Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa

Final report for ENC18-168

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2018: $75,000.00
Projected End Date: 09/30/2021
Grant Recipient: Iowa Organic Association
Region: North Central
State: Iowa
Project Coordinator:
Rosalyn Lehman
Iowa Organic Association
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Project Information


This proposal is to develop and deliver "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa," a series of 20 workshops over a three-year period across Iowa to build the capacity of organic expertise among agriculture service providers. The workshops will provide information and resources developed for the targeted audience to expand awareness, knowledge, and expertise to meet the needs of organic and transitioning farmers.

A diverse group of agriculture service providers, including Iowa Department of Agricultural Land Stewardship
(IDALS), ISU Extension and Outreach, FSA, NRCS, RC&D, crop insurance agents, lenders and farmer-mentors, will gain basic knowledge about organic transition and certified farming systems from organic experts and the resources presented during the workshop series. Based on target audience and three to four county workshop region, we expect an average of 10 participants for each workshop (200 total participants from 20 workshops).

The workshops will build upon the outreach and education the Iowa Organic Association (IOA) has conducted - statewide - over the past two years to expand organic educational opportunities and grow the organic community in Iowa. These activities include producer workshops, field days and webinars, participation at organic farm tradeshows and conferences and through research and materials development.

At the conclusion of the workshops, participants will gain basic understanding about the principles and processes for organic transitioning and certified farmers; a greater awareness about the issues and opportunities related to transitioning and organic farming systems; and additional tools and resources to assist and guide farmers in transitioning and managing an organic farm.

Project Objectives:

The "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" workshop series will provide information and resources to help agriculture service professionals better assist and guide the organic community in Iowa.

Short term outcomes:

* Gained Knowledge: 95% of attendees gain new knowledge in organic agriculture, organic economics, organic transition, certification, organic system plans, recordkeeping, organic standards, organic integrity and the economics of organic transition. Measured through pre-workshop questionnaire and evaluation responses.
* Improved connection to the existing organic service provider network and resources available to growers. Through these workshops 75% of attendees gain knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 75% identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the training. Measured through pre-workshop questionnaire and evaluation responses.
* Interest in seeking additional knowledge: 75% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge in organic agriculture following the workshop. Measured through workshop evaluation responses.

Mid-term outcomes:

*Following participation in a "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" workshop, 75% of attendees show an improved understanding and comfort level in organic topics, demonstrate knowledge and resources retained and utilized after the workshop and increased organic-related farmer interactions. Measured by follow-up evaluation responses.                *50% increase in utilization of IOA online resources and fact sheets. Measured by website click data.

Long-term Outcomes:

* 75% of agriculture service providers who attended "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" demonstrate increased interactions with organic and transitioning farmers and conventional farmers considering a transition.
* 75% of agriculture service providers who attended "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" demonstrate increased knowledge and interest in seeking new organic knowledge to meet the growing needs of transitioning farmers and the organic industry to help them stay viable in our changing farm economy.
* Agriculture service providers help to expand, support, and strengthen Iowa's organic community and build upon diverse partnerships to expand programs and resources that support the needs and opportunities of the organic community in Iowa. Measured by number of collaborative events, workshops and/or materials.
* An increase in certified organic farms in regions where workshops took place compared to regions where there were no workshops. Measured by National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) data compiled in the USDA 2021 and 2026 Certified Organic Surveys.
* An increase in Iowa acres covered by organic crop insurance programs. Measured by the annual USDA Crop Year Organic Summary of Business Report Iowa data.
* 75% increase in utilization of IOA online resources and fact sheets. Measured by website click data.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Ben Bowell (Educator)
  • Kristine Lang (Educator)


Educational approach:


Despite setbacks and challenges caused by COVID-19, IOA met and exceeded program goals for “Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa,” a series of 15 organic workshops and webinars that were delivered across Iowa over a three-year period that presented a range of information about the National Organic Program, organic certification and transition, organic standards and production practices and insight into current organic market trends to increase organic knowledge and awareness among agriculture service providers and consultants. Additionally, we developed a six-part Organic Inspection video series to demonstrate the different aspects of the organic inspection process. 

Survey responses indicated that 84% of participants gained new knowledge about the principles and processes for organic transition and certification; a greater awareness about the issues and opportunities related to transitioning and organic production; and additional tools and resources to assist and guide farmers in transitioning and managing an organic farm by attending one of these workshops or webinars.  IOA reached 500+ participants with the "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" workshops and webinars, including NRCS, Extension, IDALS, crop insurance agents, farm lenders, farming organizations, farmers, agriculture educators and students, and others interested in learning more about organic opportunities; we had set a goal to reach 200 participants.  The materials, virtual workshops and Inspection video series are available for continued use on the IOA "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" webpage on the IOA website.


