezuma Land Conservancy (MLC) as a community education center and is a productive farm/livestock operation. A majority of Fozzie's Farm's programs are designed for youth participation. In 2018 they partnered with SWOS to create their Ag Immersion Program for SWOS students. The students engage in a 4-week hands-on learning experience at Fozzie’s Farm and around the region. In June 2021 the students in that program spent a day on the McAfee Ranch. First they were informed about milkweed and it's danger for livestock. They they pulled milkweed that was emerging in one of the paddocks. Then they visited the McAfee residence where they were treated to grass-fed beef burgers and visited with Ranchers Zwicker and Bangert, and the McAfees, to learn about workings of livestock ranching on dryland pastures and about our efforts to improve soil health and biomass production. More than half of the students who participate in that MLC program are from the Ute Mountain Ute and Navajo communities in our area. We expect to do this again in 2022.

Participation Summary:

50 Farmers participated
6 Ag professionals participated
1 Farmers intend/plan to change their practice(s)
2 Farmers changed or adopted a practice

Education and Outreach Outcomes

Recommendations for education and outreach:

Education was primarily presented to other professionals and groups that are either not actually producers in production agriculture or are small scale hobby type producers. It is believed that if outreach within the traditional producer circles could be achieved there will be more positive changes experienced within the community. It is very easy for people not working at a large scale of production to believe in these methods and theories but real influential change will not be achieved until these practices are accepted and implemented at large scale operations. Sheldonna and Sarah will bring this to the production community through word of mouth, coffee shop talk, and also the creation of a local production scale producer group that will discuss business planning and regenerative trials and errors. 

To have a more complete set of ecological baseline data as well as a more comprehensive annual monitoring plan the Grazing Response Index and Gap Intercept methods should be implemented in the future. This is an ongoing effort.

The addition of herding of livestock practiced in 2019 with cattle and the implementation of goats should prove to greatly improve land health. These techniques have the potential to increase the positive outcomes of high intensity, short duration grazing such as even utilization, increases in animal performance, soil health increase, etc. This along with continued intensive management techniques utilizing electric fence paddocks, additional water developments, and strategic supplement placement are working well to help achieve the stated objectives of the project. 

We were aware at the outset that changes in soil quality and biomass production that we are seeking come slowly, especially in non-irrigated land. This is exacerbated by the extreme drought that persists in our location. We will continue the work that we are doing to learn. Our processes and tools are in place. We continue to build on what we learn and we will adapt our practices. This project will in fact be a longitudinal study.

3 Producers reported gaining knowledge, attitude, skills and/or awareness as a result of the project
Key changes:
  • Knowledge was gained around the current ecological health of the project area through biologic monitoring.

  • Herding techniques were practiced and implemented to evenly utilize paddocks and increase herd health.

  • Knowledge was gained pertaining to supplementation type for peak animal performance in dryland conditions as well as using supplements to improve even paddock utilization.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.