Training Agriculture Educators in Utah using the Wyoming Ranch Tools site and Western SARE research projects.

Final report for WPDP22-002

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2022: $83,892.00
Projected End Date: 05/31/2024
Host Institution Award ID: G393-22-W9214
Grant Recipient: Master Stockman Consulting
Region: Western
State: Utah
Principal Investigator:
Bridger Feuz
Master Stockman Consulting
Hudson Hill
Master Stockman Consulting LLC.
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Project Information


With this project Master Stockman Consulting (MSC) will utilize a three phased approach to train Agriculture Educators in Utah and ultimately teach new and beginning producers tools for making economically sustainable decisions.  In phase 1 MSC will develop a curriculum to enhance the Animal Science I and II courses taught by Utah Agriculture Educators.  In phase 2 MSC will train Agriculture Educators on the curriculum though workshops in association with their annual meetings.  In phase 3 MSC will enhance the curriculum with 10 YouTube how to videos.

Phase 1 - Curriculum

Basics of Farm and Ranch Economics - from small urban settings to large rural ranches.

Making Decisions Using the Wyoming Ranch Tools site.

Record Keeping - using production and financial records to improve decision making.

Evaluating Research - Using a tools approach to evaluating research for an individual farm or ranch.

Getting Started - Investment decisions, leasing, market analysis and more.

Phase 2 - Training

MSC will conduct two training workshops with Agriculture Educators in Utah to outline the curriculum and practice using the Wyoming Ranch Tools site.  These workshops will be in conjunction with annual training meetings for Utah Ag Educators.

Phase 3 - How to videos

To enhance the curriculum MSC will utilize a WSARE Research to Grass Roots approach in developing 10 how to videos that will be available for Ag Educators to use with their students.  The videos will highlight 5 WSARE research projects from Utah.  This focus on Utah will help students to see the applicability of the research to them as new and beginning producers in Utah.

Project Objectives:

Master Stockman Consulting has ambitious objectives for this project.  However, given past experience MSC feels the objectives are attainable.

  • Increase ag educators knowledge of basic farm and ranch economics.
  • Increase ag educators knowledge of the user friendly Wyoming Ranch Tools that enable informed ranch management decisions.
  • Increase ag educators knowledge of Western SARE projects and the importance of sustainability research.
  • Increase ag educators understanding of 5 specific Western SARE projects.
    • FW19-343     Can barley fodder be fed in place of grass hay to dairy goats and dairy sheep and what effect will it have on milk production and composition.
    • GW18-156     Utilizing Tannin-Containing Forages and Holos Software for Sustainable Beef Production in the Intermountain West.
    • EW13-005     Economic Evaluation of Agricultural Diversification through Agritourism for the Intermountain West.
    • SW10-088     Grass-Legume pastures to increase economic and environmental sustainability of livestock production.
    • FW04-014     Goats as a Weed Control Alternative in Small Acreage Ranchettes.
  • Trained ag educators will then increase the knowledge of new and beginning producers in basic farm and ranch economics, use of the Wyoming Ranch Tools site for decision support tools, Western SARE projects and the importance of sustainability research and 5 specific Western SARE projects.

This project builds on past Master Stockman Consulting projects that utilize the Wyoming Ranch Tools website.  In past workshops we have had many Ag Educators and FFA students attend the workshops and express interest in more in depth training.  Many of the Ag Educators and even the FFA students attending past workshops consistently state that our workshop format is down to earth and directly applicable.  This project will be the first to specifically target Ag Educator proffesionals  and the subsequent distribution to new and beginning farmers and ranchers.

This project will be accomplished through two Utah Ag Educator trainings (Idaho, Montana and Utah).  This project is a combination of curriculum development, face to face trainings for Ag Educator professionals and YouTube "How to" videos to be utilized by both professionals and new and beginning producers.  The YouTube videos will utilize a Western SARE Research to Grass Roots approach to help reinforce lessons developed in the curriculum.

  • Working with Utah Ag Educators a curriculum will be developed as outlined in previous sections in Q3-Q4 of 2022.
  • Two workshops will be conducted to train Ag Educator professionals in Q1 - Q3 of 2023.
  • 5 YouTube "Describing the WSARE research project" videos will be developed, filmed and produced in Q1-Q4 of 2023
  • 5 YouTube "How To Use Economic Tools to Evaluate" videos will be developed, filmed and produced in Q1-Q4 of 2023
  • 10 YouTube videos will be released and distributed to Ag Education professionals in Q4 of 2023


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • William Deimler (Educator)
  • Wyatt Feuz (Educator)
  • Kaylee Liddiard (Educator)
  • Brian Sebade (Educator)
  • Barton Stam (Educator)


Educational approach:

In this project Master Stockman Consulting is utilizing a three phased approach to train Agriculture Educators in Utah and ultimately teach new and beginning producers tools for making economically sustainable decisions.