In February 2021 we asked for modification to our grant objectives and budget for project adjustments due to COVID-19.  This project originally focused on delivering a series of 20 in-person workshops across the state of Iowa; COVID-19 restrictions and safety precautions prevented further in-person program delivery. Prior to March 2020 COVID shutdowns, we had completed eight of the 20 workshops we had intended to deliver and exceeded goals for those programs.  During the summer and fall of 2020, we reconvened and restructured the objectives of this project to meet the intended goals by developing and delivering the following outreach and education activities:

  • Four shorter (3-hour) virtual webinar workshops. Webinars provided background about the National Organic Program standards and guidelines, a farmer panel and information about varying presentations that covered organic research, markets, planning tools, and certification. Each of those webinars are archived and available the IOA YouTube channel and website.  103 people attended the live webinar sessions; 218 people have viewed the archived content.
  • Three 75-minute NRCS-specific webinars for Iowa field staff. Presentations included information about the National Organic Program standard, guidelines and certification; Iowa organic markets; and farmer first-hand experience. 263 NRCS staff attended the live webinars; those specific sessions are archived within the NRCS offices. We re-presented the farmer session and it is archived on the IOA YouTube channel and website and 55 people have viewed the archived content. 
  • Six-part Organic Inspection video series to provide a short, insightful, easy to absorb videos that demonstrate the organic inspection process – this was an entirely new piece to project.

IOA continued to recruit and utilize a diverse group of experts during this round of workshops to deliver content; including, the Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship, Iowa State University Extension, Oregon Tilth, OGRAIN, Mercaris and organic researchers, farmers, certifiers and industry leaders.


IOA continued to coordinate and refine agenda and program content for the second round of Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa workshops held in February 2020.  IOA utilized information collected from 2019 workshop evaluations, presenter feedback and anecdotal observations to reach and meet the needs of the target audience. IOA continued to recruit and utilize a diverse group of experts during this round of workshops to deliver content; including, the Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship, Iowa State University Extension, Oregon Tilth, Rodale Institute – Midwest Organic Center, and organic researchers, farmers, certifiers and industry leaders.

IOA staff continued to diversify workshop locations for accessibility and to foster community and regional connections among participants and local resources to build support beyond the workshop within the community. The intimate workshop format provided engaging discussion and interaction among presenters and participants. 

The Feb 2020 workshop series delivered a full-day agenda with information about the National Organic Program, organic certification and transition, organic standards and production practices and insight into current organic market trends and demands.  The target audience for the workshop included NRCS, Extension, IDALS, FSA, SWCD, RC&D, County Conservation, crop insurance agents, farm lenders, farming organizations, farmers, agriculture educators and students, and others interested in learning more about organic opportunities.


IOA developed Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa, a full-day workshop to deliver information about the National Organic Program, organic certification and transition, organic standards, organic production practices and insight into current organic market trends and demands. The target audience for the workshop includes NRCS, Extension, IDALS, FSA, SWCD, RC&D, County Conservation, crop insurance agents, farm lenders, farming organizations, farmers, agriculture educators and students, and others interested in learning more about organic opportunities. 

The information developed for the targeted audience was intended to provide an introduction about the organic industry and the opportunities available for Iowa farmers, businesses and consumers.  Many of the technical staff in Iowa county offices lack the information or training to support a growing interest in organic transition. 

In developing the agenda, resources and presenters for the workshop series, IOA met with staff at the NRCS, Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship, Iowa State University Extension, Oregon Tilth, Rodale Institute/Midwest Organic Center, and with organic certifiers and organic farmers.

IOA staff developed the workshops to reach smaller audiences across Iowa was to make them accessible geographically and to initiate a connection among participants and local resources to build support beyond the workshop within the community.

IOA identified local organic experts to present and substantiate workshop content. Ben Bowell with Oregon Tilth was instrumental in facilitating the first round of four workshops in October 2019, both OT and Ben are established leaders in organic education and training among NRCS staff and technical field professionals.  Ben provided the experience and materials to further guide IOA staff in continuing to present the Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa workshop. Additionally, a range of organic stakeholders, including researchers, farmers, certifiers and industry leaders, helped deliver information about the organic industry and organic opportunities in Iowa.  The intimate workshop format provided engaging discussion and interaction among presenters and participants. 

Education & Outreach Initiatives

Outreach & Research

Identify and coordinate a workshop planning committee of organic experts, partners and stakeholders to assist
with workshop and resource development.



IOA staff and education committee reconvened and restructured the objectives of this project to meet the intended goals.  We condensed the full-day workshop into a 3-hour virtual format and recruited a diverse group of presenters with organic experience to deliver four webinars with varying presenters and content.

