Dr. L. Robert (Bob) Barber, Jr.

WSARE PDP Guam Coordinator/Extension Ag. Economist
University of Guam Cooperative Extension Service
State: GU
(w) (671) 735-2080


WGU24-001 Guam 3 Year State Professional Development Program Plan FY2024-2026
WGU21-001 Guam 3 Year State Professional Development Program Plan FY2021-2024
WESP19-003 Western Pacific Sustainable Agriculture Participatory Training Network: Eight islands, twelve trainings.
WSP19-029 Guam State/Protectorate WSARE Implementation Project 2019-2020
WSP18-006 Guam 2018-20 PDP project
MW17-005 Pacific Island
WSP17-006 2018 University of Guam PDP Project
OW15-031 Seven Trees, Seven Practices: Demonstrating Agroforestry in the Western Pacific
OW13-138 Savor the Flavors of Palau! Crop - Enterprise Diversification
SW09-067 Island to Island, Farmer to Chef: Ag Agricultural Marketing Proposal
FW08-313 Kona to Guam Weaving the Farmer Chef Network
EW05-017 Capacity Building and Training in Commercial Aquaculture for Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and American Samoa
FW05-312 Maximizing Production Efficiency in a Three-Stage Integrated Agriculture System Using Taro, Tilapia, Aquatic Plants and Fancy Guppies
SW05-00B Preservation of Traditional Medicinal Plants on Guam
EW98-011 Portable Extension Office for Program Literature Exchange (PEOPLE)