 In phase 1 MSC developed a curriculum to enhance the Animal Science I and II courses taught by Utah Agriculture Educators.  Phase 1 status - Curriculum has been developed and instructional videos are completed.

In phase 2 MSC will train Agriculture Educators on the curriculum through workshops in association with their annual meetings.  Phase 2 status - MSC is scheduled to offer two training sessions on February 4th at the annual meeting.

In phase 3 MSC will enhance the curriculum with 10 YouTube how to videos. Phase 3 status - 5 of the 10 videos are partially complete, with the content planned for all 10 videos.

Education & Outreach Initiatives

Farm and Ranch Management Curriculum

Increase Ag Educators knowledge of basic farm & ranch economics, Wyoming Ranch Tools, and Western SARE research projects.


Class 1 – Basic Farm and Ranch Economics
This class is designed to teach basic economics to help students understand the following classes. The basics of supply and demand are covered. Next the simple concept of profit and loss is taught outlining principals of revenue, variable costs, and fixed costs. Example planning budgets are also discussed.

  • Lecture – Basic Farm and Ranch Economics (Time 18:22)
  • Lecture Slides – 1 MSC BasicEcon.pdf 1 MSC BasicEcon
  • Guided Notes – 1 Guided Basicecon.pdf 1 Guided Basicecon
  • Assignment – 1 Assignment Basicecon - This assignment teaches students to use enterprise budgets using a small farm mixed vegetable example from Utah.

Class 2 – Business Tools for Agriculture Ventures
This class teaches two important business tools to help make beLer decisions. These tools are useful in any business including agriculture ventures. The tools taught are partial budgeting and net present value.

  • Lecture – Business Tools for Agriculture (Time 20:09)
  • Lecture Slides – 2 MSC Businesstools.pdf 2 MSC Businesstools
  • Guided Notes – 2 Guided Businesstools.pdf 2 Guided Businesstools
  • Assignment – 2 Assignment Businesstools – The assignment teaches students the partial budgeting process using a small sheep flock example.

Class 3 – Wyoming Ranch Tools (Time 22:22)  

This class teaches the students to use the tools on the Wyoming Ranch Tools website. Students learn to use the online partial budgeting and net present value tools as well as others.

  • Lecture Slides – The video is a live walkthrough of the website.
  • There are no slides for this class.
  • Guided Notes – 3 Guided Wyranchtools.pdf 3 Guided Wyranchtools
  • Assignment – 3 Assignment Wyranchtools – This assignment allows students to further explore on of the tools on the website.

Class 4 – Record Keeping
This class teaches students the basics of record keeping. Students learn both produc@on records as well as financial records and methods for combining the two.

  • Lecture – Record Keeping (Time 21:24)
  • Lecture Slides – 4 MSC Recordkeeping.pdf 4 MSC Recordkeeping
  • Guided Notes – 4 Guided Recordkeeping.pdf 4 Guided Recordkeeping
  • Assignment – 4 Assignment Recordkeeping.pdf – Students learn to use a partial budget with actual records from a ledger in a laying hen example.

Class 5 – Getting Started in an Ag Business
This class teaches students the basics of business planning including the use of a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. Leasing options are also discussed to help students think about way to get started from scratch.

  • Lecture – Getting Started in an Ag Business (Time 19:18)
  • Lecture Slides – 5 MSC Getstarted.pdf 5 MSC Getstarted
  • Guided Notes – 5 Guided Getstarted.pdf 5 Guided Getstarted
  • Assignment – 5 Assignment Getstarted – In this assignment students learn the concept of the time value of money by using the NPV tool using a high tunnel strawberry farm example.

Note: Class 6 and 7 are shorter videos. They can be used together, with supplemental resources, or just for shorter class periods.

Class 6 – Implementing the Scientific Method
This class teaches students the steps of the scientific method. Students learn how utilizing this method is helpful in exploring new ideas for agriculture businesses.

  • Lecture – Implementing the Scientific Method (Time 8:03)
  • Lecture Slides – 6 MSC Applyingscimethod.pdf 6 MSC Applyingscimethod
  • Guided Notes – 6 Guided Applyscience.pdf 6 Guided Applyscience
  • Assignment – 6 Assignment Applyscience – In this assignment students learn how to identify steps of the scientific process using a research grant from Utah.

Class 7 – Implementing Ag Research

This class helps students understand how to read and understand research so that they can use research to help them in their own agriculture ventures.