  • Katie Hyde, IDALS Organic Handler Specialist
  • Jamey Meyer, IDALS Organic Inspector
  • Matt Miller, IDALS Organic Certifier
  • Jim Munsch & John Hendrickson, OGRAIN
  • Megan Thomas, Mercaris, Economist

Iowa Farmer Panelists:

  • Scott Ausborn, Ida Grove – Paul Mugge, Sutherland
  • Bryce Irlbeck, Manning – Kyle Schnell, Newton
  • Scott Wedemeier, Maynard –Wayne Wangsness, Decorah
  • Kim Andersen, Brighton – Nelson Smith, Brighton

Additionally, IOA recruited the following presenters for an exclusive set of webinars coordinated just for Iowa NRCS field staff.  IOA delivered three 75-minute webinars to 263 IOA NRCS staff.  The participation at these three workshops alone far exceeded grant expectations and goals for all 20 workshops, as well as reaching a key stakeholder group of this project. We now have developed a relationship with NRCS leadership and field staff as a point-of-contact regarding organic support and resources in Iowa.

  • Ben Bowell, Organic Certification Specialist, Oregon Tilth
  • Kathleen Delate, Ph.D., ISU Extension
  • Paul Mugge, organic farmer, IOA board member

Finally, IOA extended project resources to create a six-part Organic Inspection videos series to provide an overview of different aspects of the organic inspection process (Before the Inspection, Recordkeeping, Operations Tour, Crop Management, Livestock Management, Buffer Management). The following organic professionals were a part developing and delivering this project. The project completed at the end of this grant period and promotion will take place in January 2021.

  • Jude Becker, Dyersville (organic farmer, IOA member)
  • Jack Knight, Luana (organic inspector, IOA board member)
  • Denise O’Brien, Atlantic (organic farmer, IOA board member)
  • David O’Shields, Cedar Falls-UNI (Filmmaker )


IOA staff expanded and utilized a list of Iowa organic stakeholders and industry leaders to help inform and participate in the workshop series.

IOA staff recruited a diverse group of presenters with organic experience and ties to the workshop region for the Feb 2020 workshop series. 

  • Kathleen Delate, Ph.D., ISU Extension (Educator)
  • Kristine Lang, Ph.D., Rodale Institute – Midwest Organic Center (Educator)
  • Matt Miller, IDALS certifier (Educator)
  • Maury Wills, IDALS certifier (Educator)
  • Matt Leavitt, Albert Lea Seed (Educator)
  • Beth Bennett (Organic Handler)

Iowa Farmer Panelists:

  • Aaron Lehman, Polk City - Craig Fleishman, Minburn - Scott Ausborn, Ida Grove
  • Bob Pearson, Wesley and Matt Miller, Allison
  • Kim Andersen, Brighton - Kent Boyum, Fairfield - Nelson Smith, Brighton - Francis Thicke, Fairfield
  • Eric Madsen, Atlantic Iowa - David Rosmann, Harlan Iowa - Teresa Troxel, Crescent Iowa


IOA created a list of Iowa organic stakeholders and industry leaders to help inform and participate in the workshop series.

IOA coordinated a meeting with three Iowa NRCS staff members, as well as a meeting with three Iowa State University Extension staff; additionally, IOA worked individually with Oregon Tilth, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Rodale Institute/Midwest Organic Center, OGRAIN, IOA board, organic certifiers and organic farmers to create content for the workshops. 

Outcomes and impacts:


Through this project IOA successfully developed a program and agenda that presented a comprehensive introduction about the National Organic Program and the growing organic industry.  We also developed a broad range of relationships and connections with organic experts, technical service providers, consultants, and farmers across the state of Iowa that will help us continue to grow an organic network to support those interested in organic production practices.

  • Recruited 31 program presenters.
  • Delivered 15 webinars to 500 participants.
  • 84% of attendees gained knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 
  • 95% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
  • 92% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.
  • Developed the six-part Organic Inspection video series that demonstrates the different aspects of the organic inspection process. This series is available to view on the IOA YouTube channel and website. (Before the Inspection, Recordkeeping, Operations Tour, Crop Management, Livestock Management, Buffer Management)


Utilized local organic experts, existing resources and first-hand farmer experiences to best present information about organic opportunities in Iowa.

  • Delivered 7 webinars to 366 participants.
  • 78% of attendees gained knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 
  • 86% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
  • 82% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.
  • Developed the six-part Organic Inspection video series that demonstrates the different aspects of the organic inspection process. This series is available to view on the IOA YouTube channel and website. (Before the Inspection, Recordkeeping, Operations Tour, Crop Management, Livestock Management, Buffer Management)


Utilized local organic experts, existing resources and first-hand farmer experiences to best present information about organic opportunities in Iowa.

  • Delivered four workshops to 69 participants.
  • 92% of attendees gained knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 
  • 100% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
  • 100% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.


Utilized local organic experts, existing resources and first-hand farmer experiences to best present information about organic opportunities in Iowa.

  • Delivered four workshops to 65 participants.
  • 87% of attendees gain knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 
  • 98% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
  • 94% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.

Create a database of targeted audience participants, organizations and other stakeholders, utilizing current IOA
database and resources, stakeholder outreach and online data collection.



Expanded a comprehensive list for regional target audience outreach for the Feb 2021 virtual workshops and inspection video series to include NRCS, Extension, IDALS, FSA, SWCD, RC&D, County Conservation, crop insurance agents, farm lenders, farming organizations, farmers, agriculture educators and students, as well as statewide stakeholders for outreach and promotion, including an additional 260 direct contacts with Iowa NRCS county field staff.  IOA supporter list reaches 1,800 and social media reaches 3,300 followers. 


Expanded a comprehensive list for regional target audience outreach for the Feb 2020 workshop series to include NRCS, Extension, IDALS, FSA, SWCD, RC&D, County Conservation, crop insurance agents, farm lenders, farming organizations, farmers, agriculture educators and students, as well as statewide stakeholders for outreach and promotion. This list included an additional 200 contacts within regional NRCS, ISU Extensions, FSA Offices, Soil and Water Conservation offices, County Conservation Boards, farmer organizations, banks and insurance providers; and IOA supporter list reaches 1,500 supporters. 


Developed a comprehensive list of target audience for each October workshop location as well as statewide stakeholders for outreach and promotion  This list included over 450 contacts within regional NRCS, ISU Extensions, FSA Offices, Soil and Water Conservation offices, County Conservation Boards, farmer organizations, banks and insurance providers; and IOA supporter list reaches over 1,400. 

Outcomes and impacts:


By developing a refined list of stakeholders, networks and participants and maintaining connections throughout the duration of this project, IOA reached 500+ technical service providers in Iowa (NRCS, ISU Extension, FSA Offices, Soil and Water Conservation offices, County Conservation Boards, farmer organizations, banks and insurance agents), far exceeding proposal goal of 200 participants (250%).  And, an additional 218 people viewed archived “Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa” webinars developed and delivered in February 2021 on IOA’s website and YouTube channel. (15 workshops/webinars + four archived webinars + six-part Organic Inspection video series).

Total summary of target audience participants that attended the workshops and webinars. 

  • 11 Extension
  • 308 NRCS + Agency
  • 9 Educator
  • 79 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
  • 3 Farm Food Business
  • 6 Wholesale/retail (seeds/feed)
  • 61 Farmers/ranchers
  • 3 Landowner


In our modified outreach and program delivery plan, we intended for 20 people to participate at each of the four webinars; 50 people to participate at each of the three NRCS staff webinars.  Total webinar participation exceeded the goal of 230 by 159% (103 four webinars and 263 for NRCS webinars). 

A range of participants within the target audience attended the virtual workshops. 

  • 7 Extension
  • 292 NRCS + Agency
  • 2 Educator
  • 49 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
  • 1 Farm Food Business
  • 2 Wholesale/retail (seeds/feed)
  • 12 Farmers/ranchers
  • 1 Landowner


The goal for each workshop was for 10 people to attend and participate.  Workshop participation exceeded the goal at 173% (four workshops/69 participants).

A range of participants within the target audience attended the workshops. 

  • 3 Extension
  • 3 NRCS
  • 3 Educator
  • 4 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
  • 2 Farm Food Business
  • 4 Wholesale/retail (seeds/feed)
  • 28 Farmers/ranchers
  • 2 Landowner


The goal for each workshop was for 10 people to attend and participate.  Workshop participation exceeded the goal at 163% (four workshops/65 participants).

A range of participants within the target audience attended the workshops. 

  • 1 Extension
  • 11 NRCS
  • 4 Researchers
  • 5 Nonprofit
  • 2 Agency
  • 12 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
  • 21 Farmers/ranchers
  • 9 Others

Organize workshop logistics, agenda, curriculum, materials, meals and presenters.



IOA staff developed agenda and content for four virtual workshops in February 2021 and three virtual webinars for Iowa NRCS staff also delivered in Feb 2021.

IOA staff prepared materials and correspondence related to each workshop.

Additionally, staff prepared project outline, materials and logistics to develop and deliver the six-part Organic Inspection video series.


IOA staff developed agenda and content for four workshops in February 2020.

IOA staff secured venue, equipment, and meals.

IOA staff prepared materials and correspondence related to each workshop.


IOA staff developed agenda and content for four workshops in October 2019.

IOA staff secured venue, equipment, and meals.