  • Lecture – Implementing Ag Research (Time 8:28)
  • Lecture Slides – 7 MSC Applyingresearch.pdf 7 MSC Applyingresearch
  • Guided Notes – 7 Guided Applyingresearch.pdf 7 Guided Applyresearch
  • Assignment – 7 Assignment Applyingresearch – In this assignment students practice using the NPV tool using a forage example.
Outcomes and impacts:

45 Utah FFA teachers indicated an increased understanding of the topic.

40 Utah FFA teachers indicated intent to utilize this curriculum in their classes.

YouTube Videos Introducing Western SARE Research Projects

Increase Ag Educators understanding of 5 specific Western SARE projects


Supplemental videos to be used with the classes. All supplemental videos can be used with class 6 or 7 or the suggested class in the descrip@on.

Applying Knowledge – Grass Legume Pastures (Time 11:53) hLps:// Paired well with Class 2

Applying Knowledge – Agritourism (Time 14:13) hLps:// Paired well with Class 1

Applying Knowledge – Barley Fodder (Time 11:12) hLps:// Paired well with Class 4

Applying Knowledge – Medusahead Control (Time 11:14) hLps:// Paired well with Class 3

Applying Knowledge – Goat Weed Control (Time 14:11) hLps:// Paired well with Class 5

Outcomes and impacts:

40 Utah FFA Educators indicated an appreciation for utilizing Utah specific examples so that they can better engage their students.

Educational & Outreach Activities

5 Consultations
26 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
2 Online trainings
2 Webinars / talks / presentations
2 Workshop field days

Participation Summary:

48 Others

Learning Outcomes

48 Participants gained or increased knowledge, skills and/or attitudes about sustainable agriculture topics, practices, strategies, approaches
40 Ag professionals intend to use knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness learned

Project Outcomes

2 New working collaborations
Project outcomes:

Through collaboration with Utah FFA Agriculture Educators and because of the experience of the grant team this project was very successful.  An outline of the curriculum, an example YouTube video, and a homework assignment were presented to 48 Utah FFA Agriculture Educator Professionals.  Additionally, Master Stockman Consulting (MSC) taught the basic principals involved in the curriculum to the Ag Educators.  Some key outcomes came form the first in-person training sessions.

  • 45 Utah FFA Ag Educators indicated an increased understanding of the material.
  • 40 Ag Educators indicated they intended to incorporate the material in their classroom.
  • Ag Educators indicated they thought the curriculum was of sufficient detail to allow "Substitute Teachers" to use the resource while they were out of the classroom.
  • Ag Educators indicated a needed improvement was to add "guided notes" to the materials.

After receiving this feedback MSC completed the remaining curriculum and improved upon the original plan by making sure the material could be taught by "Substitute Teachers" and adding "guided notes" to the materials.

The final curriculum was designed so that either an FFA Ag Educator or a substitute teacher could provide the instruction for the new and beginning FFA farmers.  Each of the 7 classes included a YouTube video lecture presentation, guided notes, and a homework assignment.  Additionally, there are 5 YouTube videos with live action teaching that use existing WSARE research projects in Utah created to demonstrate the use of the main curriculum.  Utah FFA Teachers were provided links to all of the materials.  Additionally, a complete Canvas Course was created for Utah FFA with all of the curriculum imbedded.

Two online trainings were held in April, 2024 to refresh the FFA Teachers and answer any questions regarding the materials. 

The completed curriculum was delivered to the Utah FFA Teachers in April, 2024.  The intent is that the teachers will utilize the curriculum beginning with the fall semester of 2024.

So far, the 12 YouTube instructional videos have received a total of 262 views.  It is anticipated that these views will increase substantially in the fall of 2024 as the curriculum is implemented in Utah Schools.

40 Agricultural service provider participants who used knowledge and skills learned through this project (or incorporated project materials) in their educational activities, services, information products and/or tools for farmers
Success stories:

Utah Ag Educator 1 - "I have not taught a lot of business in my classes.  I can see myself using this to enhance my animal science or advanced animal science when teaching about managing a ranch."

Utah Ag Educator 2 - "I teach a business section in Ag Science and Animal Science.  I see this as being a great asset to some of my specific projects surrounding ranch management."

Utah Ag Educator 3 -"I can see the value of this curriculum for myself and a potential substitute.  I prefer teaching it, but I like having the convenience of carrying on if I am not there."

Utah Ag Educator 4 - "I see the value of the curriculum for many ag teachers."

Utah Ag Educator 5 - "It is very applicable in several areas."

YouTube Curriculum Viewers - 3 viewers indicated they liked the curriculum. 

Information Products

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.