IOA staff prepared materials and correspondence related to each workshop.

Outcomes and impacts:


Activities to develop workshop logistics, agenda, curriculum, materials, meals and presenters resulted in the successful delivery of eight full day workshops, seven virtual webinars and a six-part Organic Inspection video series that presented information about the National Organic Program, organic certification and transition, organic standards, organic production practices and insight into current organic market trends and demands.

  • 84% of attendees gained knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 

Provided 15 low-cost, regional / accessible learning opportunities for technical professionals and other interested in learning more about organic. 

  • 500 total participants of Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa; The total goal for all workshops/webinars was for 200 people to attend and participate.  Workshop participation exceeded the goal at 250%.
  • 218 additional views of the archived “Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa” virtual workshops available on YouTube and IOA website.


Provided a comprehensive introduction about the National Organic Program, organic certification and transition, organic standards, organic production practices and insight into current organic market trends and demands.

  • 78% of attendees gained knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. (62% virtual webinars x 4; 94% NRCS field staff) 67 of 366 participants completed an online survey (32 from 4 webinars; 35 NRCS).

Provided seven low-cost, regional / accessible learning opportunity for technical professionals and other interested in learning more about organic. 

  • 366 participants during the second round of workshops; The goal for each workshop was for 20 for the webinars and 50 for NRCS webinars for a total of 230.Workshop participation exceeded the goal at 159% (103 from 4 webinars; 263 NRCS field staff)
  • 218 additional views of the archived Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa virtual workshops available on YouTube and IOA website.


Provided a comprehensive introduction about the National Organic Program, organic certification and transition, organic standards, organic production practices and insight into current organic market trends and demands.

  • 92% of attendees gained knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 

Provided four low-cost, regional / accessible learning opportunity for technical professionals and other interested in learning more about organic. 

  • 69 participants during the second round of workshops; The goal for each workshop was for 10 people to attend and participate.  Workshop participation exceeded the goal at 173%.


Provided a comprehensive introduction about the National Organic Program, organic certification and transition, organic standards, organic production practices and insight into current organic market trends and demands.

  • 87% of attendees gain knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 

Provided four low-cost, regional / accessible learning opportunity for technical professionals and other interested in learning more about organic. 

  • 65 participants during the first round of workshops; The goal for each workshop was for 10 people to attend and participate.  Workshop participation exceeded the goal at 163%.

Develop promotional materials and conduct outreach. Develop workshop materials.



Developed workshop materials: agenda, evaluation, PowerPoint presentations and resources about organic transition, organic production systems, organic markets and the National Organic Program.

Organic Inspection Video Series


Developed workshop materials: agenda, evaluation, PowerPoint presentations and resources about organic transition, organic production systems, organic markets and the National Organic Program.


Developed promotional materials: Press Release, Postcard, email invitation, follow-up email invitation, social media events, newsletter and website content and stakeholder outreach.

Growing Org Exp_PR_final2
Postcard_Growing Organic Expertise
IOA Organic Workshop Training Flyer
Email Correspondence_Growing Org Exp
eNews 9.4.19_Growing Organic Expertise
eNews 9.19.19_Growing Organic Expertise
Growing Organic Expertise_Sample Facebook Event

Developed workshop materials: agenda, evaluation, PowerPoint presentations and resources about organic transition, organic production systems, organic markets and the National Organic Program.

Agenda_Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa - Oct 1_Calmar
Evaluation_Growing Organic Expertise_10.1
Iowa 2019_what is organic
Iowa 2019_Organic Regulations and Production
Postcard 2019 8.5x11_PRINT 2

Outcomes and impacts:


Development of the promotional materials and outreach strategy were instrumental in raising awareness about this learning opportunities and exceeding participant goals at 250% (500 actual v. 200 goal attendees for 15 workshops).

  • Postcard was mailed to: 800
  • Email invitations to target audience x2: 850
  • Statewide stakeholder outreach: 40 agencies/organizations
  • Iowa Organic Resource Directories (over 700) were mailed to all 99 NRCS county offices
  • IOA eNews supporters: 1800; distributed X eNews
  • IOA Facebook followers: 2227; other social media followers: 1057
  • IOA Homepage; website Calendar
  • Insert in annual membership appeal: 750
  • Farmers/grower conferences – fliers and conversations
    • Attendance: Practical Farmers of Iowa: 739; University of Wisconsin-Madison/OGRAIN Winter Conference: 209; MOSES 2700
    • No conferences March 2020-September 2021

Coordination of reputable and knowledgeable presenters and workshop materials were critical for delivering the promoted program content

  • 121 total survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 44 responded with Good; 1 responded Fair or no one responded Poor and 4 did not answer.
  • 84% of total survey respondents shared that they gained knowledge from the workshops/webinars.


Development of the promotional materials were instrumental in raising awareness about this learning opportunity and exceeding participant goal at 163% (65/40 goal attendees over 4 workshops).

  • Postcard was mailed to: 280
  • Email invitations to target audience x2: 200
  • Statewide stakeholder outreach: 40 agencies/organizations
  • IOA eNews supporters: 1800; distributed 2 eNews
  • IOA social media followers: 3250
  • IOA Homepage; website Calendar, “iowaorganic” listserv
  • Insert in annual membership appeal: 750
  • Farmers/grower conferences – fliers and conversations: no conferences March 2020-September 2021

Coordination of reputable and knowledgeable presenters and workshop materials were critical for delivering the promoted program content.  We will note, survey collection was a bit less and more difficult due to the virtual nature of the workshops.

  • 52 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 14 responded with Good; 1 responded Fair and no one chose Poor. 
  • 61% of webinar survey respondents (32 of 103) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop;
    • NOP background 58%
    • Standards/Regulations 55%
    • Certification/Record-keeping 59%
    • Organic Production Systems 63%
    • Organic Benefits/Challenges 65%
    • Organic Transition Resources 66%
  • 94% of NRCS survey respondents (35 of 263) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop;
    • NOP background 97%
    • Record-keeping 94%
    • Organic Benefits/Challenges 97%
    • Organic Research 89%


Development of the promotional materials were instrumental in raising awareness about this learning opportunity and exceeding participant goal at 163% (65/40 goal attendees over 4 workshops).

  • Postcard was mailed to: 350
  • Email invitations to target audience x2: 200
  • Statewide stakeholder outreach: 40 agencies/organizations
  • IOA eNews supporters: 1500; distributed 3 eNews
  • IOA Facebook “friends”: 1479
  • IOA Homepage; website Calendar
  • Insert in annual membership appeal: 750
  • Farmers/grower conferences – fliers and conversations
    • Attendance: Practical Farmers of Iowa: 739; University of Wisconsin-Madison/OGRAIN Winter Conference: 209; MOSES 2700

Coordination of reputable and knowledgeable presenters and workshop materials were critical for delivering the promoted program content.

  • 33 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 13 responded with Good; no one indicated Fair or Poor and 2 did not answer. 
  • 92% of survey respondents (45 of 49) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop;
    • NOP background 68%
    • Standards/Regulations 67%
    • Certification/Record-keeping 66%
    • Organic Production Systems 72%
    • Organic Benefits/Challenges 59%
    • Organic Transition Resources 76%


Development of the promotional materials were instrumental in raising awareness about this learning opportunity and exceeding participant goal at 163% (65/40 goal attendees over 4 workshops).

  •  Postcard was mailed to: 450
  •  Email invitations to target audience x2: 450
  •  Statewide stakeholder outreach: 40 agencies/organizations
  •  eNews supporters x3: 1336
  •  Facebook connects: 1041

Coordination of presenters and workshop materials were critical for delivering the promoted program content.

  • 36 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 17 responded with Good; no one indicated Fair or Poor and 2 did not answer. 
  • 82% of survey respondents (55) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop; 
    •  NOP background 87%
    •  Standards/Regulations 84%
    •  Certification/Record-keeping 80%
    •  Organic Production Systems 80%
    •  Organic Benefits/Challenges 71%
    •  Organic Transition Resources 87%

Deliver Growing Organic Expertise Workshops across Iowa.



IOA staff planned and delivered seven "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" webinars in February 2021; for a total of fifteen of the 20 workshops proposed. 

  • Tuesday, Feb 2 — Seymour region
  • Thursday, Feb 9 — Hazelton region
  • Tuesday, Feb 16 — Kalong region
  • Tuesday, Jan 26 – Sioux City region
  • Thursday, Feb 11, 18, 25 – NRCS field staff

IOA staff planned and developed a six-part Organic Inspection video series to provide short, insightful, easy to absorb videos that demonstrate different aspects of the organic inspection process.  Planning, filming and editing took place between May – September 2021.


IOA staff planned and delivered four "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" workshops in February 2020; for a total of eight of the 20 workshops proposed. 

  • Tuesday, Feb 4 -- Mason City Public Library, Mason City
  • Thursday, Feb 6 -- Oakwood Road Community Center, Ames
  • Tuesday, Feb 11 -- Fairfield Public Library, Fairfield
  • Tuesday, Feb 18 -- Council Bluffs Public Library, Council Bluffs


IOA staff planned and delivered 4 of 20 "Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa" workshops in October 2019. 

  • October 1 -- NE Iowa Community College, 1625 HWY 150 South, Calmar
  • October 2 -- Indian Creek Nature Center, 5300 Otis Rd SE, Cedar Rapids
  • October 3 -- Rock Island Depot, 102 Chestnut St, Atlantic 
  • October 4 -- Hamilton County Extension, 311 Bank St, Webster City 
Outcomes and impacts:


Delivered 15 workshops and webinars and reached 500+ participants with organic information and resources to raise awareness and build the capacity about organic production and practices among agriculture service providers and consultants in Iowa.  Produced the six-part Organic Inspection video series to demonstrate aspects of the inspection process.

  • 121 survey respondents sharing that the program was Excellent; 44 responded with Good; 1 responded Fair or no one responded Poor; at least 5 did not answer. 
  • 84% of survey respondents shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop.
    • 94% intend to use information or resources within the next year.
    • 95% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
    • 92% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.

Developed and published the Organic Inspection video series -- six, short videos that demonstrate the organic inspection process.  These videos are available to view on the IOA YouTube channel and website. (Before the Inspection, Recordkeeping, Operations Tour, Crop Management, Livestock Management, Buffer Management)


Delivered webinar materials and information to 366 participants to build the capacity of organic expertise among agriculture service providers in Iowa. The webinars provided information and resources developed for the targeted audience to expand awareness, knowledge, and expertise to meet the needs of organic and transitioning farmers.

  • 52 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 14 responded with Good; 1 responded Fair and no one chose Poor. 
  • 78% of survey respondents (67 of 366) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop.
    • 86% intend to use information or resources within the next year.
    • 86% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
    • 82% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.
  • A series of six, short videos that demonstrates the organic inspection process available to view on the IOA YouTube channel and website. (Before the Inspection, Recordkeeping, Operations Tour, Crop Management, Livestock Management, Buffer Management)


Delivered workshop materials and information to 69 participants to build the capacity of organic expertise among agriculture service providers in Iowa. The workshops provided information and resources developed for the targeted audience to expand awareness, knowledge, and expertise to meet the needs of organic and transitioning farmers.

  • 33 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 13 responded with Good; no one indicated Fair or Poor and 3 did not answer. 
  • 92% of survey respondents (45 of 49) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop.
    • 95% intend to use information or resources within the next year.
    • 100% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
    • 100% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.


Delivered workshop materials and information to 65 participants to build the capacity of organic expertise among agriculture service providers in Iowa. The workshops provided information and resources developed for the targeted audience to expand awareness, knowledge, and expertise to meet the needs of organic and transitioning farmers.

  • 36 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 17 responded with Good; no one indicated Fair or Poor and 2 did not answer. 
  • 82% of survey respondents (55) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop.
    • 100% intend to use information or resources within the next year. 
    • 87% of attendees gain knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. 
    • 98% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
    • 94% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.






Outcomes and impacts:


Educational & Outreach Activities

1 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
7 Online trainings
1 Tours
8 Workshop field days
6 Other educational activities: six-part Organic Inspection video series

Participation Summary:

11 Extension
303 NRCS
9 Researchers
7 Nonprofit
9 Agency
70 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
61 Farmers/ranchers
30 Others

Learning Outcomes

158 Participants gained or increased knowledge, skills and/or attitudes about sustainable agriculture topics, practices, strategies, approaches
122 Ag professionals intend to use knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness learned

Project Outcomes

1 Grant received that built upon this project
14 New working collaborations
Project outcomes:


Delivered 15 workshops and webinars and reached 500+ participants with organic information and resources to raise awareness and build the capacity about organic production and practices among agriculture service providers and consultants in Iowa.  Produced the six-part Organic Inspection video series to demonstrate aspects of the inspection process.

  • 121 survey respondents sharing that the program was Excellent; 44 responded with Good; 1 responded Fair or no one responded Poor; at least 5 did not answer. 
  • 84% of survey respondents shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop.
    • 94% intend to use information or resources within the next year.
    • 95% of attendees identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the workshop.
    • 92% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.

Developed and published the Organic Inspection video series -- six, short videos that demonstrate the organic inspection process.  These videos are available to view on the IOA YouTube channel and website. (Before the Inspection, Recordkeeping, Operations Tour, Crop Management, Livestock Management, Buffer Management)


The “Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa” workshop, webinar and inspection video series provided information and resources to help agriculture service professionals better assist and guide the organic community in Iowa.

52 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 14 responded with Good; one indicated Fair or no one responded Poor.

78% of survey respondents (67 of 366) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop. Measured by evaluation responses. 

  • 61% of webinar survey respondents (32 of 103) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop;
    • NOP background 58%
    • Standards/Regulations 55%
    • Certification/Record-keeping 59%
    • Organic Production Systems 63%
    • Organic Benefits/Challenges 65%
    • Organic Transition Resources 66%
  • 94% of NRCS survey respondents (35 of 263) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop;
    • NOP background 97%
    • Record-keeping 94%
    • Organic Benefits/Challenges 97%
    • Organic Research 89%

86% identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the training. Measured by evaluation responses.

86% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge in organic agriculture following the workshop. Measured by evaluation responses.

82% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge after participating in the workshop.


The “Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa” workshop series will provide information and resources to help agriculture service professionals better assist and guide the organic community in Iowa.

Short term outcomes:

33 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 13 responded with Good; no one indicated Fair or Poor and 3 did not answer.

92% of survey respondents (45 of 49) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop. Measured by evaluation responses. 

    •  NOP background 68%
    •  Standards/Regulations 67%
    •  Certification/Record-keeping 66%
    •  Organic Production Systems 72%
    •  Organic Benefits/Challenges 59%
    •  Organic Transition Resources 76%

100% identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the training. Measured by evaluation responses.

100% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge in organic agriculture following the workshop. Measured by evaluation responses.


The “Growing Organic Expertise in Iowa” workshop series will provide information and resources to help agriculture service professionals better assist and guide the organic community in Iowa.

Short term outcomes:

36 survey respondents said the workshop was Excellent; 17 responded with Good; no one indicated Fair or Poor and 2 did not answer.

82% of survey respondents (55) shared that they gained knowledge from the workshop; 

    •  NOP background 87%
    •  Standards/Regulations 84%
    •  Certification/Record-keeping 80%
    •  Organic Production Systems 80%
    •  Organic Benefits/Challenges 71%
    •  Organic Transition Resources 87%

87% of attendees gain knowledge in existing resources and programs offered to organic and transitioning farmers in Iowa. Measured by evaluation responses. 

98% identify networking among other local service providers as a benefit of the training. Measured by evaluation responses.

94% of attendees express an interest and intention in seeking additional knowledge in organic agriculture following the workshop. Measured by evaluation responses.

61 Farmers reached through participant's programs
Additional Outcomes:


COVID-19 related challenges created an opportunity to develop virtual content for continued sharing and a video series outlining the organic inspection process.  We are also encouraged by a developed connection to Iowa NRCS leadership team and their continued interest in expanding organic awareness and expertise among staff and within their agency. 

  • Four shorter (3-hour) virtual webinar workshops. Webinars provided background about the National Organic Program standards and guidelines, a farmer panel and information about varying presentations that covered organic research, markets, planning tools, and certification. Each of those webinars are archived and available the IOA YouTube channel and website.  103 people attended the live webinar sessions; 218 people have viewed the archived content.
  • Three 75-minute NRCS-specific webinars for Iowa field staff. Presentations included information about the National Organic Program standard, guidelines and certification; Iowa organic markets; and farmer first-hand experience. 263 NRCS staff attended the live webinars; those specific sessions are archived within the NRCS offices. We re-presented the farmer session and it is archived on the IOA YouTube channel and website and 55 people have viewed the archived content. 
  • Six-part Organic Inspection video series to provide a short, insightful, easy to absorb videos that demonstrate the organic inspection process – this was an entirely new piece to project.


Additional workshops were to be developed for June/July 2020 and October 2020; however, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a pause, as with most of the United States and world.  Furthermore, our Education Coordinator resigned in March 2020.  This position was filled in August of 2020 when objectives were restructured to best achieve grant outcomes.  IOA staff developed a modified, virtual series of workshops to be delivered in February 2021; in addition to exploring some other options to reach Iowa technical service providers with these educational objectives.

Success stories:


Seymour region:  For me it was a good review of what resources are out there in organic production and certification.

Kalona region:  The best part of the workshop was the resources available to producers and having farmers share their personal stories.

Hazelton region:  Well done - really enjoyed the diversity of presentations

NRCS Field Staff:  This was a very interesting and knowledgeable training. Wish there was more training like this one.

NRCS Field Staff:  This was a very informative training that really covered a lot of good topics. There are a lot of great things that organic producers are using that I think could be implemented in conventional farms


Ag service provide-Mason City: Will use this information to be more informed on and effective in helping organic producers.

NRCS-Ames: Great intro from new/interested – covered most topics that mattered.  Explained rotation options, especially transition.

Other/consumer-Fairfield: I would like to encourage our Extension Service to hold this training, to reach more conventional farmers.

Farmer-Council Bluffs: The panel of speakers and networking was the most useful part of the workshop.


NRCS Staff in Hamilton Co:  I feel more confident in answering producers questions as they into the NRCS office.

Farmer from Hamilton Co:  Great to hear all [the] ideas about different crops and practices. 

Farmer in Linn Co: Very Informative! I am glad there are workshops like this happening.

Other from Cass Co: The workshop was informative, the speakers were knowledgeable.  I learned a lot. 

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.